Hey Everyone…this is my first HSM fic and I really hope you like it! It's very different from the Troy and Gabby fic…because I don't know about anyone else but I did NOT like them as a couple! So they won't be…this focuses on an entirely different couple! I'll let you guess who it is! Please R&R!


"You better make sure that by the time I count to three you aren't still standing in front of me or so help me--…"

"Sharpay, are you still threatening people?" Gabby asked

Sharpay Evans turned around to face her best friend Gabriella Montez. "Dipshit over here scratched my car with his dumbass backpack." She jerked her thumb back toward the scared looking kid.

Gabby motioned for the kid to leave and he ran off. "Sharpay, what the heck he's just a kid."

Sharpay grumbled, "I hate freshman."

"What's wrong Ice Queen?" Troy Bolton asked sauntering up to the two girls with his best friend Chad Danforth.

"Go away you basketball bimbos." Sharpay spat then turned with a flip of her hair and stalked off.

"Sharpay!" Ryan Evans shouted after his twin sister as he walked up. She didn't even turn around. "What's wrong with her?" He asked Gabby.

"I don't know." She answered, "I found her threatening some freshman."

"She seemed normal to me." Troy said

Chad shrugged, "I don't know how you all can stand her." He looked at Ryan, "No offense man."

"None taken." Ryan nodded

"No, she's been worse than usual. After that whole fiasco with the musical last year she's been more low key. But lately I don't know, its like attack of the bitchy prom queen." Gabby said.

"Hey guys!" Taylor McKessie walked up to the group. "What are you all talking about?"

"Queen Bee." Chad answered

"Yeah, what is up with her?" Taylor asked, "She about bit off Corey's head yesterday when he told her that Mrs. Darbus wanted her to try out again for the musical. She absolutely freaked. She was shouting about how she shouldn't have to try out anymore. I don't think I have ever seen Sharpay so mad and I've know her for a long time."

Troy shrugged, "She just wants attention. Just ignore her."

Gabby sighed, "Why can't the two of you get along?"

Before Troy could respond the warning bell rang signaling the students to get to class. After Gabby and Troy turned the school upside down trying out for the musical in their sophomore year they tried to date for a while. It really didn't work out. They found that they liked being friends much better. Troy also decided that basketball was still his thing but he still would sing occasionally in the musicals. Gabby's stage fright still got the better of her but she did enjoy singing in the choir with the occasional solo and understudying in the musicals and of course kicking butt in the scholastic decathlons.

It all worked out for the best because Gabby and Sharpay actually became really good friends. For some reason Sharpay seemed to open up around Gabby. Even Ryan extended his roots and occasionally hung out with Troy and Chad but he was still heavily involved in the drama club.

Sharpay, to her credit, worked really hard to be nicer for a while but after all it had been less than a year and Rome wasn't built in a day. She was still a perfectionist and crazy when it came to the drama club and her singing. Sharpay had plans and god help the person who stood in her way.

The group walked into their homeroom to find Mrs. Darbus deep in conversation with Sharpay. After a few more minutes of discussion Sharpay went to take her seat. Gabby tried to engage her in conversation but Sharpay had conveniently become "deaf". After homeroom Sharpay bolted out of the room and into the rehearsal room where she locked the door. All of a sudden a loud shriek echoed through the halls of the school.

Ryan looked up, "That's Sharpay."

"How wrong is it that you can tell its her by her scream." Troy asked.

Before they could go and look for her she found them. Sharpay was more excited than anyone had ever seen her. "They're coming here to hear me! Can't you believe it Ryan? This is everything I've worked for."

Ryan was the only one who seemed to have any idea what she was talking about. "This is huge Sharpay. This requires level 3 coverage." He flipped open his cell phone and began to make some calls.

"What's going on Sharpay?" Gabby asked

"The Olson Musical Conservatory is sending some to look at me for a spot in their summer program." Sharpay exclaimed

"So what the big deal?" Chad asked

If looks could kill the one Sharpay sent Chad would have done it. "The OMS is only the most prestigious school of music in the entire country. First off they never travel to hear a student unless they show incredible promise then if your even accepted into the summer program and they like you, its like a one way ticket to any college music program you want."

"Oh my gosh, that's great Sharpay!" Gabby said excitedly

"I know!" Sharpay squealed, "Oh my god. What am I going to wear?" She whipped out her phone and quickly walked to the doors.

"Hey Ice Queen, we still have an entire day left of school." Troy shouted after her.

Sharpay ignored him and just walked out of school. From the window they say her get into her car and with squealing tires bolted out of the parking lot.

