Her Biggest Sin

They stumbled into the room as they finally got the door open. His lips left her mouth and ravished her neck as she let out a moan. He was her worst enemy, her biggest sin, but that's what him so undeniable.

The night had started horrible, she had been walking onto the terrace when he arrived at the party, the usual onslaught of "mudblood" and "ferret" leaving their lips as soon as they laid eyes on each other.

As the night progressed, they had been forced to dance together, but they both appreciated it as soon as they touched. Her skin was so soft as he held, no clung to her and she span around the dance floor.

She soon found herself pressed against the cloak room door, him pressed between her legs as she opened her mouth to speak and found his lips attached to hers.

She gasped allowing his tongue to protrude into her mouth and as she moaned, he sucked on her tongue sending vibrations through her body.

Footsteps sounded outside the door and they instantly jumped from one another. They walked politely out of the room past the elderly couple looking at them questioningly, but as soon as out of earshot and sight, ran, hand in hand, up the stairs towards her room.

He instantly slammed her into a wall, kissing her feverishly as soon as they reached her door, making getting into the room a major task.

Clothes flung off each other as they walked to the bed not daring to open their eyes or break apart, lest the break the perfect moment.

Just as he was about to enter her, he stopped and gazed at her with eyes full of passion.

"Tell me you love me, I don't care if you don't mean it now, say it"

"I love you, holy Merlin I love you so much" she nearly screamed.

He entered her swiftly, both screaming at the enormous amount of sexual tension between them. She felt as though she would die with how much passion she was feeling with each thrust, until finally they climaxed, amazingly.

She clung to him whimpering as he pulled her as close as possible, still inside her, kissing her forehead.

He was her worst enemy, Her biggest sin.