Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy 7! This is the FINAL chapter! Enjoy!


Little Sephiroth: Chp 5

Sephiroth gasped. It was the coolest looking thing he has ever seen. He wanted it. No, he needed it.

"I want a motorcycle!", Sephiroth shouted happily. "I need one!"

Zack laughed. "Sorry, Seph. Motorcycles are for grown-ups. You can get one once you're all grown up".

Sephiroth angrily shook his head. "I want one now! You never let me get what I want!", he whined.

Zack worried that Sephiroth was going to run off again. He did not feel like chasing after him.

"How about this? I'll buy you one after we get those batteries and you could ride it where ever you want, whenever you want"

"And Aeris can ride it too, right?", Sephiroth asked eagerly.

"Yes, Aeris can ride it too", Zack answered.

Sephiroth cheered and ran in the direction of the shop. A few minutes later, they finally reached their destination.

"The junk shop!", Zack cried out while throwing his arms in the air happily. "We're finally here!"

Sephiroth mimicked Zack by throwing his arms in the air and laughing.

When they walked inside, a short, chubby man with messy black hair greeted them.

"Welcome!", the man said.

"Hey, Sam!", Zack said. "Good to see you!"

"Hey, Zack! How've ya been?", asked Sam.

"I've been fine. I'm kind of in a hurry. You have any batteries that fit in this?", Zack said, holding out the ray gun.

Sam took the gun and looked at it carefully.

"I think we do. Wait here", said Sam. The short, chubby man stepped up to a small table behind the counter and picked up two tiny batteries. He carefully placed them into the gun and held the gun out to Zack.

"There you go. Cool looking ray gun, by the way. Where'd you get it?".

"It's a long story", Zack said. "You see-"

Zack's anecdote was interrupted by the high-pitched ringing of a telephone. Sam turned his head toward the sound and sighed.

"I'll be right back, Zack", Sam said.

As Sam headed towards the telephone in the back room, Zack turned the dial on the ray gun to "reverse".

"Okay, Seph! I need you to-"

Sephiroth was gone. Zack kicked the wall and muttered an angry swear word. Sephiroth seemed to enjoy disappearing into thin air and making Zack go crazy. Just as Zack was stepping out of the shop to look for Sephiroth, a silver blur raced down the street.

"Oh…no…", Zack mumbled.

"This is fun!", the blur shouted as it loudly zoomed past traffic and through stoplights. "Woohoo!"

"SEPHIROTH!", the dark-haired Soldier shouted as loudly as he could.

Zack had no other choice but to run in the direction of the blur.

Sephiroth had to stop sometime, right? Zack thought.

"I could do this all day!", Sephiroth giggled to himself as he zipped down the street.

After chasing the blur for a few blocks, the dark-haired Soldier panted for breath while leaning on a street lamp. He could not keep up with a motorcycle on foot, no matter what class Soldier he was. He wanted to kick himself. How could he take his eyes off Sephiroth when he knew that the silver-haired nuisance had a thing for scampering off and causing trouble? Just when things looked their darkest, Zack looked up and gasped.

"Hojo!", he yelped. "What is he doing here!"

Hojo was across the street from Zack, looking around with an angry look on his face.

"He's probably looking for me! Oh, he knows I took that ray gun! Why didn't I listen to-"


A loud explosion sounded a short distance away. Zack looked over in the direction of the accident, silently praying that Sephiroth had nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, Hojo was also looking in the same direction.

"Oh, I hope you're okay, Seph", Zack whispered.

"I'm fine", Sephiroth said from behind Zack, making him jump up in surprise.

"Sephiroth! There you are!", Zack said, hugging him. "I was so worried!"

"Worried? I'm just fine. I just took that motorcycle for a ride! It was great!", Sephiroth said. "I told you I could do it! So could you buy me one now?"

"Sure. Just hold still and don't-"

"THERE YOU ARE!", Hojo shouted from behind Zack.

Zack let out a high-pitched scream out of fright and Sephiroth giggled.

"Haha! He scared you!", Sephiroth teased.

"Well, he should be scared", Hojo said. "Now where is the gun?"

Zack innocently shook his head, hiding the gun behind his back.

"Gun? What gun?"

