AN: Hey, this is only my second story and I want to know what you think, give me your honest opinion!

He carried her into their room, and laid her down on the bed and went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. Logan Huntzberger walked out of the master bathroom only to see his wife sleeping like a rock. Logan got into be and sat up and touseled with her chestnut brown hair while she slept. They had just gotten back from their month long honeymoon in Italy. Their flight got in at midnight and Rory refused to drink the bad airport coffee, so naturally, she fell asleep.

"I love you Ace. I always will, I promise you that." He whispered into her ear.

Little did he know that she was wide awake and listening to every word. A happy tear escaped from her eye. She smiled and fell into a deep sleep.


"Logan, wake up." Rory whispered into Logan's ear.

"No, I don't want to; it's too early, too bright!" Logan mumbled.

"Now you are starting to sound like Finn." Rory said with a smirk.

"I'm up!" Logan exclaimed.

"Good, now what do we want to do today?" Rory said with a hopeful smile.

"Oh, I have an idea!" Logan said with that classic Huntzberger smirk.


Logan woke up first, like always. He looked down and saw Rory asleep on his chest with his arm plastered to her bare stomach. He smiled at Rory's smiling expression. She woke up when she heard him somewhere in the house.

"Oh husband of mine!" Rory called throughout the house.

When no answer came Rory yelled "Marco!"

"Polo!" Logan yelled back from the kitchen.

"Aw, you made me a cappuccino!"

She never ceases to amaze me!

"Well, I woke up after our little nap, and decided that I needed to learn how to use Gilbert" Logan said with a straight face.

"Gilbert?" Rory questioned.

"Your mom gave us this machine and inside she had put a sticker on it that said 'My name is Gilbert and if I am found please return to Rory and Logan Huntzberger' She never ceases to amaze me!" Logan said laughing.

"Well, she does have that effect on people!" Rory replied sarcastically.

"How could I have been so dumb to assume anything less from her!" Logan said.


Six months later Logan and Rory were in bed and were watching Charlie Rose.

"Logan, can you guess what today is?" Rory said with a smile.

"December 23rd?" Logan said.

"Yes, it is but it is also our six month anniversary!" Rory said in a giddy way.

"Very good Ace, you know your math!" Logan replied nonchalantly.

"Well, I have a present for you!" Rory said while running into the office and getting a package from the drawer.

"Oh really a present for me?" Logan said excitedly.

He opened it up to find a picture frame with words on the outside which said "Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy" Logan looked at it confused while Rory waited to see the light bulb above his head appear. When it did Rory didn't know what was happening. She was up in the air and when she looked down, she saw Logan looking happier than he did on their wedding day.

"Are you sure?" He asked Rory.

"I took the test today, and we have a doctor's appointment for January 3rd" Rory said while admiring Logan's expression.

They got into bed and turned off the light and Logan snuggled up to Rory and said,

"Thank you for making me a daddy."

AN: I don't really know if I should continue this. I want your opinion on my writing and the concept. PLEASE REVIEW and give me your opinions on it!
