Okay, all things considered, I probably shouldn't be starting a new story, but I can't help myself. This is one I really want to write. My apologies to DP fans, but this will take place mainly in the Harry Potter world. Basically, this takes place about two years after "The Ultimate Enemy". It should be an interesting story. Don't worry, no OC's this time around.

June 1997:

Voldemort had finally arrived. It took him almost two months for the spell to be a success, but he was finally in the spirit world. From the books he had read about it, this would be the place where he could finally achieve immortality.

At least I had the sense not to bring my bumbling fools known as servants with me. Voldemort thought to himself, but even he was shocked by the size of the ghost world. It was mainly green in color, with violet and pink poking out here and there.

He noticed that most of the ghosts avoided him. Why wouldn't they? He was Lord Voldemort, greatest wizard of all time. He had red eyes, snake-like pupils, near-unlimited power, and infinite knowledge. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite sure where to look. Surely they had a library of some kind. Voldemort smirked to himself; he knew some of these creatures has intelligence and surely someā€¦ persuading would convince them to give him what he wanted.

Suddenly, he was wrapped up in a net coming from a ghost in a battle suit. He grinned widely, was about 8 feet tall, had red eyes and green hair; Voldemort could almost sense the malevolence inside him. Ordinarily, he would try and recruit him, but he had other things to deal with just now.

"Well, well, the famous Lord Voldemort." said the ghost. "You will make a fine addition to my collection."

"Who are you?" exclaimed Voldemort. "I demand that you answer!"

"I am Skulker, greatest hunter of the ghost zone." he replied. "I've been interested in you, ever since that ghost child became too powerful for me to hunt."

"Ghost child?" Voldemort wanted to keep him talking so he could plan his escape and maybe learn something useful while he was at it. This ghost was highly skilled when it came to technological matters, but all he had to do was keep him talking; it was an unfortunate weakness of many, including young Malfoy. He had punished him dearly for that, but eventually decided not to dispose of him. The boy had potential yet.

"You do not know of the boy, Phantom? He is no ordinary ghost, nor a full one. His powers grow with each passing day. It is rumored that he even possesses immortality."

"Immortality?" Voldemort repeated, intending to hear every word.

"You see, prey, he does not belong fully on either plane. It gives him an advantage, as there is no set limit to his power. He is my one blank mark on my record, but someday, that will change?"

"Interesting, very interesting. Would you consider working for me?"

"I am under the payroll of the ghost Plasmius. I will not accept your offer, Lord Voldemort."

"Surely you and I can work out a deal, Skulker. I can offer you at least 10,000 Galleons if you work for me."

"Galleons? What are you referring to, prey?"

"You are a muggle, I see. In that case, this conversation is over, so prepare to face your destruction! Reducto!" The spell tore the net apart and he prepared for battle.

He decided to test his skills first. He fired minor dark spells, but they had little effect on him, and half of him he simply fazed through. Voldemort knew this was going to be entertaining. He fired stronger spells, and this time, they had some effect.

But Skulker was not a hunter for nothing. He fired his weapons, Voldemort putting up a shield to block them. "Impressive, Voldemort." He stated. "This will be a worthy hunt." Unfortunately, Voldemort's power surpassed his and his suit was torn apart. Without it, he was a tiny ghost no more than 6 inches tall.

"As amusing as this is, I'm afraid the game must end." said Voldemort. "Kedavra spectra!" The ghost shattered into a thousand pieces. It wasn't permanent but the ghost would be out of his way for a very long time. Voldemort pondered on what he had said. Ghost child? Immortality? He considered the thought but soon abolished it. It was not worth it to try and recruit the one he mentioned, not to mention he could be a threat to his power.

After an hour of wandering, and fighting a couple more ghosts, Voldemort came by a library. Considering the fact that he could find the necessary information, he decided to enter, wand at the ready. However, there seemed to be no sign of anyone and it was obvious to him that a fight had happened there previously.

Just as well. Voldemort said to himself. It would not bode well to drain my energy in a place where I cannot quickly recover it. He looked at the various sections, from History to Geography.

Finally, he found a book that was titled: "Legends of the ghost zone". It was a very interesting read, he had to admit. It talked about the Crown of Fire and the Ring of rage. Putting that in the back of his mind for further observation, he continued to skim through the book. Eventually, it paid off.

