Author's note: Hello everyone…here I am bringing you yet another story straight from my imagination. I actually had the idea for this story like a couple of months ago. Long story made short…I was listening to Christina Agularia's "Fighter" and I really like that song…at lot…so much so that I wanted to read the lyrics to see if I could turn it into a fic. Well…the thing is that it would have been hard for me to turn it into a song fic, so this fic is loosly baised on the song. Listen to it and you will get an idea of what this story is about. To be honest with all of you, I was not going to put this online so soon. I was going to wait until I finished all of my stories then put this online. But I wanted to give you guys a treat for being such wonderful reviewers and here it is. Now here comes the deal. I will update this quickly…only if I receive at least 15 reviews. That's all…not asking much. As soon as I receive 15+ reviews…I will put up the first chapter. Promise. So…I know that you all came here to read so I'll let you read…enjoy the story and don't forget to give me your option at the end. Much thanks!

Prelude: lies and secrets reveled

Her heart was beating fast and her breathing was rapid. Thousands of thoughts were running through her mind. She was currently following Sasuke out of the village. He had told her many times not to worry about where he went off to every night…and of course at first it never once concerned her. In her eyes she was living the perfect life. For a little over a year now, she has been known as Mrs. Sakura Uchiha. She was the head medical ninja of Konoha and a member of the ANBU squad. Her husband was the leader of the same squad.

She was living her dream. Nothing could go wrong…nothing. However, despite how things might have looked on the outside, behind closed doors things were slightly different. Not that they were having the unusual trouble…they experienced what every married couple experiences. It's just that every night… starting about 3 months after their wedding, he would leave their house around 12 am and he wouldn't return until 5am. At first like any wife, she felt that he was cheating on her. After about a month of searching the house, asking around, smelling his cloths for women's perfume and even confronting him…she found out that he was not cheating on her. It was the best news that she had ever heard. Yet even though she found out that he wasn't cheating on her, he still continued to leave and return at the same time every night.

It became a mystery to her. Every time she asked him about it, he would say such things like; 'Don't worry about it', 'I'm just going for a walk', 'I have business I need to take care of'…ect. After a few months of hearing these excuses, she just gave up on asking. She trusted him and if he said it was nothing to worry about, then there was nothing to worry about.

However…she couldn't help but wonder. So here she was walking through a dark forest in the middle of the night following Sasuke. It surprised her before when he left the village. 'Why on earth was he leaving the village? Did he leave the village every night? Where was he going and why?' Such questions screamed through her mind.

After about 15 minutes or so some of her questions were answered. They came up to a small cave that was in the middle of the forest. It stuck her as something odd. Besides the moonlight everything else was pitch black…that should have included the cave…yet there was light coming from the cave…as if someone were waiting inside. Her curiosity heighten at the sight. Sasuke was walking right inside. For a moment Sakura stood about 15 feet away from the entrance of the cave. She couldn't hear a word nor see a thing. She had to get closer. She preformed the hand signs and did a quick Transportation/ Invisible justu.

She now stood at the mouth of the cave unseen because of her justu. She had to both keep herself unseen and undetected. Doing both at the same time would have been hard for anyone, yet this was one of the basic spy techniques that members of the ANBU squad must master before going off on A-rank or even S-missions, so for her it was a piece of cake. She proceed the walk into the cave with much caution. Her breathing and heart beat became quicker then it was before. She tried with all of her might to keep her emotions in check. It could be extremely dangerous if she were found. After calming herself down, she continued to walk. As she did, she heard voices coming from a few feet ahead.

"We don't have time to waste. Everything must work out perfectly this time. I will not except this mission to fail." One voice say sternly.

"Yes I understand, I have everything under control." She heard Sasuke reply in a serious tone.

'What does he have under control?' Sakura wondered as she walked closer to the voices.

"You know all too well that 8 years ago my plans failed." The voice hissed.

"Yes." Saskue replied

"Now that I have your help,you will bring me success." The other voice continued in a stern voice. "Do you know how you are going to get rid of them?"

"Well, getting rid of the fifth isn't going to be as hard as getting rid of the host of the nine tails. I had tried kill him before when we were younger…before I came to you…but it wasn't easy." Sasuke replied coolly.

Sakura stopped dead in her tracks at hearing what Sasuke had said. It became crystal clear to her that her husband was planning an assignation of the Fifth Hokage as well as the next in line for the Hokage title…Naruto. Sakura felt the room around her spin. This must be a dream…a really bad dream. No way could her husband be so evil. He had lived up his dream of avenging his clan…so…there was no way in a million years that he…could…do such a thing. However…as much as she wanted to believe it, it wasn't a dream. It was hard cold reality…

She felt as if she were on an emotional roller coaster. He had lied to her…all of this time. It only now caused her to wonder what else he has been lying to her about. Despite hearing what he had said, at this point more then ever she needed to keep her emotions under control. It was evident. If she was caught she would be as good as dead and a dead ninja could protect the Hokage and the next in line to become Hokage. She need to remain calm. She had finally reached the area where both men were talking. What she saw next both brought chills down her spine and fear to her heart. The person who her husband was talking to was…Orochimaru.