Chapter 12

I beg forgiveness to the Might Author George Lucas...I forgot to post my disclaimer in the previous harm done, (I think) because Star Wars and all characters belonging to the Star Wars Universe belong to him still...I am only having fun. No Republic or Imperial credits received in the writing of this fanfiction...

Thanks for all reviewers, your support is greatly appreciated.


Leia and Han were looking through the clouds, Threepio was sitting with Chewbacca playing Sabbac, Lando entered the room.

"Is my ship ready, Lando?"

"We got some complications."

Han frowned. "What kind of complications?"

"Come with me."

Leia, Han, Chewie and Threepio followed Lando and a few of his guards.

"What is going on, buddy?" Han asked but the answer was no longer needed as Lando switched the door open and a room full of Imperials greeted him. Admiral Firmus Piett stood on the other side of the table.

Leia froze. Han looked angrily at Lando.

"I had no choice, they came right before you arrived. I am sorry."

"I am sorry too." Han replied and entered the room.

"Have a sit," Piett spoke with a firm voice.

Han sat and Leia by his side.


Darth Fillius sat on the small house, observing the green alien cooking dinner.

"Is the Jedi Master far?"

"No, not far…"

Darth Fillius was impatient.

"Why seek you him?"

"I need to talk to him."

"The ways of the Force, learned you have…the dark side. Uh?"

"Do you know to use the Force?"

"The one you seek, I am."

Darth Fillius reached for the lightsaber, the house was tiny and he touched his holster but he panicked as he didn't see the lightsaber.

"Is this what you seek?" Yoda held the red saber on his hand.

"How did you?" the young Sith advanced to reach for his saber but Yoda slightly waived his hand and pinned the darksider to the wall.

"Release me!" Darth Fillius yelled.

"By the dark side imprisoned you are."

The Sith tried to move, he couldn't.

"Are you so coward that you will kill me without granting me the right to defend myself?"

"Fight you I will not," Yoda said calmly as he released him.

Darth Fillius stretched his hand and tried to retrieve the lightsaber from Yoda's hand.

The lightsaber didn't move.

"What kind of trick is this?" he asked furious.

"The ways of the Force this is."

Darth Fillius was furious. Outsmarted by a little green alien. He stretched his hand shot Sith lightening, but the Master Jedi easily deflected the jolts.

The Sith felt fear and run out of the hut.

Yoda followed.

Darth Fillius stopped by the swamp, where the TIE had landed.

He looked around and sat down.

"This place...there is something familiar about it…" he said to himself aloud.

"I brought you here when an infant you were," Yoda's voice startled Darth Fillius.

"You know me?"

"Your birth I saw," Yoda replied.

"You did?"

"The first one you were…"

Darth Fillius was distracted and confused. He couldn't grasp the Jedi Master's meaning of the remark but he asked what was on his mind at that moment.

"Why didn't you kill me," Darth Fillius asked.

"No intention to kill you I have."

"But I have the intention to kill you!" he shouted back with anger, he raised his hands and started to shoot more Force Lightening and once more the Master Jedi deflected.

"Too sure of your self aren't you? Like your father."

"What do you know about him! I don't know anything about him! The only thing I know is that he will not be pleased if you remain alive!"

"A powerful Jedi he was."

He frowned. "A Jedi? He is a Dark Lord of the Sith!"

"Betrayed the Jedi he did."

Darth Fillius walked towards the swamp. He raised his hands to lift the TIE but the craft kept sinking back.

Yoda raised his hand and the TIE floated out of the swamp.

"I will return, and you will die!"

Darth Fillius eyed his lightsaber still on Yoda's side.

Yoda tossed the saber to him. He took it and headed back to the Star Destroyer Executor.

The Galaxy was on turmoil and fear when the news of Emperor Darth Vader was announced through the holo-news. The big revelation was that Emperor Vader had a son, Prince Luke Skywalker, also known as Darth Fillius– whose identity was hidden from him by the Jedi traitors…

The young Sith journey back to the Star Destroyer was filled with doubts. If the Jedi was so evil how come Master Yoda didn't kill him?

Was his father telling the truth?

What did the Master Jedi mean when he said he was the First one?

His father was a Jedi…why did he change?

He started to push those thoughts down, afraid that it could be his demise…

The coordinates indicated he was arriving…

He tried to use the comlink but the circuitry was damaged so he headed towards the hangar bay without being able to acknowledge who he was. At least the tractor beam pulled him to safety.

He waited for the Stormtroppers to open the TIE and he remained still.

The first imperial soldiers stopped when they saw him walking through the ramp,

All stormtroopers and soldiers straightened up.

The leader of the crew approached, knelt before the young Sith.

"Milord, we are sorry. We didn't know it was you…please forgive us."

Darth Fillius frowned. "It's all right, I was just brought in in a different way…"

"Please, milord…we've tried to communicate through the radio and…"

"My comlink is damaged. It is all right, you don't have to apologize," he replied.

"Milord, the Emperor is waiting for you."

"The Emperor? Here? Where?"

"Please, come," the young Imperial guided him towards a corridor then to another door.

Vader was standing observing the computers readouts. The soldiers entered and immediately knelt. Darth Fillius also knelt.

"Your Highness…your son," The Imperial soldier bowed his head and remained kneeling.

Vader turned to his son/apprentice.

"Approach, Lord Fillius," Vader turned to the soldiers. "You are dismissed."

The soldiers left.

"What did he just call you?" the young Sith asked.

"I am the new Emperor."

"Wow! I…"

"Where have you been?"

Darth Fillius heart raced…

"I went to Dagobah…I met Master Yoda."

Darth Fillius could feel the Dark Lord's fury. He immediately felt on his knees. "I know I disobeyed you master. I swear it will never happen again…I…"

He felt lost for words.

"You faced the most powerful of the Jedi! What were you thinking?"

"I thought I could defeat him…"

"Look at me! That's what Obi-Wan did to me! He was not even half powerful as Master Yoda!"

"I am sorry…"

The comlink buzzed.

"What is it, commander?" Vader replied.

"Your Highness, the prisoners were just brought in."

"Very well, commander."

"Come with me," Vader ordered.

The young Sith Lord stood up, walked behind his father. "What prisoners father?"

"Captain Solo and Princess Leia."