Hello all! This is the sequel to "Maybe Love is The Reason Why" I figured it would be much easier to have sequels instead of one big huge long one! I hope you like this! I'm really quite proud of where this is going to go and I hope you'll enjoy it too! By the way...Michyuki is Japanese for "going down the road or eloping" suitable for the story, is it not? Anyway, please comment afterwards, Thanks!


Victoria Faust

Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman King, if I did, There wouldn't be as many fans of the show.

Rating: It's rated T for yaoi-ness


Yoh looked, shivering, down the road. He looked up at Faust.

"Are we really gonna go?" Yoh asked, half excited, half scared to death.

Faust nodded, looking down the road as well.

Where are we going to go?

Faust took a deep breath and started walking down the road. Yoh looked, apologetically at Anna's house. He felt somewhat bad for her. Deep in thought, Yoh looked at Faust, who was already far along the road. Yoh knew he had one last chance, he could go back to Anna. Faust had told him that it was his choice. Yoh's breath quickened. He couldn't lie, he was scared.

Tears flowed down his cheeks freely. He knew Faust wouldn't wait. Finally, Yoh turned and ran down the road. He had a strong feeling in his heart that Faust would be the right decision, no matter the risk. He grabbed onto the back of Faust's coat and buried his face in Faust's back. Faust arched his back in surprise. Yoh cried as hard as he could. Faust turned and hugged Yoh.

"If you're really that scared...you can go back. I'm not forcing you." Faust said, wiping tears away from the brunette's eyes. He then touched his hand to his heart. Yoh felt a warm sensation rush through him.

"N-no, it's not that...it's just...you're risking everything for me." Yoh said, holding onto Faust tightly.

Faust thought about it. He really was risking a lot, wasn't he?

Must be love then.

Faust smiled and took hold of Yoh's hand. Yoh looked up.

"Are you coming?" Faust asked, smiling gently.

Yoh nodded, biting his lip.

"Okay, then let's go." Faust held Yoh's hand as they walked further down the road.

How is this going to work?

Yoh wiped his eyes. He wasn't sure why he was crying. He loved Faust, he shouldn't be crying. But, Yoh hated to hurt anyone, even if it was Anna. He could only imagine Anna's feelings. She did love him, even though it had been the forceful kind of love. It was still love, nonetheless. It was so confusing to him.

Yoh thought about looking back. He shook his head. It was far too early to look back. Besides, he didn't need to, he only had to look forward.

Faust looked ahead at the signs. He and Yoh had left with nothing. All they had was enough money to get them through for a few days. He thought about what he should do. Anna was the one who had paid him when he lived at the hot springs. Same with Yoh. Faust chuckled. This is how he repays Anna for all she's done. He runs away with her fiancee. Unfortunately, they would have to go back to the hot springs sooner or later. Faust sighed. He would have to start thinking about how he would make up to Anna.


"Um...Faust?" Yoh said, after walking for quite sometime.

"Yes, Yoh, love?" Faust asked, not really thinking about what he was saying.

Yoh looked startled. Then he blushed.


"Er...When can we stop? We're really far away from the hot springs already and I'm tired." Yoh said, looking down.

He was still holding Faust's hand. He smiled. Faust's hands were so warm.

"At the next city. We're still on a dirt road." Faust replied.

Yoh looked up at Faust and stared. Such a beautiful man. Was it really legal to be this beautiful?

Faust felt Yoh looking at him. He didn't know why, but he decided to let Yoh look. If Yoh found him that interesting...then let him look.

After a long silence, Faust finally spoke.

"Yoh, we ran away...just like you asked. Are you not happy?" Faust asked.

Faust had been thinking all the while about Yoh. Was he doing the right thing? He didn't know if he could encourage Yoh to run away just because something wasn't going his way. He just wanted to put his uneasy mind to rest.

"Oh! I'm happy!" Yoh's tone started to change from happy to angry, "I'm so happy that I'm glad we left! I'm glad we ran! We didn't deserve to be treated that way!" Yoh's voice rose and angry tears started to appear.

Yoh fell to his knees and cried.

"Damnit!" Yoh put his face in his hands.

It hurts! Why does it hurt so damn much!

Faust was shocked.

So much emotion.

He dropped down next to Yoh and put his arms around him.

"Yoh! It's no reason to be angry! It's okay! We don't have to worry anymore!" Faust said, trying to comfort Yoh.

"Take me away! Take me as far away as we can go! Please!" Yoh cried, pounding his hands into the dirt.

Faust didn't know what to say. What are you supposed to do in a situation like this? Faust wanted to heal all of Yoh's scars. Yoh had been through so much. It made him want to cry right along with Yoh.

"Okay! We'll go! As far as you want! Anywhere you want to go! I'll take you!" Faust said.

Faust's words made Yoh cry harder. He held onto Faust's arms with both hands. He couldn't bring himself to leave this place. He didn't care. If he was with Faust, anywhere would be okay. Suddenly, Yoh thought of the place that he would feel the most at home.

"Faust, let's go to your home! Let's go to Germany!"