Persony person: Hey I'm back! Sorry for making you wait. Its been a month I know. But I had FCAT testing and all that junk so yeah. But I'm going to be working hard on my stoy now. I hope none of you lost interest!
Here it is! Finally!
Some beers have some flavor but aren't filling, others have no flavor and feel like a lump in your stomach…for the best taste in beer, try Budweiser Select. The best mixture of smoothness and fla-
"Yeah right, Budweiser Select taste like CRAP!"
Now, put the casserole in the oven at 360 degrees. Don't forget to watch it until it gets golden bro-
"Die Betty Crocker. DIE!"
Wabbit Season! Duck Season! Wabbit Season! Wabbit Season! Duck Season FIRE!
"Ugh, stupid American cartoons….people get shot and not one drop of blood. Bullshit.
'Doctor, have you found out who the father of Maria's baby is?' 'Yes, they father of the baby is-
"I don't give a monkeys ass"
Let's not fight! Lets be friends! You're my best friend! Friendship forev-
Marik quickly turned the TV off, then unplugged it then, threw a lamp at it.
Well now that that was over, Marik had to go back to the very important business of…
….being completely and utterly bored.
RADAMMIT! There was nothing to do! Usually Marik would be off stalking in the city, sending people who gave him unpleasing glances to the shadow realm. Malik took it away, just because he accidentally-on-purpose sent the cat to the shadow realm.
Stupid cat. Malik got a new one now but the important part was that he could no longer use his shadow powers. Marik claimed that those people deserved to be sent to their doom. Malik replied that the people in the Shadow Realm were probably so cramped and crowded, that if he sent anymore people there it would crack open.
Marik walked into the kitchen, where Malik was sitting on a stool by the counter. He had some papers in his hands. Mail.
"Anything for me?" Ishizu asked from behind the stove.
"Nope" Malik grunted. He flipped through the envelopes, and then his eyes rested on a large envelope.
"Hey Marik, we got mail. From Ryou and Bakura." Malik said, waving said mail in his yami's face.
"Well, don't stand there like a noodle. Open it!" Marik replied. Finally something remotely interesting…
Malik ripped open the envelope, leaving the paper on the floor. Ishizu will pick it up later. He pulled out the bulky item inside.
A journal?
"Hey hikari, what is that?"
"I don't know, lets find out"
And he opened it to the first page.
Coming to a theatre near you! He was abandoned at birth. Raised by Mexican Sombrero-makers. And now, he's back to get revenge on the parents who never loved him. This fall comes…Tortilla Boy!
"What. The. Hell."
Pikachu! I choose you! Thundershock!
"RYOU! I'm bored!" Bakura whined.
Ryou sighed. Bakura had formed a pattern with the TV: watch show for 5 seconds, comment, switch channel, and complain. This had been going on for almost an hour now..
"Well what do you want me to do about it Bakura?"
"Give me the millennium ring back"
"Ryou…" Bakura growled dangerously. His hikari was about to respond when he was interrupted by the doorbell. The kawaii little Ryou left the living room with a quick 'I'll get it' and rushed to the door. He was greeted with the sight of a snickering Marik, and a Malik trying to desperately cover his giggling with his hands.
"Uh…hi Malik, Marik...what brings you here?" Ryou asked, caught off guard by there strange behavior.
By this time, Bakura had complained once again of his boredom, but still didnot leav the sanctuary of the couch to see who was at the door.
Upon hearing the source of their amusement, Marik and Malik promptly…
…burst out laughing like the physco lunatics that they are.
"What's so funny?" A confused Ryou asked. Is Bakura really that interesting? Maybe they thought he looked funny. But wait, he looked very much like his yami, so they would think that he was strange looking as well.
Ryou narrowed his eyes at the preoccupied tomb-keepers.
Malik, the first to recover, handed him a journal not unlike the one he sent in the mail yesterday. He commanded the white-haired teen to read it. And that he did.
20 minutes later
"I don't see how this is funny you two" Ryou commented sternly. "This is very serious; these dreams could become worse and mentally damage Bakura's logical reason and sense of reality."
Malik, becoming infected with Ryou's seriousness, was suddenly aware of the danger this could put Ryou in.
"You mean this could make Bakura a ruthless killer, with no logical remorse, and send him on a killing spree?" Malik inquired. Ryou nodded.
"And this is different from the present Bakura how?" Marik added sarcastically.
Ryou glared at Marik's lack of concern. "This could mean that he would loose his grip on reality. With his skills in killing, stealing, and evading authorities, not to mention the shadow powers, he could easily destroy Japan!" He concluded, and then added "which includes you!"
Malik gasped. "If we die, who will feed Mr. Fluffers? He'll starve, and then the house will be overrun with rats! Then Ishizu will either get eaten alive by rats or become the Rat Queen! …that actually sounds pretty cool though."
"Malik FOCUS! We need to stop this from happening. We have to stimulate Bakura's mind so he won't turn…..crazy…er." Ryou finished lamely.
It would be a difficult process. He had read in a book that in order to calm the subconscious you have to go through many procedures. Dreams are the affect of past memories and relations between them as well as warning signals of danger.
"… are we going to do this Ryou-kun?" Malik asked. This day was just getting better and better!
"Well, we're going to have to go through certain steps to ease his subconscious. He probably won't agree to it so we'll have to hold him down somehow…."
"YAY! I'll go get the rope and duct tape!" Marik chirped happily. But before he could skip off to the kitchen, Ryou grabbed his arm.
"You guys, I need you to be serious. This can be sort of dangerous since it IS Bakura we're talking about. I really need your help okay?"Both Ishtarsnodded.
"HIKARI! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS! UNTIE ME NOW OR I'LL UNLEASH THE POWER OF THE SHADOW REALM UPON YOUR UNWORTHY SOUL!" Shouted a VERY enraged tomb-robber. A panting Malik and Ryou gave each other a thumbs up.
"That was alot harder than I thought it would be" commented Marik from the couch. He was staring amusedly at the his friend who was tied to an arm chair.
"What are you talking about Marik, you didn't do anything!" Malik contridicted and folded his arms. "You just watched us do the whole thing"
"Yes, I know. It looked like you were having a hard time.It was tiring just to watch. I don't think you would have made it if Ryou hadn't sneeked up on him from behind. And even then, if you hadn't caught him off guard with that battle cry, Ryou would have a broken arm"
Both hikaris and the tied yami glared.
"Ryou I am serious. If you don't untie me RIGHT NOW I...what is that?"
Malik grinned evilly. "Duct Tape my foolish friend. Duct tape. FEAR IT!"
And without further warning, Malik leaped onto Bakura (which is much easier when he's tied down) and attached a large piece of the silver tape on the albino Thief King's mouth.
"Eh..Malik? I need to ask him questions. He needs to be able to talk you know..."
"Yes, I know" Malik grinned evilly. He turned to Bakura. "I'm sure this will be the last time you underestimate the power of the duct tape"
The sandy-haired teen grabbed Bakura's cheek in one hand, and an edge of the tape in another and...
Marik burst out laughing, holding onto his sides as he fell of the sofa. Malik was grinning like no tommorrow. An our little Ryou was sighing tiredly mumbling to himself about crazy friends and their physcotic habits.
Finally, when things calmed down, Ryou mentally prepared himself.
"Okay, here we go..."
Persony person: okay, thats it for this chappie! Ryou sure is stern about this subject ne? Told you I would get some plot in there!
...I think this chapter has the most dialogue of all of my
Thanks to all of you loyal reviewers who told me to get off my lazy ass and start writing again!
don't forget about the pretty purple button at the bottom-left side of your screen!