"That's the third group of death eaters we've caught this month." said Nyphondora Tonks, her hair turning from pink to blue. She was a metamorphous and capable of such stunts. She was in her mid-20's, had blue eyes and was about 5'8 tall. (Sorry if this isn't completely accurate; I'm too lazy to check the books.) "Even so, we haven't heard about you-know-who for a long time."

"He's planning something, lassie, you can count on that." said Alastor "Mad-eye" Moody. He was an experienced auror in his 60's and has many scars from the first war. The most obvious were the magical eye and fake leg, which was basically a wooden stick. "These are inexperienced and green death eaters. Voldemort's making another attempt at immortality."

"Unfortunately, we don't know what Voldemort plans to do." said Remus Lupin, a man in his late 30's with Grey Hair. He had been a werewolf since he was 5 and thus aged far quicker than usual. Despite his passive streak, there was an innate fighter inside him, as in all the Order members. His nickname was Moony in school because of his condition. "Trelawney spoke a new prophecy last week in her quarters."

"Don't pay any attention to that batty old woman." said Moody. "As far as I'm concerned, she's nothing more than a fraud."

"She did predict that Harry would be the one to stop You-Know-Who." Tonks added.

"Call him Voldemort, Missy!" Moody yelled and she jumped. "Well, I may as well humor you, Lupin. What did this 'prophecy' say?"

" 'The dark lord will release an evil from a forgotten time.' " Remus recited. " 'He is the ultimate darkness, the most powerful being to exist. The Magical world will fall to his might, and no magic will destroy him. Yet there is one hope. The One who he could have become will be the hero to defeat this monster. But he will need the aid of the one who bears the mark and the help of the ones he detests. If he does not succeed, the world of magic will cease to exist and we will all fall before his might.'"

"That sounds very foreboding indeed." Tonks stated. "Are you sure this will come true?"

"I've no doubt of it." Remus replied. "If this happens to be true, we may be facing the greatest crisis in our history."

"Don't give her any credit." said Moody. "We all know she's a fraud and makes things up that appears to be true."

Even so, there was a small doubt in his mind.

Many ghosts have tried to achieve ultimate power and failed. The Crown and Ring offer great strength, but often drive the wielder mad, or worse yet, destroy its essence. Only the ghost king Pariah Dark have been capable of surviving its energy, and even he was driven mad.

However, there is one other that ghosts and humans alike have tried. Rumor has it that a method of achieving power can be found in the Oracle Tower where the time Guardian Clockwork is said to reside. Even so, the power has great risk and no ghost or human have yet managed to obtain it.

Some scholars suggest that the rumor of power is a hoax, designed by Clockwork to lead dark beings to their doom. It is true that few who go there ever return, though an unknown ghost had managed to survive.

Voldemort decided that he had read enough. Despite the risks, he knew that it would be advantageous to him. If it was a hoax, he could always find another method. Besides, whoever guarded the tower could not possibly match Lord Voldemort.

He went off in search of it, bringing a map. Within about 20 minutes he found it, fortunately not interrupted by any interfering spirits. Even to him, the place was strange. There were clocks and gears all around the tower and a sphere with green swirls around it.

Voldemort began to wonder if it was indeed a hoax. However, something managed to catch his attention. There was a silver sphere in the center of the tower and he did not know what was inside it. One thing he was certain of, though: Whatever it contained held a lot of energy, so much that even a third-year could sense.

I wonder what this power is. Thought Voldemort. I can use this to my advantage. But the seal is strong, so how do I break through it?

He used a shattering spell to no effect. Voldemort launched several dark curses, none of them even denting the sphere. He knew that he would have to come up with some kind of plan, and he was still watching for the Guardian that supposedly destroyed any being that came to this tower.

I'll have to concentrate on a smaller area. he thought. If I send all my energy in one precise spot, I might be able to break it.

He looked around for a vulnerable spot, but there was no dent, no crack, not even the slightest sign of a weakness. Voldemort launched spells specifically made to destroy ectoplasm. This time, it had a little effect, but all the spells did was rumble the sphere slightly. Voldemort paced around, racking his brain for a spell powerful enough to break that thing.

"Avada Kedavra! Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort chanted, firing two killing curses at the heart of the sphere. He might as well have thrown pebbles for all the good the curses did. "Diffindo!" The sphere didn't even move.

