A/N: This is the final chapter of Whispering Winds! Thanks to all my reviewers, and I'm sorry for the long delay. There may be a sequel, depending on how many reviews I get. I have had so much fun with this story, and I'm sorry to see it go.

Disclaimer: This is Tamora's.

Whispering Winds: Chapter 11

The ball celebrating the marriage of Prince Jasson of Conté and Princess Kyianna of Tyra was now in full swing, the colorfully attired nobles swirling around the room in a kaleidoscope of color. Everywhere you looked, nobles were having a wonderful time. But for occupant in the room, time had slowed to a crawl and she felt sick.

Kayla was still staring in shock as the group of young court ladies fairly leapt from their seats and tackled Sir Derek. The former thief didn't look too pleased as the ladies gathered around him, babbling excitedly, each trying to get his attention.

Recovering slightly, Kayla watched with bitter amusement as Dagger (that was how she still thought of him,) looked around, hoping someone would come forward and save him. Although one part of her mind whispered that she should help him, Kayla didn't budge, watching as Lady Catherine sidled up to Dagger, batting her eyelashes.

Watching this spectacle with interest now, Kayla grinned. She was so enthralled with the show in front of her that she didn't notice the horrified intake of breath next to her, or the hiss of anger.

"Is that Dagger?" Kayla turned to see her cousin sitting by her side, glaring pure venom at the young knight a few feet away. Kayla nodded wordlessly, and Kyia made an odd hissing sound, not unlike a cat. What followed were some of the most explicit curse words Kayla had ever heard her cousin use—the only curse words she had ever heard Kyia use.

After Kyia had finished her rant, Kayla stared at her in surprise. "What was that for?"

Now it was Kyia's turn to stare at her cousin in amazement. "What do you mean, 'What was that for?'" She exploded, and Kayla winced, glancing around frantically for Jasson, hoping the prince would come and rescue her from his raging wife.

"Well--" Kayla started, but Kyia cut her off. "He comes after you, saves you, disappears, and now we find him here, of all places, flirting with a dozen court ladies not two feet away from you!"

Kayla watched her cousin explode, amused for some reason. "Kyia," she murmured, and when Kyia opened her mouth to continue, she held up a hand. "Kyia," she repeated, staring her cousin down while grinning. Kyia stared at her, red faced, brown-black hair starting to tumble from its perch. "I know what Dagger did," she continued, "and I want to know why he's here, but I'm not going to march up to him and demand an answer. I can wait."

Kyia stared at the other girl, dumbfounded. "But he practically told you he loved you!" She exclaimed, and Kayla blushed, remembering her dream. "What?" Kyia asked, glancing curiously at her cousin. Kayla shook her head, dismissing both the thought and the question.

She was saved from further questioning by the arrival of Prince Jasson. The prince leaned down to murmur in his wife's ear, "We need to leave for Carthak now, while everyone is occupied." Kyia blushed, and turned to Kayla.

"I have to go," she whispered, standing up. Kayla stood up also, embracing her cousin.

"I'll miss you," she murmured, and Kyia pulled her close.

"I know," came the reply, choked with emotion, "I'll miss you too." Kyia pulled away, gray eyes glimmering with unshed tears but serious at the same time. "Are you sure you'll be okay without us?" She asked anxiously. "Mother and Aunt Kei are leaving for Tyra tomorrow morning, and I want to make sure that you'll be okay."

"I'll be fine," Kayla reassured her cousin, brushing away a stray tear that had made its way down her cousin's cheek. "Don't worry," she continued with a slight smile, "I'll find something to do with my time." This earned her a watery laugh from Kyia, and a smile from Jasson. After hugging both one more time, she let them go, watching as they made their way through the crowd of nobles.

Tears stung at her eyes, and her blue-green eyes were a bit watery as she blinked back the sudden tears furiously. The colors of all the nobles blurred together, and just as her vision cleared, a voice came from behind her.


It was the voice that had haunted her dreams for weeks, it was the voice that she had longed to hear, but at the sound of that voice now, all she felt was anger.

