Over two years. Goodness. *cracks knuckles and neck, stretches, exhales dramatically* LET'S DO THIS.

A chapter ago, Luigi attempted to explain the motivations behind his experiment, but he failed so horribly that the story didn't bother waiting. Slowly rising after being punched in the face by Knuckles and readjusting his jaw, Luigi began to speak.

"Well, I'm waiting," Knuckles said, impatiently. "Ugh, that sounded like something Sonic would say." The similarity irritated him.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything," Luigi finally said. Both parties managed to ignore the chaos that was occurring since they arrived. "I came from a strange world. And in this strange world, a giant hand recruited me to come to another strange world-"

"That's enough. You're obviously trying to keep your background secretive."

That…was completely true, but "I'm glad you understand, um…" Luigi motioned for the semi-stranger's name. This motion involved him tilting his head to one side a bit, with a kind of slow speed, and looking diagonally up as if trying to remember something.

"Knuckles. And I never said I understood."

"Not to sound like a jerk, but that made you sound really dumb." Knuckles grasped Luigi's collar in the classic, pissed-off, two-handed, lifted-slightly-off-the-ground, you're-gonna-tell-me-everything-or-I-swear-to-God-I'll-kill-you-where-you-stand way.

"What do you want from us?" Knuckles growled. Did I mention he was pissed? Cause he was. And Luigi saw it too. That needed to be quelled ASAP.

"I know I seem suspicious, but I really mean you guys no harm!" Desperation seeped into Luigi's voice. Knuckles forced him to look at the chaos that continued from when they arrived.

"Does this look harml-"

An incredibly loud whirring sound interrupted his query, and practically everything else. Luigi noticed that all the debris in the area was rising. So was he. And so were the rest. Movement was restricted to helpless flailing, which Charmy and Shadow were doing quite a bit of. Shadow's attempts at Chaos Control were somehow rendered useless. Everyone could still talk, though.

"WHAT IS THAT NOISE?" Amy screamed, covering her ears and trying to maneuver herself so that she wasn't looking straight up.

"IT'S SOME KIND OF ENERGY FIELD, BUT IT'S SO LOUD!" Tails screamed, being one of the two who could see what was happening. Apparently, no one noticed the six towers that had surrounded the characters. These towers had created this exotic, boisterous energy field that trapped the characters.

A familiar laugh managed to penetrate the excessive noise.

"Didn't see this one coming, did you, Sonic and friends?" It was Eggman, naturally. Don't ask me where the voice came from. "I've had it up to here with your meddling, and this new technology is the next step in taking you out of the equation and finally realizing my dream. But I figure, while I can, why not kill several birds with one stone?"

This doesn't sound good at all, Luigi would've thought if he could hear himself think.


The whirring devolved into deep droning as the crew was blasted off the ship by an invisible force. From the looks of things, everyone was going to land in different places. Luigi was plummeting toward a dense forest.

"That should take care of that," Eggman said to himself in his discreet location. "I'll prep the backup, just in case…"


Luigi just happened to land in a lake, which meant he was fine. No, wait, he did drop from a very high altitude. So, no, he wasn't fine. He was unconscious. I'm tempted to say he almost died, and he almost certainly broke something. Let's just go with "he'll be okay". If he doesn't drown first.

"I think I got something."

Something sharp pierced Luigi's nose and began to tug. He rose from the lake's depths slowly, still out of it. When he was near the surface, a final, violent yank brought him to dry land. What a resilient nose.

"Hey, he doesn't look too good." The voice was slow and excessively dopey. It belonged to an anthropomorphic, purple cat with a white belly. He was excessively big. He was also accompanied by a frog that made the cat's head his domain. Luigi still had a fishing hook in his nose.

"What should I do, Froggy?"

The frog proceeded to bounce on Luigi's stomach repeatedly. Big watched him for about 15 seconds then spoke: "Good idea." Big stepped on Luigi's stomach, causing a spurt of water and a fit of coughing. For the record, he still had a fishing hook in his nose.

"You're okay now," Big said, staring at him.

Luigi cleared his throat and coughed once more before speaking. "Thanks a lot." He finally removed the hook too. "Looks like I'm back where I started." He pointed to the stump he landed in at the beginning of the story.

"Where'd you come from?" Big asked.

"Long story," Luigi said, wringing out his gloves. "In any case, I don't see how I'm gonna get back there. I just know my thing shorted out when I fell in the lake. If I can just get this Egg guy with the spray before time runs out, I'll be fine." Luigi took the greatness out his pocket and inspected it. "You wouldn't happen to know anybody with a flying vehicle of any kind?"

Big thought for 8.192 seconds. "…No…"

Luigi stood up. "Figures. Well, it's been fun, but I have things to do, so bye."

"Good-bye," Big said, continuing to fish. Luigi left to trek through the forest.

1 hour later

Luigi returned from his trek through the forest.

"Hey, I remember you!" Big exclaimed.

Luigi sighed. "Forests suck. At least I found some spare Egg parts to play with while wandering aimlessly. His technology really is something else…"

"Maybe you can fix that thing on your back?" Big suggested.

"Sure hope so. This will probably take at least 15 minutes to enhance."

2 minutes later

"This should do the trick!" Luigi turned on his new and improved winged jetpack thingy. It now had three jets attached instead of one, and it looked more like a hang glider than a jetpack at this point. "Time to go finish what I initially planned on doing."

"Good luck, green guy!" Big said, still fishing.

"Hey, that reminds me." Luigi walked over to Big, sprayed him, and took off with his new ride. "I think I'll see him soon…" Luigi could swear he heard a little tink behind him as he flew back to the giant aircraft.

Okay. This one was "seriouser" than the rest of them. But don't worry too much. Insanity should return soon. Well, soon story-wise. Can't speak for real time.