Hey sorry if the chapter seems a bit off, it was like one am when I wrote this.


Sabe continued through the forest at break neck speeds, with Riven limp over his shoulder.

"Riven, are you alright?" (stupid question) The humanoid asked.

"I've had better days…" He groaned.

"Well you might wanna start perking up soon, we'll be there soon." Riven looked up ahead.

"I'm coming Musa…"


Kon and Titan carrying Musa ran through the forest as though aware of how close Riven was.

Suddenly Titan stopped.

"What?" Kon asked. Titan stayed silent for a moment.

"Follow me and walk in my foot prints." He replied.


"Just do it!" Kon complied.

Soon they came across a shallow river. Titan stepped in up to waist.

"Now you go that way." He said pointing in the opposite direction of where they were going.


"You're like a broken record aren't you? You're going to lead him away." Kon looked at him questionably. "Riven can't fallow my sent through water." He said as he ripped off a bit of Musa's shirt (or rather Riven's shirt ch. 5) and tossed it to Kon. "Here take this it'll insure that he follows you."

"What about the girl?"

"Relax, unlike you I can handle her. Now don't come back until you've killed Riven." Kon nodded and started off. Titan watched him go out of sight. "Please… you won't stand a chance against Riven, or the beast inside him."

With Riven

Sabe stopped at the Riverbed.

"That's strange," He said. "They made a U-turn there heading back to Red Fountain…"

"Who cares where they're going just follow them!" Riven shouted completely blinded by his ambition of getting Musa back.

"Don't be a backseat driver." Sabe growled as he ran after the false lead.

With Musa

Titan continued to wade down the river occasionally looking down at Musa to make sure she was still okay.

"Just stay down for a few more hours…" He said.

At that moment Musa began to stir. Titan growled.

"Figures…" Musa started to open her eyes however it was clear she was still pretty groggy. Titan stopped and looked down at her.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He smiled, Musa's eyes shot open as she gasped and started to struggle trying to get out of his grip. "Whoa, whoa calm down. (fat chance of that happening)." Titan said as he got back to shore. "Easy, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. Riven would kill me." Musa stopped.

"You know Riven?" She asked (now lets keep in mind that she didn't see him before she passed out, she's not stupid she's just out of it).

"Why do you think I'm here?"


"I'm here to make sure that you see Riven again."

"So Riven asked you for help?" Musa asked in disbelief that Riven would do such a think.

"Well… not in so many words." He said. "Someone did ask me to make sure I got you back."

"Okay…" She said in an untrusting manor.

A few moments of silence were passed between one another.

"Well we'd better get going." He said as he picked her back up. "Wouldn't want you to pass out and hurt yourself."

With Riven

"Hurry Sabe, we're so close now." Riven said feeling some of his strength come back to him. Sabe continued running till he reached a clearing he set Riven down and began to sniff at the ground.

"There around here somewhere." He said.

"Looking for mmme?" Kon said as he walked out from behind a tree.

"Where's Musa?" Riven growled.

"Oh don't worrrry she'sss withh my assocccciate." He replied, Riven looked like he was going to kill him. Sabe simply put an arm in front of him.

"Sabe…?" He questioned as he looked up at the white tiger.

"Riven go back the other way." He said. "Your fight is with the one who has your friend. Mine is with this guy." Riven nodded and ran back into the forest.

"Hey!" Kon shouted as he lunged at Riven. However Sabe grabbed him by the throat tus stopping him.

"Your fight's with me."

With Musa

Titan casually waded down the river with Musa in his arms.

"So how do you know Riven? You go to school together?"

"No," Titan said simply. "I haven't gone to red fountain in a long time. But I've known Riven for longer than anyone. However the last time we spoke with one another he was I guess about six, so he might not remember me."

"You got a name."

"No." Titan lied. "Most Werebeasts don't have names. Okay now I get to ask some questions." He looked at her with cunning eyes. "What's your relationship with My Riven." Musa blushed a deep shade of crimson.

"Well… we… uh… Hey wait!" She exclaimed. "What do you mean by your Riven?"

"Huh?" Needless to say this caught Titan off guard. "Nothing, just a… slip of the forked tong." He replied.

With Riven

Riven ran down the riverside desperately looking for Musa

"Don't worry Musa I'll find you…"


Okay so what do you think Titan's ties are to Riven are the old rivals? Old friends? Or perhaps something more?

And in the event that some of those thoughts are getting into your head I don't write same sex fics.

Not that there's anything wrong with those fics I just don't write them.