She wheeled around and confronted the young man in front of her, blue-green eyes hard. "That's Princess Kayla to you, Sir Derek," she spat, watching with some satisfaction as Dagger's hazel eyes turned from hopeful to troubled. He had somehow extracted himself from his crowd of admirers; behind him, Kayla spotted a few of them lingering, glaring at her enviously.

"Kayla…" Dagger looked confused as she continued to stare at him. When he got no response, he bravely took a step closer, but hastily took a step back as Kayla's blue-green eyes flashed angrily.

"Yes, Sir Derek?" Kayla's voice was as cold as ice, and Dagger flinched at the underlying anger.

"Dani…" He tried again, but Kayla continued to glare. "I don't know what I did," he said suddenly, plaintively, "tell me what I did wrong."

Kayla's gaze softened at his tone, but only for an instant before she spat, "What you did wrong? Maybe it was befriending me? Maybe it was coming to save me? Maybe it was abandoning me?" With each statement, her voice increased in volume, drawing several curious stares from the surrounding nobles.

Behind Derek, the court ladies smirked with delight as they saw her rage. The smirks of delight became even wider as Kayla turned and rushed away. Their smirks, however, began squawks of horror as they saw Derek chase after her.

Kayla barely knew where she was headed, but she knew that she had to get away from Dagger. Her blue-green eyes stung with unshed tears, and the nobles around her blurred. She heard her mother's worried voice as she rushed past. She only slowed when a burst of air alerted her to the fact that she was outside, standing on the outskirts of the rose gardens.

A familiar figure melted out of the shadows: Swift. The ex-thief looked perfectly comfortable in what Kayla assumed were the colors of Wolf's Peak: gray and blue. In all his finery, Swift looked like a lord, not the bold thief Kayla had come to know.

"Hello, lass," he greeted, not seeming to notice that her blue-green eyes still swam with tears (if he noticed, he didn't mention it). Kayla nodded to him, trying and failing to blink away her tears before he noticed. But, as before, Swift sensed there was something wrong and moved to her side, placing a fatherly hand on her shoulder.

"Lass," he murmured comfortingly, "listen to what Derek has to say." He leaned closer and confided, "He didn't come all this way to break your heart, trust me." Kayla lifted her head to gaze into his blue eyes. Their gaze was sympathetic, but she knew he was telling the truth.

She wiped away her tears, sniffling. Swift hugged her close, and before he pulled away, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "He loves you, you know." Then he was gone, and Kayla looked up, unable to stifle a sharp intake of breath at the news. But somehow, the words brought her no comfort. She needed to hear those words from someone else.

Moving to the edge of the terrace, she waited. Reaching out to finger one of the roses' soft petals, she startled when a hand came to rest softly on her shoulder and Dagger's voice came from behind her. He had moved to her side silently, and was now waiting, looking slightly apprehensive.

"Kayla?" He asked again, and this time, Kayla slowly turned to face him.

In the moonlight, one part of Dagger's face was in shadow, but the half Kayla could see was apprehensive, waiting to see what her reaction would be.

"Yes, Dagger?" Kayla replied calmly, and she watched as he visibly relaxed. He reached out to take her hands, and Kayla slid hers into his, mentally marveling at the warmth that flooded her body at his touch.

"Kayla," Dagger murmured, and Kayla was surprised to find that they were standing very close together. She lifted her head slightly to meet his hazel gaze, and she gasped softly. His face was inches away from hers, and his hazel eyes were shining with that same love she had seen that day in the forest.

Dagger dropped his head slightly, bringing their faces closer together. He brushed a lock of black hair out of Kayla's face, and Kayla shivered at his touch. Dagger paused, searching her blue-green eyes with his hazel ones, looking for something. Finding it, a small smile ghosted his lips before he brought his hands up to cup Kayla's cheeks, gently brushing them with his thumbs.

"I love you," he whispered before closing the space between them and capturing her lips with his. Kayla closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. Her entire body tingled; Dagger's lips were warm against hers, and fire seemed to engulf both of them. She brought her arms up to encircle his neck, burying her fingers in his chestnut hair. His arms encircled her waist instinctively, drawing her flush against his body and supporting her.