Over the next week Sharpay was in a crazed state of mind. Every minute she wasn't in class she was practicing either in the rehearsal room or on the stage in the auditorium. In the hallways she was dancing, at the lunch table she was going over her sheet music while listening to the song on her ipod. While she still looked like her perfect self you could tell that she hadn't eaten or slept properly in a few days. She was more hostile than usual. The evil glint in her eyes was more pronounced and she was commonly heard shouting at some poor unsuspecting soul.

The day before the big audition Sharpay was nowhere to be found. "Dude, where the hell is your psycho sister?" Troy asked Ryan at the lunch table.

"Practicing with Mrs. Darbus." Ryan answered, "She's determined to do this perfectly. Our mom is coming home early to hear her."

"Coming home from where?" Taylor asked

"She's on a classical music tour in Europe." Ryan said, "She went to the Olson Musical Conservatory too that's why Sharpay wants this so much."

"That's nice that your mom is coming." Gabby said

Ryan nodded, "I just hope she actually comes. She has this bad habit of making promises she can't keep."

The next day tension filled the school. Whether you loved or hated Sharpay you had to admit that she had talent. An hour before the audition was about to start Sharpay and her friends could be found in the drama club room pacing back and forth. "Why isn't she her yet?" Sharpay ranted, "Mom promised Ryan so where is she?"

"Why don't you call her again?" Ryan suggested

Sharpay picked up her phone, "Mom! Where are you?" She paused for a minute to listen to her, "You're what? But mom you promised! Yes ma'm. I love you to." She sighed dejectedly and fighting back tears she turned to face her friends. "She back in town but has to go over to the recording studio and fix one of her tracks. She'll make it if she can. Umm, I'm just gonna go get some water." Sharpay ran out of the room. Gabby went to follow but Ryan stopped her, "If there's anything Sharpay hates more than crying its people seeing her cry. Let her pull herself together and just pretend you didn't hear anything."

Sharpay's cell phone began to ring, but no one made any move to answer it. Not a minute after that Ryan's phone began to ring, "Hello? Hey mom, what's up? You are! Really! OK! I'll tell her. See you soon!" He turned to the group, "She's coming. Wow, she must feel really guilty."

"Who feels guilty?" Sharpay asked coming back into the room.

"Mom called, she said to tell you that she's on her way." Ryan said excitedly

Sharpay smiled her first genuine smile in a long time and nodded. She walked out of the room towards the auditorium where she would audition in just a few minutes. The auditorium was nearly full when Ryan, Gabby and Troy found seats with Chad, Taylor and the rest of the basketball team. The entire room went silent as Sharpay walked on stage dressed to impress in white dress pants with a pink blazer and gold accessories. Her hair was done in an 'up-do' with curly tendrils falling around her face.

One of the judges walked up on stage. "Thank you everyone for being here today to support Miss Evans. It's nice to see she has a large support system. The way this will work today is that Miss Evans will perform a piece that she has already prepared and then we will select a piece essentially from a hat and she must perform that with no preparation. We like for these pieces to be unique and a genre that reflects your personality. At the conservatory we place heavy concentration on classical training so for the audition we like to see what your passions are and what else you can do. With that said, Miss Evans if your ready you may begin."

Sharpay took a deep breath and plastered a huge smile on her face as the music started. It was Kaci Brown's 'Unbelievable'; she loved the way that the music always took her over. When she finished her eyes searched the crowd, it was apparent that she couldn't see whoever she was looking for because her face fell slightly. The next song that was chosen for her to sing was 'Wind Beneath my Wings' by Better Midler. When Sharpay finished everyone jumped to their feet applauding. Mrs. Darbus escorted Sharpay and the representatives from the conservatory back to her office to discuss Sharpay's performance.

"I guess your mom didn't make it." Troy said to Ryan.

"Apparently not." Ryan started and then broke off when is phone rang. "Hello? Dad? What's wrong? Oh my god. Yeah we're on our way." Tears filled his eyes, "I've got to find Sharpay."

"Ryan! What happened?" Gabby asked

Ryan still looked stunned, "That was my dad. Mom was in a really bad car accident. She's being taken to the hospital but they don't think she's going to make it."

"Ryan! Can you believe it! They offered me a spot! I'm in! Whets wrong?" Sharpay ran down the hall towards Ryan her excited face turned from ecstatic to scared the instant she saw Ryan's expression.

"Its mom. We've got to go." Ryan said and dragged her out the door. They ran to the car and drove away quickly.