Name: Pure Essence
Author: Rosco2005
Rating: M
Category(s): Romance
Pairing(s): Harry/ Ron
Summary: HPxRW, Slash. After a Quidditch game, Harry confronts feelings he never thought he held toward his best friend. Ron, having long ago faced his own feelings toward Harry, has no problems helping him along with his journey. With both walking toward an empty locker room and Harry rapidly losing the battle with his rampaging hormones, what could possibly be the outcome?
A/N: Well, this went along more quickly than I had originally thought. At last guess, I would have figured that it would be at least another two months before I posted the final chapter to "Pure Essence" but I guess not. My writer's block is fading away slowly and I 'm delighted to say that I've thought of the perfect sequel to the story. As I've said before in my writer's profile, I'm never the type to have a typical happy ending so there's bound to be a couple of surprise in store there.
If I decide to write it, it's bound to be a ten to eleven chapter story, so I hope it will catch everyone's attention from the beginning. I'll probably work for a little while longer on "Shattered Illusions" before I decide either way. Let's hope so. Let's see, since I posted this quickly, the next chapter for "Shattered Illusions" should be up within the next five to six weeks. As for "Pure Essence", thanks for reading and please review (hopefully, I'll have some constructive criticism).
Disclaimer: None of the Harry Potter characters, places where the books are held, or even the underlying plot belongs to me. They belong to the genius (thank God, she created the Harry Potter universe; she's relieved me out of hours of boredom) J.K Rowling and are distributed, at least in the United States, by Scholastic Press, a division of Scholastic Inc. Since I have taken the time to write this disclaimer, there is no reason someone should feel the need to sue me.
Chapter Three: Forsaken Love
Hermione frowned briefly to herself as she wondered about the whereabouts of her best friends. The Gryffindor celebration party was in full swing and considering the fact that the only reason they had even won the game in the first place was because of the brilliant playing skills of the pair of them, it was odd to see that they were, in essence, missing in action. Ginny told me that Ron was with her for a while before he gave her some silly excuse about going to Madame Promfrey's and then leaving her behind. Harry…on the other hand…she said that the last time she saw him was on the Quidditch field. Where in the world are they? I mean, this is rather ridiculous…
" Come on, Hermione," Ginny said, laughing breathlessly as she pried herself from the arms of her on-again boyfriend, Dean Thomas and hurried toward Hermione, " stop worrying so much about where they are. It's not as though Voldermort jumped out of the bushes and attacked them or something. They are around here somewhere..."
"That's not funny, Ginny. You know what we had just gone through." Hermione exclaimed. Truthfully, the memories of the final battle against Voldermort still gave her nightmares. There were so many times that I thought that we weren't going to make it. Harry was putting up a valiant fight but I mean…this was the Dark Lord we were talking about. I know Harry was and still is, fairly powerful but still…because of the fact that Voldermort immersed himself in the darkest types of magic he could, there were weapons at his disposal that we could barely fathom. I'm absolutely happy we made it, thought. The thought of being without Harry or Ron, for that matter…
Ginny raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, please…spare me the nonsense of being concerned about Voldermort and everything that has happened over the last two years or so. Voldermort's dead and gone. Nobody's out to get Harry anymore." It was a measure of how Ginny had healed, emotionally, that she could say his name without dissolving into tears. When they had broken up the previous year, she had had difficulty adjusting to the fact that they were no longer a couple. Even after Voldermort's defeat weeks ago, Harry had shown no signs of wanting to renew their relationship. Instead of waiting for him to change his mind, she had decided to start dating Dean again.