A wind swirled around them, pulling at their clothes and tugging at their hair. As they parted, the wind rushed between them, cooling their flushed faces and reminding them of the world surrounding them.

Dagger grinned at Kayla, but the smile melted off his face as she froze, recognizing the voice that spoke a few feet away.

"Well, what do we have here?" Queen Keianna's voice made it clear that she found the sight in front of her one of the most amusing she had ever seen. Kayla turned, mortified, to find her mother, aunt, and Swift all watching her with the broadest grins on their faces.

"Sorry, dear one," Kei apologized, seeing the murderous glare Kayla was giving them in an attempt to chase them away. "We couldn't resist."

Seeing the blue-green Gift beginning to swirl around her daughter's hands in anger, she lazily added, "But we are going to recollect on some childhood memories, so you won't be bothered." The queens moved away, Swift at their side, but the backwards glance Kei gave her daughter promised a long talk about this later.

Kayla turned back to Dagger, who was watching her, the most content expression on his face. He brushed her hair out of her face, brushing his fingers against her lips as he went. He led her to a nearby bench and they both sat. Kayla knew what was coming, and she wanted to hear it.

"How did you come to inherit Shyam's fief?" Kayla's question stirred the content atmosphere around them, blue-green eyes curious and eager for an answer. Dagger sat next to her, comfortable in his finery, and for a moment, it seemed as if they were back in the Corus marketplace, not in the palace gardens, surrounded by hundreds of nobles.

"We inherited Wolf's Peak because we are Shyam's last living relatives," Dagger told her, serious now. Kayla stirred slightly, her ball gown rustling in the sudden wind.

"My mother told me that Shyam had no children," Kayla told him, and Dagger nodded.

"He didn't," the former thief agreed, "but his brothers and sisters did." Kayla nodded; this made sense.

"So Swift is…" She let the question trail off, and Dagger answered it.

"Shyam's nephew." Kayla thought about this, but then another question presented itself.

"But," she asked, "what about that day I came to your house?" She blushed at the memory, remembering what she had almost said aloud. By the silver light of the moon, Kayla could make out a faint blush creeping into Dagger's cheeks as his thoughts also turned to that day.

"You knew about his death," she continued, "but you were grieving." Dagger looked at her, meeting her gaze squarely.

"I was upset," he told her, "because my father was distraught. I had never met Shyam Alden, but my father loved him. When you showed up--" Dagger gave a sheepish grin—"I was a bit preoccupied." He sobered, and continued, "Maybe I would have listened to you better if the news hadn't come just then, and then maybe you wouldn't have left. And then you wouldn't of gone out to find Brock and—" Kayla looked up as Dagger's voice broke, and she watched as he swallowed hard.

"I thought I almost lost you that day," he told her, voice hoarse. He stood up abruptly, and Kayla watched him move to her side, confused. He pulled her to her feet, holding her close.

Kayla held him close, murmuring into his ear, "I love you." Dagger pulled back and kissed her again, his lips lingering over hers. The couple stayed entwined together for what seemed like hours, but was only a moment. When Kayla pulled away, she found Dagger staring at her, love shining in his eyes.

"Kayla," he murmured, and Kayla had to lean closer to hear him, "will you marry me?" Blue-green eyes wide, Kayla pulled away, breaking their embrace.

Taking her reaction the wrong way, Dagger mumbled, "I'm sorry, I just thought that maybe—" Kayla stopped him with a hand to his lips. He stopped and looked up at her, eyes guarded and hopeful.

Kayla's mind was racing and whirling, but she was certain of one thing: She loved the man standing before her. She already considered Tortall her home, so why leave? She knew that her parents and siblings would miss her, but she had made a place for herself here, and Kyia was here. Suddenly, Shyam's last words to her finally made sense. Yes, she was a princess, but she knew that she could change, if she wanted to, and she would never forget where she came from. With this clear thought in her head, she knew what her answer would be.

"Yes," she murmured, and Dagger's face only registered shock.

