A/N: This is my new story, Whispering Winds! This is the sequel to my first story, Silence and Shadows, and you probably need to read that one before reading this one.

Disclaimer: Tamora Pierce owns it all.

Summary: Kayla, Keianna's headstrong second daughter, enjoys her life as a princess in Tyra. All that changes when she is sent to Tortall as the future bride of Prince Jasson. Her parents would like for Kayla to marry the prince, but Kayla has other ideas.

Whispering Winds: The Prologue

The young queen watched her two daughters tumble about the nursery, play fighting with two wooden daggers. The door to nursery opened, but the two girls took no notice. The young queen, however, looked up as another woman about the same age, came to her side. Except for her green eyes, this woman could pass for the queen.

The two women sat in silence for a moment, watching the two girls giggle and tumble around the nursery. Watching the two, the newcomer remarked, "You know, Kei, either one of your daughters could be queen."

Keianna nodded solemnly. "I know, Kaelyn," she murmured, "and I know I have to make that decision soon."

Kaelyn turned back to watching the toddlers. "Aurelia would be a nice choice," she told her twin, nodded to the older of the two girls.

Kei bit her lip. "What about Kayla?" She asked, sounding uncertain.

Kaelyn shook her head, glancing at the second girl, who was currently fighting a silken pillow with her wooden dagger.

"I don't know, Kei," she murmured, the doubt in her voice echoing her sister's uncertainty. "Kayla seems to a handful."

Keianna seemed to consider both of her daughters, brightening as Kayla came racing up to her to give her a quick hug before racing back to play with her older sister. She laughed softly as Kayla tackled her older sister in her enthusiasm to play, pinning her to the floor.

"She may not be queen, Kaelyn," Kei told her sister, smiling softly, "but you're right about one thing: Kayla certainly will be a handful."

A/N: Yeah, I know, short prologue, but that was just an introduction. Things will get more interesting in Chapter 1, which I should have up in a couple of days! Tell me what you think of this new story line by pressing that little purple button down there!