"Don't play games with me! You know exactly what gun I am speaking about!"

"No, I don't"

"You took my maturity ray gun, you thief!"

"I told you, I don't have that gun!"

Hojo looked at Zack suspiciously.

"Alright then. If you did not, in fact, take the gun, you would not mind if I just asked Sephiroth a few questions, right?"

"Not at all", Zack said bravely.

Hojo stepped in front of Sephiroth, who was happily following a fluttering butterfly with his eyes.

"Hello, Sephiroth"

"Hello, scary person", Sephiroth responded.

Hojo 'hm'd' over this, but continued.

"Sephiroth, do you like jokes?"

"Do I ever! I love 'em!"

"Okay, then. Knock knock"

"Who's there?", Sephiroth asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.


"Boo who?"

"Stop crying and I'll tell you", Hojo answered.

Sephiroth stared into space for a while, then fell over with laughter.

"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!", he managed to say through his fit of giggles.

"AHA! You DID take my gun, you little lying thief!"

"Look over there as a distraction!", Zack shouted, pointing at the building behind the evil scientist.

"I'm not stupid, Zachary", Hojo responded.

"But it's a science-y distraction! It's a potential test subject!"


Hojo turned around and Zack quickly drew his gun. He pulled Sephiroth up to eyelevel and shot him with the ray gun in the forehead. Hojo turned around with a look of disappointment and anger in his face.

"You are a chronic liar, aren't you? Give me the gun this instant!"

Sephiroth took a step forward and looked directly at Hojo. Zack prayed that the next thing Sephiroth was going to say had nothing to do with motorcycles, ice cream, Aeris, or lollipops.

"Zachary is telling the truth, Hojo. He did not take your gun. You simply misplaced it somewhere in your laboratory. Zachary has been with me all day and I made sure he kept himself out of trouble. I do apologize for leaving the lab early, though. I suggest that you go back and search thoroughly for the ray gun. I'm sure you will find it", Sephiroth said in his normal, adult-like voice.

Hojo's and Zack's eyes opened wide in shock.

"O-Oh. Well. I guess you were telling the truth, Zachary. But for leaving early, I expect you two to show up at the lab every single day for the rest of the week, got it? For now, I must get back to the lab. I left the door unlocked and this crazy red-head was running around while babbling something aboutchocolate milkor some nonsense like that as I left. See you two tomorrow!", Hojo said and left.

Zack sighed in relief. It was finally over. He could act immature again and did not have to worry about Sephiroth running off into traffic or stealing motorcycles ever again. But his moment of happiness was short lived because he knew was in a load of trouble.

"Zachary", Sephiroth said in a calm, but angry voice.

Zack stood up straight and slowly looked over at Sephiroth. "Y-Yes?"

"Give me the ray gun, Zachary"

"I'm soooooooooooo sorry, Seph! I mean it! I should have listened to you! You were right and I was wrong! I'll never-"

"Give me the gun, Zachary"

"But Seph-"

"Give. Me. The. Gun."

"Okay, I'll make you a deal"

"I'm not interested. I only want the gun. Give it to me now"

"I'll let you punch me as hard as you like as payback! I promise I won't move or flinch or-"


Zack reluctantly held the gun out to Sephiroth and flinched as the silver-haired general took it from him.

"I'll tell you what, Zack", Sephiroth said while turning the dial. "I'll give you a ten second head start before I start shooting"

Zack raced off as fast as his legs could carry him before Sephiroth finished his sentence, but he was too late. Sephiroth held up the ray gun and zapped Zack in the back of his head. Zack tripped over his own feet and fell onto the hard concrete.

"I want my mommy!", Zack cried in a child's voice.

"Now we're even", Sephiroth said with a smirk as he put the gun in his pocket. "Let's go see Aeris. I bet she'd love to see you like this".

Meanwhile, a few blocks back, Cloud stood in an empty parking space while holding a full bag of groceries.

"I could have sworn I parked my motorcycle here…"


A/N: Finally! All finished! I apologize for the long wait. I had a serious case of writers block. No, wait. I did not have writers block. I lied. I had WRITERS DAM! It was horrible, but now it's finally over! I don't know if I'll make a sequel to this. Most likely I won't, but I may change my mind. Hope you enjoyed the story!
