Important: HI! How are you all? Good? I hope so. It's been a while and I really wanted to update this one! I really really really want you to read this one, it's really important to me and I'd like to share it with you! Enjoy this chapter and review afterwards, please!


Victoria Faust


"Our vacation kind of died . . . " Faust said, still sitting in the hospital's hallway.

Yoh laughed and smiled at Faust.

"No, thankfully . . . you didn't." Yoh said.

Faust looked at Yoh, surprised. Yoh really had been worried. Faust began to think about ways they could've avoided this whole fiasco.

Let's see . . . first of all . . . I didn't have to fall in love with him. Yes! That would have done the trick! But, since I couldn't control that . . . why did we have to go to Germany? Why couldn't we have gone to Hawaii! If this happened just because I love him . . . what can I do to keep him from harm?

In truth, Faust knew what he should do. But, he didn't want to. He should take Yoh back to Anna. That's where he belonged, where he was needed. Faust leaned his head back against the wall and sighed.

I'm sick of being the responsible adult . . .

Yoh looked at Faust. His eyes shined, fresh from crying. Faust glanced at Yoh and felt his heart break.

Pretty soon, tears will be flowing from your pretty eyes again . . .

"I can't break your heart . . . " Faust whispered, a tear lingering at the side of his eye.

"What?" Yoh asked.

Faust shut his eyes, making the tear slide down his cheek.

"Why are you crying?" Yoh asked, touching Faust's cheek.

A simple touch seemed to set off a switch inside of Faust, causing him to cry. Yoh pulled his hand back and wrapped his arms lovingly around Faust.

"I don't want to, but I think I might just have to . . . " Faust whispered, tears falling onto the slick floor.

"You aren't making sense, Faust . . . " Yoh said.

Inside of Yoh's head, he knew that Faust was making perfect sense. Yoh just didn't want to hear the words.

Faust rubbed his eyes hastily.

I am not supposed to be the one crying, damnit!

"Yoh. I know I've said this before, but when I said it the first time, I didn't follow through with it. So . . . Yoh . . . " Faust began, beginning to choke up again.

Yoh put his hands over his ears and shut his eyes.

"You're damn determined not to hear me, aren't you?" Faust said, raising his voice.

Yoh just whimpered and shut his eyes tighter. Faust held Yoh's face in his hands and shook him slightly.

"Look at me, damnit!" Faust commanded.

Yoh opened his eyes and breathed in. His eyes were watering and he couldn't do anything to stop them. Faust kept holding onto Yoh's head as he hung his own.

"Yoh . . . I love you. I can't say that this doesn't hurt me, because that is a damn lie. If I let you go, I'll miss you like hell, but you can't be with me! I can't . . . I'm not allowed this love." Faust took one hand off of Yoh's head and covered his own eyes.

I can't let him see me cry over this . . .

"No! I won't listen! I won't listen to you! I don't want to!" Yoh cried, holding Faust's hand against his cheek firmly.

"Would it be easier if I told you that I hated you? Would that make it all easier to bear, Yoh? Damnit Yoh! I can't make everything seem like a damn fairytale! We have to face reality no matter how much we don't want to! We can run, but we sure as hell can't hide!" Faust wept.

Yoh cried. He didn't even try to say a single word. Faust's words had set his very heart and soul on fire. Words would do him no good, all they did was bring pain.

Faust rubbed Yoh's cheek gently with his hand, but Yoh pushed him away.

"Don't touch me." Yoh spat, still crying.

"Who are you fooling? You hate this as much as I do! The last thing you want to do is push me away!" Faust said.

"I don't want to lose you!" Yoh cried, throwing himself into Faust's shoulder.

Faust hugged him as hard as he could, not caring who saw. He needed one more minute with this beautiful brunette and he didn't care if there were consequences.

His lover's harsh embrace was hurting Yoh, but he didn't care. They were together. Any brief moment of happiness was worth the pain. If anything, the moment when Faust pulled away from Yoh hurt worse than anything.

"We've tried this before! We've tried to be together, but every time, one of us gets hurt!" Faust quieted his voice and continued, "It can't happen, Yoh. You belong with Anna."

