Summary: The ninjas of Konoha were given a mission to act in a movie. Love teams are made… what will happen? Will love bloom and became true? Or will it just stay inside the camera?



Tsunade called the jounins of Konoha for a meeting. When all of them had gathered she started.

"I would like to discuss if you will allow your teams for this mission." Tsunade started.

"What kind of mission is that?" Kurenai asked.

"Well their mission is to go act in a movie that Atukamo Mizuki is making." Tsunade said.

"They are going to be actors! But how come these things are considered as a mission?" Asuma asked.

"Well the productions of this movie asked for our help and as a village we will comply with that." Tsunade answered.

"Hokage-sama can't they hire some actors that are well train in acting? Why did they choose our ninjas?" Kakashi asked.

"Apparently Kakashi they saw your teams and thought that they will fit the script perfectly. So do you agree or not?" she asked.

"We will just talk about this situation." Kakashi said and the jounins huddled up for a talk.

Tsunade waited patiently from what the jounins will decide. They were whispers heard in the jounins. Almost half a minute has passed and they are still talking with each other. Tsunade is becoming really inpatient. Another minute has passed and finally the jounins has faced her.

"Have all of you decided to accept this mission?" Tsunade asked.

"Well I think my team will be really glad to accept this mission." Gai said in his loud voice. "I will bring my team right after this meeting to know more about this mission."

"Well in my team I'm not really sure… maybe Naruto would love it and Sakura might too. But Sasuke… I'm pretty sure he will say no but what the heck this would be fun to see them act. I accept." Kakashi said.

"Since the two already accepted the mission I'll do too." Asuma said.

"I guess it would be a nice experience. So, all of us accept." Kurenai concluded.

"Then it is settled…tell your teams to go here this instance for the role they are going to portray and also to know further instructions." Tsunade said.

"There is one question Hokage-sama." Kakashi mentioned.

"What is it!" Tsunade growled because the meeting is taking to long.

"Are we going to act with our teams?" Kakashi started that receive some looks from the other jounins.

"I believe so…" Tsunade answered. "Now leave!"

The jounins went out happily. "I cannot believe we are going to act." Kurenai said.

"So am I." Asuma agreed. "Well we can't just let our students be the only one receiving the fame we should too." Kakashi said. The jounins all nod in agreement and of they went to tell their teams.

A pink haired girl rushed towards the Team 7 meeting place. Her name was Haruno Sakura and today she was happy for they are going to do another mission. When she arrived she saw a very familiar person. He was Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is leaning in a tree while his eyes are closed as if in a meditation. 'Like always, he is early. I wonder what he is thinking.' Sakura thought and looked at him. He immediately opened his eyes when he sensed someone really familiar and saw her.

"Good morning, Sasuke." Sakura greeted. She decided to not use -kun in his name again because she thought it bothered him. Even though she stopped calling him that she still loves him with all her heart but also decided to stop her illusions that he would return her affections. She is just happy that he is around.

"Hn." was Sasuke's reply and thought 'She just call me Sasuke where is the –kun?'

'Why? Are you upset because she just called you Sasuke and not Sasuke-kun?' a voice in his head suddenly said.

'Who the heck are you? And I'm not upset the truth is I'm happy because she stop bothering me.' he defended but some side of him was saying that he is lying.

'I'm you baka! One more thing you are lying I can sense it because as I said I'm you.' his inner self defended.

'Whatever.' Sasuke answered.

'Cold hearted jerk.' His inner self retorted.

'Humph.' he thought and made his inner self shut up.

Sakura looked at the raven haired boy beside her and pulled him out of his own world. "Sasuke are you alright?" she asked with a hint of curiosity. "I'm fine." he said in a monotone voice. "Aahh…okay." she returned and looks in the other direction. Sasuke was surprised with her acts. First the –kun thing, now the less annoying act. 'She always bothers me when I look troubled but now she just asked me once and went back at looking at who knows what!' he thought.

Sasuke is looking at the girl beside him. Silence roams around the two of them and it is bothering him. He always says that he wants a peaceful surrounding and now he is getting it but he doesn't like the feeling. 'What the hell is wrong with you Sakura! Why aren't you talking or something!" Sasuke asked in his thoughts.

'Why are you so paranoid that she isn't talking to you?' his inner self spoke again.

'You are here again! I am not paranoid! Why would I be? Beside an Uchiha never felt paranoid just for a girl!' Sasuke spat to his inner self.

'She isn't just any girl she is the girl you really like.' his inner self countered.

'Why you little-' he thought but was cut when their blonde hair teammate called them.

"Good morning Sakura-chan, Sasuke-teme!" he greeted happily.

"Hello Naruto." Sakura replied. "Dobe." Sasuke said. "What did you say bastard!" Naruto angrily asked. "Are you deaf?" he said coldly. "Why you-" Naruto said and dashed towards Sasuke while Sasuke readied himself. He was about to attack when a large 'puff' was heard.

"Hello… sorry I'm late you see I've got-" he explained but was cut of by two of his students.

"In the road of life. Gosh Kakashi-sensei can't you think of a more believable lie!' Sakura and Naruto said in unison.

Kakashi just sweat dropped and cleared his voice. "Well you have a mission today."

"Yes! What kind of mission is it?" Naruto asked.

"Tsunade-sama will explain it to you once we reached her office so let's go." he said and lead the group to the Hokage's office. The three ninjas just followed him…

All the teams had already arrived when Team 7 came. After a while of waiting the Hokage entered. "All of you are called here to do a special mission." she said.

"Baa-chan is the mission that hard that all the teams are called?" Naruto asked.

"Don't call me baa-chan! And to answer your question… the truth is this mission is quite easy." she said.

"What are we going to do?" Shikamaru asked.

"Didn't your sensei tell you what are you going to do?" Tsunade asked and glared at the jounins.

"Not really… I guess they want you to explain it for us to be clear enough for us to understand." Shino answered.

"Probably… anyways you are going to star in a movie directed by Atukamo Mizuki." she said.

"WHAT!" almost all the ninjas exclaimed.

"That is true and if you are thinking of backing out I'm afraid you can't do so because your sensei's already agreed and it can't be changed. With that all of the ninjas glared at their teachers.

"It is settled go back here tomorrow to know what role are you playing and to meet the director himself." Tsunade ended and dismissed the teams. They went back towards their home thinking of one thing… 'This movie must be good or else our sensei will suffer…'