Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi! I'm soooo happy to finally get this posted! For all of you who are new here, this is the sequel to The Grinch Who Stole My Heart. You HAVE to read that one first, or you'll never understand this. I promise you, it won't take that long. It's only eight chapters, and most of them are so short it should be illegal! READ IT FIRST! Then you can come back here and read this. Please, please, please! For my returning guests, I hope you'll enjoy this. It'll be MUCH better than the prequel, and I'm really hoping you like it! ALSO, this story is in Hermione's POV, but I want to start the story in Draco's POV, just for good effect.

Disclaimer: It's totally mine. Can you hear my sarcasm?


DRACO'S POV (This starts right after Hermione has walked away from him in the prequel...)

I can't believe it. That Hermione would just walk away. I know she's scared, but there's nothing to be afraid of. It's only me. Why is she so afraid to be with me?

What was that? I think I just heard shattering glass. I run around back, and see shards of red and gold scattered all over. I look up, and see Hermione. And there is Potter, holding onto her wrist. She's dangling out of a window.

The window. A window full of secrets. Secrets that she can never know of. But she's hanging out of that broken window. She's talking to Harry. No, she's pleading with him. He's shaking his head. His eyes are glazed with a kind of hate that is unimaginable.

And then, he lets go. His fingers loosen, and her wrist becomes untangled from his hand. And she's falling. Falling. Falling. What should I do? There's only one thing to do, obviously. I have to save her. And so I'm running. Running towards Hermione's quickly descending body. She's almost to the ground. There's no way that I'll be able to save her.

But, somehow, I'm right under her. I can see her face. Her eyes are screwed up in fear and anticipation of her fate that she believes rests below her. And then, with a large WAM! I feel her body drop heavily into my arms. I look down into her face, unbelieving. There is no way that I just caught her. I was so far away. I can't believe it.

Rejoice fills my heart as I look down into her chocolate brown eyes, which she has just opened. I caught her.



I hit the ground with an immense impact. But, somehow, I'm still alive. I open my eyes, and realize that I'm not even on the ground. I look up, and see silver eyes staring directly into my face. I gasp, unbelieving. This is a dream. A wonderful, excellent, amazing dream. I just can't believe that I'm saved. That he caught me. Draco caught me. Emotions are running through my mind at a million miles per hour. I don't know whether to be happy, sad, amazed, or awestruck. There is only one thought that I can distinguish from the others. The fact that he really caught me. I'm not a bloody heap on the ground. Instead, I'm lying here in Draco's arms, breathing in his scent.

He looks down at me. "Are you okay?" He asks quietly.

I nod, and suddenly, overwhelmed, I begin to cry. He sits down, me still in his arms, and begins to cry as well. That caught me off guard, as he never cries. That just makes me cry harder. Tears are streaming down my face in a constant waterfall.

"You scared me! I didn't know if I would catch you!" He pulls himself together a little and stops crying. I'm absolutely, pathetically hysterical now. "I'm sorry!" I wail into his shoulder. I'm not much of a crier, but everything was happening at once.

"Hermione, don't. We need to get out of here." He says firmly. I nod and choke back tears, although it's hard. Something is blocking my lungs, I can't breath well. I don't want to worry Draco, so I stay silent. Obviously not noticing anything, he stands, helps me up, and grabs my arm.

"I don't trust you to apperate, so I'm gong to help you. I'm going to take you to Saint Mungo's." He says.

For the thousandth time time tonight, I just nod, although I'm feeling very grateful. In a moment, I'm feeling the squeezed feeling that is apperating.

My feet collide with hard ground, and my legs collapse underneath me. Draco doesn't hesitate to speak. He simply lifts me up in the air, and carries me, bridal style, into Saint Mungo's. I don't have any injures, but I'm having a panic attack. A nurse takes one look at me, crying, gasping for breath, blue in the face, and runs to get me a calming drought.

It's so hard to breath. I feel so light, like I'm floating. I suddenly notice things that I have never noticed. The walls of the building are so white, like snow. I want to go to the snow, but Draco's holding me down from it. Suddenly, the white begins to fade. Black is taking over my mind. I'm drowning in the black.

And suddenly, right before I melt right into it, and get trapped in the darkness, I feel a cool liquid being shoved down my throat. Cold air rushes into me, filling my lungs, freezing my insides. I've stopped crying by now. I don't notice anything. I'm too busy marveling at each particle of fresh, clean air that is being sucked into my lungs.

"What happened?" The nurse asks.

Draco looks up, shocked. He obviously did not expect this question. That's Draco for you. Always planning ahead, but never for the right thing.

"Nothing. She's fine. Thank you for your help." Draco says pathetically, looking extremely confused by her simple question. But, he moves fast, and before the nurse can yell "Wait!" I've been hoisted onto Draco's shoulder, and we're out the door. We apperate again, and are standing outside a large wood building.

Draco carries me inside, and lies me on the couch. He sits so that my head is in his lap. He gives me a dreamless sleep potion, and I fall asleep, his body heat radiating onto me, his soft hand stroking my face.


So, how was it! OMG, I'm so excited to FINALLY have this up. This is going to be my best ficcie yet. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you want me to update, you HAVE to review! PLEASE!