Here's Chapter 4.

I just started my next quarter in school so I don't have too much time to write between homework, journals and class work and normal work… I'll try to slam out as much as possible! Sorry for the wait!


"This Sesshomaru is aware of the extent of your powers, Miko, and he does not question your ability to take care of yourself. He is simply wondering why such people would leave their pack leader." His question was concise and he felt that letting her know that he did not think her useless was quite kind of him. Also, telling her that she lead her pack was a great feat for him. Sesshomaru had never felt that there was a pack leader among humans until her.

"They all left." She said simply. She was not in the mood of explaining herself. She was alone now, and even if she finally had someone to talk to for the briefest of moments, she knew she would be alone again with her thoughts. She was not interested in telling someone who could obviously not care less about her why her heart ached.

"Miko," he began, faltering as the realization of what he was about to say hit him. He would not. "Good night…" he finished, and before she could respond, he was gone.


Kagome stared blankly at the rock that once held the Lord of the West. She had been camped in this same spot for three days now. For some reason she felt the need to stay, although she assured herself would be the last day in this camp. She knew he would not show up again. It had been odd that he had showed up in the first place, she thought.

Never in her life had she thought that the Lord of the West would pay her a visit just to be kind. Kagome still wasn't sure. She thought that night that there was something more in his eyes, veiled behind those churning depths. Her breath had caught momentarily and her heart sped up, but then he was gone.

She had felt something akin to disappointment as she felt the loneliness of her life set back in. She dipped under the water one more time before exiting, realizing that she would have to dry her towel off and pulled a second one out of her over-stuffed yellow bag.

Adorning her slight frame was a deep purple night dress. She tied her hair into a bun, out of her way for the moment and worked on chopping wild carrots for her supper. She used the tie of the kimono to make sure her sleeves were out of her way as the knife skillfully slit the carrots into bite-sized pieces.


The nape of her neck shone bright in the light of the rising moon and he felt a shiver run down his spine. A delicate neck, long and fragile. The skin there was probably very smooth and soft. He should have stopped watching her a long time ago, but it seemed he couldn't help himself.

She now knew that he had been watching her, and that was bad even if she had thought it was just chance that night and was unaware of the week he had been watching her. He just….it was that scent.

The scent that came out only when she was asleep that shouldn't be there. The scent that told him that there was more to this ningen than she was willing to show. There was also the possibility that she didn't know…however small.

He watched as she pulled out the thing he had heard her call a 'sleeping bag' and she slipped inside. Sesshomaru could feel her lie awake restlessly, could tell her mind was reeling, but didn't know why. It interested him. Maybe, like him, she was thinking about that night at the pond. Maybe, like him, she was wondering about the things that wanted to be said but could find no way out of their uneasy silence.

The thoughts ricocheted back and forth in his head, taking down the barriers of common sense that had kept him together for so long. He jumped out of the tree, fully aware of the miko that lie awake in front of him. He knew that she sensed him, just as he could sense her. He crossed his legs and sat next to her, feeling like the world was speeding before his eyes.

'Miko,' he thought. As her eyes opened to see him, he vanished. It was time to go and get Rin and Jaken. It was time to take a trip. Time to get away from this creature that clouded his judgment and time to escape from these confusing thoughts that made him feel little like himself. It was time to kill something.


Kagome opened her eyes lightly. She knew that he had been there-she had felt him. She knew that he had many emotions swirling, but couldn't place them. Her eyes searched for him in the darkness and she was a bit disappointed to see she was alone.

It was late, by the position of the moon, and she had been lying awake for some time contemplating his presence in her camp twice in three days. She didn't understand the demon lord. She felt that there was something deeper to him, but she felt that it would be best for her to move on.


The next morning, Kagome rose early, having barely slept at all and prepared her camp. She would move on today, leave the rest of her life behind. She wore a maroon kimono with a powdering of light bells across it. She would start anew, become someone different. Someone better.

Kagome looked on to the horizon, hope in her eyes as she walked toward the sunrise. Today was a new day, a new start.


Sesshomaru smashed through the tough bone of the large demon he was fighting. It was not difficult to him, and his sharp claws sliced through it like butter. The hide of this demon ripped and dripped blood as he dismembered the beast. It was not satisfying.

There was still this nagging feeling. He ripped the head of the demon from the rest of its mangled body and the thing turned to dust. His chest heaved lightly, barely winded. He needed a bigger challenge. He turned in the direction of the girl. Maybe she would actually provide more release for him than he would find here.

Maybe, he thought, her blood would bring him pleasure. Scenting the air, he picked up on her rather quickly. Forming a cloud beneath his feet, Sesshomaru soared in her direction.


A/N: I know it's a short chapter, but I guess….theres nothing more I can do today. I'm distracted by this paper, but if I didn't get this out of the way, then I know I never would have been able to do it at all.

My chapters will not get longer-to you who asked. They are three to ten pages a piece, depending on the amount of time I have to waste in a day. They are dependant on the amount of homework I am given and the difficulty of my classes and how tired I am. I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do. When I was in middle school, I had ample time to screw around and write all day, but now in college…I really don't have that kind of time any more. I'm really sorry I can't do better, and I'll try, but I hope you understand.
