Yup, another story. This one is Hanbag's idea and basic plot, but I put a little twist on it to keep the characters a bit more in character. And once again if you love JackxKimiko you might not wanna read this. Rated T for future chapters.

Summary: Jack has feelings for Kimiko, but she is dating Raimundo. Hannibal Roy Bean gives Jack a new Shen Gong Wu which gives the user the power to enter another persons body. Jack falls into Hannibal's plan with only one thing in mind- Kimiko.

Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown. Yes, shocking, I know.


Raimundo supported himself on all fours holding a Shen Gong Wu in each hand. He was breathing heavily and had his eyes shut probably from pain. He had just won a showdown against Jack Spicer who had been fighting oddly well. But it still wasn't good enough to beat him.

Kimiko came running up to the wind dragon first. "Raimundo are you ok? You did great!" She sat one her knees and lifted Raimundo's head up so he faced her.

He smiled at her "What'd you expect from the mighty dragon of the wind?" His voice was still a little shaky. Kimiko smiled back at him as he returned her dreamy gaze. They ended up in a tender kiss.

Away from the happy couple was a miserable onlooker, Jack Spicer. You couldn't tell if he was glaring or holding back tears. He watched as Omi, Clay, and Dojo walked towards the two. Not only did he lose a Shen Gong Wu, he also got his heart shattered into a million pieces.

Yeah, Kimiko had been going out with Raimundo for a some time now, but it wasn't till today that Jack realized that it wasn't just another naive teenage relationship. She really did love that "loser"…

With this in mind Jack took his leave. Only looking back to see the "Xiaolin losers" leaving on Dojo, now in his 40 foot form. He noticed that Raimundo had his arm around Kimiko and she had her head resting on his shoulder. This made Jack sick to his very core.


Jack was once again in his dingy basement. His only company was his wondering mind. He sat at his table where he usually worked on his robots with his head in his hands replaying it over and over again in his mind. He felt worthless, heartbroken, and just plain stupid. For once he felt like he was the only one to blame.

Did he trick himself into believing that she really could feel the same way? Or was something really between them that she couldn't see? Was he crazy for feeling this way for one of his enemies? Or was it just stupidity? (AN: Haha! I'm making him all emo again!)

All he could do was ask questions, yet he couldn't answer even one of them. Why did he feel this way for one of the "Xiaolin losers"? And why did she have to feel that way for one of the other "Xiaolin losers"?

Jack slammed his head on his table. His evil genius brain couldn't take all these questions about… love. What was he to do?

"Now, my dear boy, you can't blame yourself. No man has ever been able to understand women." The small voice made Jack's head shoot up.

"W-who's there?" Jack shouted in a shaky voice. A small brown bean appeared in front of him answering his question. "Oh, it's just you… What do you want?"

Hannibal Roy Bean smirked "Only to help you."

"I don't need any help." Jack said bitterly.

"Don't play dumb, I know how you feel for that girl." Hannibal said starring straight into Jack's eyes.

Jack looked away "What are you talking about? What girl?"

"None other than the dragon of fire." Hannibal Bean said coolly.

"W-what? No! No! Why would you ever think that?" Jack was now looking completely away from the bean trying to hide his blush.

"Boy, didn't you hear me before, don't play dumb. I can see the way you look at her and I can see the jealousy in your eyes when you see her with that Raimundo." Hannibal had finally got Jack to look at him.

"You don't think she's noticed… right?" Jack asked fearing the answer.

"That's not important boy!" Hannibal stopped to cool down his anger. "What's important is how you're going to get the girl."

"I've already tried everything! I've been fighting better! Bathing every day! And-"

"You call yourself evil?" Hannibal Roy Bean Shouted. "I mean, yes you've tried everything."


"Have you ever heard of the shroud of essence?" The bean asked knowing the answer. He didn't even give Jack a chance to answer. "Well it's a Shen Gong Wu that lets whoever uses it enter the mind of somebody else. You know what there thinking and you can control 'um."


"I think you'll be able to finish the thought if you're evil enough." Hannibal Roy Bean had a huge evil grin on his face as he watched the redhead squirm.

"Well where would I get it? Has it revealed itself yet?"

"It just so happens that I know exactly where it is."

"I think I know what I should do." Jack said, he was now smirking as well.

"Now, I'm not trying to be rude, but do you mind running that thought by me? I just want to make sure you know what you're doing."

"What? Do you think I'm too stupid or something to come up with a plan?" Jack asked trying to make a joke.

"Yes." Hannibal said simply.


So after Jack explained his master plan Hannibal decided to give him the right answer and tell him what's he supposed to do.

"Why do I have to go into that loser's body? Why not just become Kimiko and…" The bean gave him a blank stare. "Oh! No! Ewww! But you- oh… I get it now!" Jack had a huge smile on his face at this point.

"Finally! How long has it been?" Hannibal yelled rubbing his temples. Wait, beans don't have temples…

"Well that doesn't matter, because I get it now!" Jack was obviously proud of himself.

"Well, I'm still pretty confused on how you confused me, but as long as you fallow your heart…"

"But you told me what to do! How am I fallowing my heart?" Jack was once again confused.

Hannibal Roy Bean sighed "You like this Kimiko, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"Exactly." Hannibal said surely.

"Oh… Huh?"

Hannibal was about to explode "Just. Do. What. I. Told. You."

Jack, being scared of the bean, nodded and said "I will." After Hannibal Roy Bean left Jack began to think about the scheme. He actually started to take a liking to the idea. Maybe he still had a chance…


There's chapter one! I know it may not seem like it, but I do like Jack. My stories make it seem like I hate him! Always being rejected and all. Anyway please review! It'll really mean a lot!