"No! I belong with you! A part of me dies when I'm not with you . . . " Yoh whispered back, looking down.

Faust stood and held his hand out to Yoh. Yoh allowed himself to be lifted to his feet while thinking about what was going on.

He had just found out that his love was alive and now they had to be separated again. It just wasn't fair in Yoh's eyes.

"If I'm going to keep my word, you have to go." Faust coughed.

"Don't keep your word. Break a promise." Yoh pleaded.

How do I get myself into these situations? I am always the one to break Yoh's heart, yet I call this "love" . . .

Faust turned his head away from Yoh. Yoh held Faust's hand in between his and looked at him. It obviously was killing him. Yoh could see it in his eyes. But, still, Faust knew that they couldn't be together. Yoh was engaged to Anna and Faust still had a place for Eliza in his heart. It was destined to be a cursed relationship from the start. It couldn't be helped.

Gently, Faust pulled his hand out of Yoh's grip and touched his cheek.

"Yoh, as unfortunate as this is . . . it has to be done . . . " Faust whispered, leaning down.

"No." Yoh said under his breath.

Faust gently kissed Yoh's lips for the last time. He touched his forehead to Yoh's and closed his eyes.

"I love you, Yoh."

The doctor then stood and began to walk away, hands in his pockets. Yoh opened his eyes and opened his mouth, but no words came out. He straightened up and clenched his fists.

"Faust!" Yoh cried, tears bulging from his eyes.

It was like they didn't even know each other. Faust turned his head and flashed a relaxed sort of smile at Yoh.

"Take care of yourself." Faust said, continuing on his way.

Yoh breathed in sharply and fell to the ground. An intense pain shot through his knees and up into his thighs, it felt as if his leg had just shattered into a million pieces. Despite the searing pain coursing through his legs, Yoh knew that the pain in his heart was worse. Every little memory of Faust came flowing back as he watched his love walk down the pearl white halls. Every kiss, every word, every embrace came back, producing a new tear with each one.

Yoh saw Faust push the door open, letting light from the sun flow over everything. He saw Faust give him one last glance, then look away. A lone tear, illuminated by the sun, shined on his cheek as he walked through the doors.

"For once . . . give me a happy ending." Yoh prayed, closing his eyes.

Yoh used the wall to help himself up. He tried to balance, but his legs hurt too much. With every step, he stumbled and leaned against the wall, like a baby deer that depends on it's mother. Faust was Yoh's support, and he couldn't move forward without him. Yoh gave up and slid back down the wall. Why even try?

At that moment, Anna rounded the corner. She had come back in to tell Faust off again. She thought it was rather fun. But all of her intentions flew out the window when she saw Yoh crumpled up on the floor, sobbing. She ran to him and knelt down next to him. Anna hugged him tightly.

"Let's go home. I love you Yoh." Anna said, hugging Yoh.

Yoh leaned against Anna's shoulder. Who do you turn to when your only support has left? The first one to show love.

Thanks to Anna, Yoh was never the same again.


"Yoh! Are you still not ready?" Anna asked, walking through the kitchen.

Yoh grumbled.

"I'm not supposed to see the bride on the wedding day."

"It doesn't matter! I am the bride and I'm telling you to go get ready!" Anna demanded.

Yoh rose from the table and walked down the hall that led to all of the rooms in the house. He passed by his old room, which now belonged to Tamao. Horohoro's room, Ren's room, Ryu's room . . . . Yoh paused. Faust's room. A room that had not been occupied for a very long while. He pushed the door open gently. The room was dusty, but Faust's presence was there. Yoh could almost feel the doctor touch his shoulder as he entered the room. He walked further in and saw something that caught his eye.

There was an old trunk sitting by Faust's bed. Yoh unlatched the rusty lock and pried it open. Inside, there were books and papers, most of which Yoh didn't understand. He dug through until he found something of interest. A small oak box was hidden under all of the scattered papers. Yoh lifted it out and used his shirt to brush away dust. He opened it and felt his heart break. Inside the box, resting on a swatch of purple velvet, was Yoh's orange headphones.