"What?" He asked, dumbstruck. Kayla stepped closer, back into his embrace, cupping his face in her hands.

"Yes," she repeated, "I will marry you." Dagger's face split into the widest grin Kayla had ever seen him wear, and he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Kayla returned it, giving him all the answer he ever needed.

When they parted for air, Dagger looked troubled. Doubtful, he asked, "Are you sure you want to give up your title as princess for the lower title of Lady of Wolf's Peak?" Kayla's shining smile was all the answer he needed, but she spoke anyway.

"I may be a princess," she told him, "but I think, being married to you, I'll enjoy being the Lady of Wolf's Peak more." Dagger kissed her gently this time, brushing her forehead, cheeks and lips softly.

"That's what I hoped you'd say," he sighed, pulling her close. Kayla rested against him gratefully, feeling worn out by all the drama of the evening.

A sudden burst of noise signaled the nobles' entrance onto the terrace, interrupting the lovers' embrace. The sound of a rocket split the night, and many colored lights lit the sky. As the nobles ooohed and awed over the mages' display of magic, Kayla smiled and slipped her hand into Dagger's. He squeezed her hand, smiling at her.

The colored lights rearranged themselves, a multicolored bird spread its wings across the sky. A cat stalked after it, waving its colored tail like a banner.

As Kayla watched, she was distracted by a wolf's howl, close by. She turned to see a shimmer of light. The blinding magic stretched and pulled, forming two shapes. One was obviously a god, shining with the bright gods' aura. Though Kayla could not see the god's face, she sensed friendliness in the invisible gaze. The other figure drew her gaze, and she gasped, feeling the blood rush out of her face.

Shyam Alden stood there, glittering like a thousand stars. His outline was a bit blurry, but his face was as clear as if he stood before her in the flesh. His hazel eyes gleamed with mischief, and an unaccustomed smile curled on his lips. He gazed at Kayla and Dagger affectionately, and he beckoned Kayla forward. Kayla willingly walked forward, wondering what Shyam wanted to show her.

Shyam took her hand, and Kayla shivered at the touch—it was the coldness of ice and the heat of the sun at the same time. He pulled her towards a shimmering piece of cloth that glittered as he did. He waved a hand at the cloth, and an image took form. Kayla leaned forward to see it, and gaped at what she saw.

A black haired woman played with a young girl with the same raven hair. As the woman turned, Kayla recognized the woman's blue-green eyes as her own. She watched her adult self pick up the girl and swing her around. The image gave off no sound, but Kayla thought she heard the echo the young girl's giggles.

The woman set the girl down, and Kayla watched as the girl ran towards a man that had just entered the image—a man with hazel eyes and chestnut hair—Dagger. Kayla watched the adult Dagger greet his wife, and then a little boy entered the image, running from his sister. The little boy had dark brown hair, and the two children chased each around, the parents looking on. Kayla could see now that the children were twins—both had the same face. The image slowly faded into a blur of color, and then it faded altogether, along with the cloth.

Shyam placed a hand on her shoulder, drawing her blue-green gaze to his. He hugged her, seeming surprisingly solid for a ghost. Kayla blinked back the tears at this good-bye, and Shyam placed a kiss on her forehead before backing away. Both the god and the Shang Wolf faded, and Kayla's body began to tingle. Her vision went black, and she wondered what it all meant.

She was brought back by Dagger raising her hand to his lips and kissing it. "Kayla?" He asked, concerned. Kayla blinked, and found herself staring up at the night sky, where the last of the colored lights were fading. Nobles were moving away, back into the palace. Kayla blinked again, wondering if what she just saw was all a dream, but something told her otherwise.

A wind blew towards them, and Kayla shivered. She turned to Dagger and smiled, pulling him back towards the palace. Dagger willingly followed his fiancé, smiling softly. Kayla returned the smile, finally feeling content with the world and her place in it. She had seen the future, and she was content with what it held.

A/N: Well, that's the end! How did you like it? Please review, and tell me if you would like to see a story featuring Kayla and Dagger's kids. If I get enough reveiws and enough votes, I will post the Prolouge soon. Please review!