"So it's the infamous lord Voldemort." said a voice and he immediately raised his wand. He saw a ghost holding a staff with a clock on top of it. He had red eyes and was a young man with a grandfather clock for a chest. Anything else wouldn't even begin to describe him. "It was only a matter of time before you decided to arrive. I assume you've come for immortality? Yes, the secret is here, but you will never obtain it!"

"You will give the secret to me! Crucio!" Voldemort shouted, but Clockwork dodged with superhuman speed. It seemed as it all his efforts were futile. Finally, Voldemort fired another spell, forced him to move left, where a more powerful one was waiting for him. Clockwork was forced back and Voldemort took advantage. Again, however, he dodged with amazing speed.

"You cannot win, Voldemort." said Clockwork calmly. "It was foolish of you to come here. Many others have desired the same thing you do and all have met their doom. Will you join them?"

"I am no ordinary ghost or wizard!" Voldemort exclaimed. "I am Lord Voldemort, most feared wizard in existence! I will rule these worlds!"

"You think so, Tom?" and Voldemort burned in hatred of Clockwork calling him by his birth name. "Immortality is a curse, not a blessing. Very well, let's see what you can do."

The battle continued, with Voldemort being almost unable to touch him. He decided to try the most powerful anti-ghost spell in existence and made sure the timing was just right. "Spectre abolesco maximus!" Yet again, Clockwork dodged the spell and it hit the silver sphere. It started rumbling and even Clockwork looked afraid.

It slowly started to crack. Finally, after almost a minute, it shattered, revealing a figure. It was mainly black and white with red eyes, a black cape, powerful muscles, fanged teeth, a white goatee, and a black D on his chest. He laughed evilly and looked at his two next victims.

"What have you done, you fool?" Clockwork demanded. "You have just released the greater danger to all worlds!"

"I don't care how powerful he is; I am superior!" Voldemort boasted. "Creature, who are you? I demand that you speak!" The being merely raised an eyebrow. "I, Lord Voldemort, sole heir of Slytherin, demand that you tell me your name!"

He fired a green ecto-blast, sending Voldemort to the ground. "Very well, you wish to know my name?" The figure stated. "I go by many: The Ultimate enemy, Dan Phantom, Phantom, scumbag, Dark Danny, the list goes on. The one I prefer, however, is Dan. I refuse to call myself anything relating to my cheese-head arch-enemy."

"You will not escape this tower." Clockwork declared firmly. "Time out!"

"Please, that won't work on me." Dan replied. "I am too powerful for your pathetic tricks, not to mention I exist outside of time." Clockwork reversed the effect. "Aren't you supposed to know everything, Clockwork?"

"What the hell is this thing?" asked Voldemort.

"He was once the terror of the world, not an ounce of humanity still existent." Explained Clockwork. "His future was prevented, but now that your foolishness has released, we'll be lucky if we still exist."

"How touching." Dan grinned. "This will be an interesting fight."

Clockwork and Voldemort fired their attacks at him, to which he simply put up a shield, yawning. He returned with eye blasts and ectoplasmic lightning, hitting Voldemort, smoke coming out of his chest. "Crucio!" He yelled. Dan didn't even bat an eye.

"Don't tell me that's all you're capable of?" asked Dan, punching Clockwork aside. He multiplied into 8 and surrounded the duo. He concentrated most of his shots on Clockwork, occasionally firing at Voldemort. Clockwork tried to block them but it was too much. He fell to the ground and Voldemort decided to try one last thing.

"Spectre abolesco maximus!" Voldemort shouted, hitting Dan right in the chest. Instead of destroying the ghost, as he hoped, he merely fell to the ground. It didn't take him more than a couple of seconds to recover.

"Now to introduce my favorite power: My ghostly wail." Dan stated and launched a green shockwave. Voldemort disappeared but Clockwork took the full blast of it, and within a few seconds, he was defeated. Dan grinned above him, truly enjoying this moment. The wizard may have gotten away for now, as he didn't stop him from disappearing, but Clockwork would do as his first victim.

"He has awakened." said Trelawney. "The Darkness has awakened." She heard little else but his sick, twisted laughter. She trembled in fear, alone in the darkness of Hogwarts Castle.

Okay, that's about what I have for starters. This is focusing mainly on Harry Potter. For the first couple parts of the story, Danny and Co. probably won't even be in it. Don't hate me for that. I have decent plans for this story, so give it a chance.