"Oh, no, no, no…" Suki mumbled. "No, no…"

There was no way it could be. She felt lost, abandoned. She scanned the place again, a mere light of hope flashing through the darkness of her mind. She looked around one more time, before she finally gave up trying. There was no way she could deny it; it was right in front of her. Kai was gone, and she was left behind.

She flew down and landed heavily on the spring. That place… it was where the two of them first were, where she sat when Kai ran away, where she was knocked out by Tala, where she and Kai had their first kiss…

Why did it have to end like that? How could she have been so stupid, letting go of Kai… What was she supposed to do now? Go back home? Might as well. It would be hard to explain to her parents why she had returned home.

Her legs refused to hold her up any longer. She fell hard on her knees, and then she sat on the cool grass, letting her wings shield her from the rest of the world. She was in a small cocoon of sadness and darkness and loneliness. She couldn't help blaming herself.


"Actually, that's what I called to talk to you about. Kai, Im not ready to leave." Silence on the other end.

"I will stay here with my family and friends."

"Uh…" he said at the other end.

"We have to get used to each other, my family and I. It feels like we lived together for 16 years, yet we never got to know our real selves." She paused. "Youre not mad at me, are you?"

"No." he said, but she could hear a bit of disappointment.

"Im sorry."

"Don't be. I understand."

"Thank you." She said.

" Ill be passing by your house anyway. But I'll go flying."

"Ok." She said.

"Well then… bye."

"Bye. Kai? Take care."

She wasn't sure if he heard the last part. She heard a click and then the sound that indicated he hung up. She stood there, listening to that sound for a few more seconds before she herself settled the phone on the receiver.

She shook her head in a negative movement, trying to vanish those thoughts and memories. A tear escaped her eye, rolling down on her cheek; even the touch of it against her skin hurt her.

A small light filtered through her wings. Inside her own space, she leaned in on the object. She made her wings part, welcoming her to the real world once again. She was a bit surprised when she saw a pure white feather right in front of her. And it was glowing… or was it the moonlight that made it appear to glow? A slight breeze passed by, lifting the feather from the ground and taking it away.

She stood up quickly, and chased after it, until the breeze stopped and landed the feather gently on the floor again. She picked it up as carefully as she could as if it were made out of glass. Maybe it was from Kai's wings. She held it to her, as if her life depended on that feather. She started walking back home, hiding her wings once again, and holding the white feather to her chest.


She froze. Her eyes widened, and her arms came down to settle themselves at either side of her body, her hand still holding the feather.


That voice… was her mind tricking her? Was her mind playing games with her? Was…

"Suki." A hand settled on her shoulder making her jump. She turned fast, only to see Kai standing right in front of her. She blinked twice, making sure she was seeing correctly.

"What are you…?"

"I thought you left." Said Suki, looking right into that boy's eyes. He looked at her, frowning slightly. "I thought you left." She repeated, as if she had been expecting an answer.

He just stood there, just looking at her. Tears filled her eyes. There was no way that could be Kai. Surely the figure standing in front of her was just a product of her wild imagination, because he wouldn't move. He wouldn't talk. Nothing. But …

She opened her arms and wrapped them around the figure's neck. She had expected for the figure to vanish but no. He was still there, his body against hers. He was as solid as the ground she was standing on. "Kai…"

As from cue, his strong arms wrapped Suki's fragile body, in a way that reassured her that he was Kai. That he was the real thing. He pressed her against himself, gently but firm, longing to feel her, longing for her to be his. He felt her body jump slightly, and separated her a little from himself to see her again. But she wouldn't let go. She was clinging to his neck like if she let go, she would die, disappear, disintegrate… It took him a while to realize that she was sobbing.

"Its ok." he said. "I'm here."

"I thought you were gone." She repeated a third time.

"But I'm right here." He said.

She separated from him a little as if making sure he was telling the truth. Her eyes turned questioning, and as if reading her thoughts, he said;

"I was planning on flying fast so it would appear that I was gone. I figured you would probably be by the window, so then I would sneak into the forest and take a look at you before I left. But then I heard a sound around here… and here we are."

"I want to go." She said. "With you. Everybody's ok with it."

"Are you sure you won't regret this later? You know, not spending time with your family and friends?" he asked.

She looked at him and nodded. "I want to be with you."

Without warning, she stepped on her toes and pressed her lips against his, like if it were a way to show she meant it. He responded to it, and took her hand and then opened his wings. She did the same. They walked to the middle of the spring and then elevated, still holding hands. She looked up at him; that was a really beautiful sight.

Kai's hair being moved by the gentle breeze that had returned, the moonlight shinning down on him… like a real angel.

Suki wasn't a bad sight either, from Kai's view. Her hair was slightly defying gravity, moving at the rhythm of the wind. Her eyes shined on the moonlight, and her face being touched gently by the moons light rays.

After they elevated high enough to reach up and touch the moon, they started moving away from that location, straight to Russia. Suki stopped, tugging on his hand for him to do the same. They turned and looked at that house where Suki Tatewaki used to live. The house where she had grown from a girl to a young woman, the house where she lived for 16 years. Suki smiled before turning away from the house, and letting Kai guide her away. Five minutes later, they disappeared into the night's darkness, heading towards a future that none of them knew about.

One thing they were certain of; whether good or bad things happened, they would face them together.

Well people, there you have it. That was the last chapter of the story. I hope you all enjoyed reading it like I enjoyed writing it. Give me your opinions, OK? Take care, thanks for having some time to read this story, I really appreciate it! Im gonna miss you all… But that's how it goes… … Im so sad… Well, thats all. Dont do Drugs and Stay in School... Yeah RIGHT! BYE!

ALSO! dont forget to check out the story Tonight if you havent already!