A/N: Here Goes. My final chapter. It's like the end of an era... well about 2 months good work for me at least. Hehe. Have fun reading it, and please review it afterwards!

Wow my last disclaimer: Disney owns the characters of Lizzie and Gordo, and any other character I may have used throughout the story that derives from the LM series or Movie.

My Gordo

The sky was a dim blue, but Gordo saw grey clouds in the distance. It kind of summed up his life in the past year. He felt awful. Lizzie's rejection of their relationship had rocked his self-esteem, and reduced him to no more than a wreck. He looked up, and saw that there was no silver lining on the clouds he was looking at. He desperately searched for some bit of silver, but found none. He started to sob, and reached for a tissue.

Gordo advanced down the walkway, heading for terminal two. He reached for his bag, but this only made him feel worse. Everything these days reminded him of Lizzie somehow. The bag he had picked for todays trip was the bag he had used in middle school.Why did I have to pick this bag, on this day, He thought. He had earlier been searching for a larger bag to pack a lot of tissues in, as he knew he would need them.

He boarded the plane, and sat down on one of the first class seats. He dreaded being alone for such a long trip, as he was only left to dwindle in his thoughts. This was the last thing he wanted to do, to mull over the events of the last few weeks over and over for 9 hours. He again started to sob into his hands. He tried to fight out the memories, but to no avail.

"Im, sorry. I don't know what to say.. Gordo, I cant offer you anything other than my friendship. I thought that would be enough."

"You know what? dont say anything. I have to go." He said. And the memory faded out into nothingness.

Gordo cried even more profusely. He couldn't live without Lizzie, he just couldn't. She was the love of his life, he had been in love with her since they were toddlers. How could she reject me after all that we have been through, especially after that night. It was so intimate. I didn't ever think I could be so close to another person. It all felt so right. I cant see how she didn't feel how right and how natural it felt, He thought.

"Are you ok, Sir?" The flight attendant said, looking concerned. She reached for a warm towel, and handed it to Gordo. He pressed it to his head and it helped a little, and he calmed down a slight bit.

"Thanks... I needed that." He said, grateful for her kindness.

He sat back and finally, relaxed.

"Gordo, It's me, Lizzie." He heard. Was it a dream? no, it couldn't be. He wasn't asleep. He opened his tear-drenched eyes, and saw Lizzie sat in the chair in front of him. She looked even worse than he felt. Her hair was messy, and it looked as though she hadn't even checked what she was wearing. Hold on... why would she board the flight? to hurt me even more than I am right now, he doubted it was possible. His hurt suddenly turned into anger.

"It's too late, McGuire. Your too late...you can't hurt me anymore than you already have. I love you, and I cant change that feeling. But even if you don't love me, please dont rub it in my face." He replied.

"No.. it can't be too late...And here's why. Everything you told me about that night. Everything. I felt it all too. And you know what? it scared the hell out of me. I was scared to lose what we had in our friendship. I was scared to lose you. But I was even more scared to let my love for you in and embrace it because it all felt so scary. Everytime I ever let myself get close to a boy, I have always been rejected. Ronnie rejected me, Ethan rejected me when I tried to get close to him too. It hurt so bad when I tried so hard to find Mr.Right, and failed. But I found it even more hard to accept that all the time I was gawping over any other boy, my real true love was always standing next to me, comforting me, or catching me after I fell..." Lizzie paused, and she started to sob."I need you. And thats a really hard thing for me to accept. But after spending the last few weeks without you in my life, I found that the one thing I have always taken for granted, was the one thing I have always needed most of all."

Lizzie stared hopefully into his eyes. He stared back, apparantly trying to process all of this new information. Gordo loved Lizzie with all of his heart, even he couldn't deny that. As much he wanted to, he couldn't resist her cute blonde hair, and Beautiful brown eyes. They always gave the impression that she was in deep thought about something. He couldn't stay mad at her forever. Even after all she had done to him, she was still his Lizzie. The person that he knew most of all out of everyone on earth. They had played in the sandpit together when they were 3, they had started their first day of pre-school together, holding hands as they went through the doorway. They had been through middle school, and One year of high school together. He loved her too much to let her go, and he now finally knew that she loved him back.

"What about your image? I'm sure no one is gona want to hang out with you if you are going out with a dork like me." He said, chuckling through his tears.

"You know what? to hell with all of them. The only person in this world that I care about now is you. You are my world, and my Gordo." She said, with a smile, and they kissed over the seats. She joined him on the seat next to him, and she saw his bag.

"You know? I've always wanted to give you this." She reached into his bag, and looked into the very bottom of it. And pulled out a small book. 'Class of 2001. Hillridge Middle School.'

She looked through to the last page, and found a peice of paper, and gave it to Gordo. He started to read.

Dear Gordo,

When you read this, I hope we are together, as I would love to see your face after you have finished. I've always wanted to say this. I love you, with all my heart. I always have, and I won't ever leave your side as long as I live. You may find this to be a shock, but you have been my rock in the past 4 years of middle school. I will never forget your words, 'Your Perfect'. But you see, it's you who are perfect, Gordo, not me. I have never realised how much you have always looked out for me, even when I was chasing after some shallow crush I had on a more popular guy. Please dont ever leave me in the years to come, as I dont know what I would do without you.



Gordo brushed a tear from his eyes. And they finally hugged. She raised her mouth to his ear, and said,

"Gordo... You rock. Dont ever change. Because... I love you."

A/N: Apologies for people who thought that ending was too short, but there wasn't much else to say after their earlier arguement. For people who read the storyline carefully, the last paragraph was the letter that Lizzie slipped into Gordo's bag in Chapter One,evil smile. Hehe, I love you guys, and I really love writing. So... after this story is over, you ask, what is next for DearLizzie in life? well, I'm already in the motions of starting a new project with a good friend of mine, Dario, another writer on The details are yet to be fully confirmed, but one thing I can tell you is that it's going to be unique, and never tried before.

R&R peeps, it's your last chance :)