"Then again, you've always fussed over Harry. I mean, if I wasn't sure that you liked my brother…I mean, I keep meaning to ask you why you haven't hooked up with him yet…I would swear that you're head over heels in love with Harry. I mean, the way you look at him sometimes…"
Hermione blushed a fiery red and turned away before Ginny could see her reaction. Damn it, I was hoping she wasn't going to say that. That famous Weasley intuition was coming into play…Ginny was absolutely right. I am in love with Harry but I know I can't do a thing about it. The whole thing is complicated…I mean, Ron has wanted to date me for the longest time and I kept pretending that I didn't see the signs. It's not as though I don't love him. I do, in my own way. It's just that Harry has always held a special place in my heart…ever since I looked into his eyes the first time I saw him on the train. We're best friends…I can't do anything to jeopardize it. No matter how I feel…
"Don't be silly, Ginny. I'm hardly in love with Harry. He's just my best friend." Hermione said, pasting a cheery smile on her face that she truly didn't feel. "Look, Dean's dying to dance with you over there. It's not as though we have an unlimited time to party, now do we? I'll be fine…who knows, I might find someone to party with myself."
"You're sure?" Ginny asked. When Hermione nodded in answer, Ginny smiled and let herself be twirled back out onto the common room floor. Hermione watched them for a moment, unsure as to whether she should actually join the festivities or follow her instincts and look for Harry and Ron. Ginny's right. They probably lost track of time doing whatever they're doing…they'll be back soon. But then again, there is something odd about this entire situation. They just wouldn't vanish into thin air, without giving me some type of warning. Where in the hell are they?
She threw her hands up in the air with frustration and listened to her instincts. "Oh, I know I won't be able to relax unless I find them."
She gathered her things together and stormed out of the common room. There was no specific place she was heading; she was just, absentmindedly, checking the places they may have been hanging out at. When I find them, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. I don't believe they are making me worry like this. Then again, I can picture this from Ron but Harry…no way. Ooooh, I can't wait to get my hands on them. She had just turned down one of the many empty corridors of Hogwarts when she was confronted by a most unexpected sight…
There is no way I'm seeing what I'm seeing. Did I drink too much butterbeer? Did I get hit in the head by a stray Bludger? I must be hallucinating…
There were Harry and Ron, walking up the corridor, talking urgently about something. It wasn't so much the fact that they were talking; it was the fact that they were barely a foot away from the other in an empty hallway that made every alarm bell in her ring. Hermione, who considered herself fairly skilled in reading the body language of the both of them at any given time, was stunned at how familiar they seemed to be with one another. I mean, Harry's body's is brushing against Ron with way more frequency than normal as he's talking to him…and Ron's looking at him at though…as though…I don't even want to know. It's something…almost sexual about it…and they are only talking. I'm must be hallucinating…
She had just made a move to greet them when it happened. Harry had let out a chuckle at whatever Ron had said and reached for him. Hermione could only stand there in disbelieving shock as Ron shrugged off the broomsticks he was carrying and pulled Harry into his embrace…into one of the raunchiest kisses Hermione ever had the misfortune to witness. They just stood there in the corridor, kissing the hell out of each other.
She bit back a gasp as Harry smoothed his hands over the muscular curve of Ron's buttocks while Ron ran his hands through Harry's hair and held him in place as they continued to kiss each other. I must be dreaming. There is no way I'm standing here watching my best friends make out. Tell me I'm not standing here watching the guy I'm head over heels for kiss the guy who's supposed to be head over heels for me. I must be dreaming…please someone tell me I'm dreaming…
Subconsciously, she must have let out a scream of horror because the next thing she knew, Harry and Ron had broken their embrace and were running up the corridor toward her. "Hermione! Damn it! Are you all right?" Harry asked, skidding to a halt as she collapsed against the wall, close to a dead faint, "Why in the hell were you screaming like that? You made us think that someone was murdering you."
She waved a hand, trying to catch her breath. "Why...why…" She gasped out, feeling as though she was about to choke, "You have the nerve to ask me why was I screaming like a crazed lunatic?! The sheer gall of the both of you…I should be asking you what in the name of Merlin is going on between the both of you."
Harry and Ron shared a strange look with one another and then, Harry looked back at Hermione. "Hermione, what are you talking about?"
She could feel anger hitting flash-point inside of her and didn't have a clue on what to do about it. He must really think I'm stupid. He was just kissing Ron as though his life depended on it and he's pretending that this isn't strange in the least. I never in my wildest dreams thought that he was gay and Ron…oh God…of all people, I figured he wasn't. This development is way out of left field and I don't have a clue on how to react. Relax, Hermione…before you do something you regret…
"Harry," Hermione said, taking a deep breath and pointing at Ron with her wand, "why did I just see you kiss Ron?"
