Title - Emotions
Author - Fullmetal-Alchemist1uk
Disclaimer - I still don't own FMA damnit.
Theme/Challenge (40baisers #38: cry)
Fandom - FMA
Pairing - Roy/Ed
Rating - PG13

Roy Mustang was, and had always been a proud man. Only a lucky chosen few were allowed to see Roy, not just the Colonel or the Flame Alchemist. He had always been forced to keep his emotions in check, or at least since Ishbal. There were no tears for the 'enemy' he had killed, not even for the innocent doctors whose murders left a young girl an orphan. And he didn't cry when he was so close to killing himself, before Hughes offered to help him rise in the ranks. He had no reason to cry, for if he showed any sign of weakness, even a brief moment, the powers who hated him wouldn't have hesitated to drag him down so far that he'd never climb as far as he, and the country, needed him to.

So naturally, he had been surprised (even if he hid it well) at how open Edward had always been with his emotions. Ed never failed to screech his hatred for the damned Colonel when he was annoyed by Roy's orders or remarks, but neither was he slow to shout out in pleasure when Roy touched him in a sensitive spot. And so it had been too easy for nearly the entire world to find out that the recently promoted Fuhrer Mustang and Colonel Elric were...close.

Ed, not surprisingly, had been the one to completely freak out when some random stranger had stopped him on the street and told them how disgusted he was, how dare they openly show their unnatural and unhealthy love and not give a damn who knew. It had been Ed who lost that infamously short temper and started a fight, it had been Ed's obvious overconfidence in his abilities which led to him ending up in the hospital with a serious knife wound which had left him fighting for his life for nearly four days.

It was a sign of how much the Fullmetal Alchemist meant to Fuhrer Mustang when he openly cried at the funeral.