Ron flushed a deep red and raised a sheepish hand to the back of his neck. "Oh, you saw, eh?"
"Yes, I saw." Hermione snapped, angrily. Calm down, Hermione. It's not the end of the world. It's just Harry and Ron. Obviously, their relationship has changed. It's just so strange. I mean, I never thought that they were interested in one another. How could they not tell me? I thought I was their best friend…
Harry just sighed and grasped Hermione's hand. "I know this may seem like a big shock to you. It just happened…"
"Just answer me this. It's a yes or no question." Hermione said, holding back tears. "Are the both of you dating...head over heels in lust or love…what?"
They shared that strange look again. Hermione was forced to look away at the obvious affection that the two had for one another. It was so hard for her to see it…to see the love and affection that Harry should have held toward her being directed toward another person. It was enough to almost make her actually burst into tears. Harry broke the look and looked at Hermione, once again. "Both…I care about him, more deeply than I thought possible. I guess it's reasonable to say that we're dating…"
That was not what she wanted to hear. She choked back a wheeze of dismay and shoved past Harry. How could they do this to me? Harry and Ron…together? I mean, I don't care that they're gay. Well, I guess that I do care…I'm not going to sacrifice my friendship with them for this. I'm just so stunned. Ron has spend the better part of the last six years trying to start a relationship with me and now, I find out he was more interested in Harry than me. Harry…he was never a social dater but again, I never thought that he held any romantic inclination toward guys, let alone Ron. We're a trio and now, I'm the one being left out in the outside. How am I going to deal with them dating…especially even with this news, I'm still in love with Harry myself…
"Hermione, please don't be angry." Harry muttered when he caught up to her. "Neither one of us planned this. It just happened."
She sighed and turned to face him. Grow up, Hermione. The only reason you're acting all hysterical is because you're jealous. Jealous because Ron, obviously, had the nerve to go after what he wanted. Just be happy for them…even though I may not truly feel it. That's what friends do. Just be happy for them. "You don't have to explain anything to me, Harry," Hermione said, pasting a cheery smile on her face and reaching out to grasp Harry's hand, " You have to admit…it was strange seeing my best friends make out in the hallway…but if the both of you are happy, I'm happy."
"You're sure?" Harry muttered, green eyes glowing with both guilt and happiness. "I mean, I thought Ron was interested in -."
"Me, right?" Hermione shrugged, looking around Harry at Ron's form. "I guess his feelings changed. Don't beat yourself up about it."
" Harry, I'm fine." Hermione said, squeezing his hand…trying to pass along calm that she didn't feel at the moment. "Just don't make out in front of me. I'm so used to seeing the both of you act one way. I don't think I'll be able to deal with the lovey-dovey stuff anytime soon…"
Harry let out a breathless chuckle. "I'm sure that that can be arranged. You're my best friend, Hermione…don't ever forget that."
I love you, Harry…more than I can ever tell you. I hope that you're happy with Ron. Even though you may not be with me, I don't begrudge you that happiness. Everyone deserves to be loved. Maybe, one day, I'll find that same kind of happiness. "You're my best friend, too. Come on …enough with all of these revelations. It's time for dinner." Hermione said, laughing up at Harry. "Judging from the way he's pacing up and down the corridor, your boyfriend's dying to shovel some food into his mouth He's acting as though he's starving."
Harry squeezed her hand once more, released it, and hurried down after Ron. Hermione just stood there for a moment and watched the pair of them…watched the newly formed couple with a mixture of sadness, happiness and confusion. Muggle weddings aren't the only time the minister asks whether someone must say whether or not they have any objections to a couple. This is one of those occasions. No matter how frustrated I am, I can't ruin this for Harry. I love him too much to even try. My best friends are now a happy pair…I just have to face the music, now and for always…
She sniffled softly, feeling her heart, silently, break into little pieces. Friends, forever.
"Wait a second. I'm coming!"
The End