A/N: Ok guys this is my first fanfict like... ever. So be nice, but also give as much constructive critisism as possible, as i will try to use as much of your ideas as i can if i like them... This is a fully LG fict, so ideas that work well with the characters on the tv series and the movie would be greatly appreciated, as i'm trying to keep it as much like the real characters personalities as i can. RandR!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I am poor and have nothing. Disney rawks and i suck, they own it all. God, i wish I owned Hilary Duff...Ahh the possibilities... Anyways.

The Long And Winding Road

Caption:...Love Stinks...

A 14 year old David Gordon was sat at his desk contemplating the previous days events. He had been working on the new update of the Escene in the computer lab, and Lizzie had approached him, looking defeated.

Lately Lizzie had been working as the resident advise columnist for the paper. He had had his doubts about her skills at giving advise, but Lizzie had came through unscathed so far, much to his surprise. But looking at her expression, He could tell that there was something wrong.

"Hey Gordo." She said, looking anxious.

"Hey, I managed to get Principle Tweedy to let us have some more server space, so this week, you can make your column even longer." He replied, hoping that she was game for it. Her column had been a booming success.

"Thats great. But...um...I quit." Lizzie said, feeling guilty for letting down her best friend.

"But you can't quit." Responded Gordo, he was starting to panic, however still somewhat confused.

"I just... dont think i'm cut out for this job. Veruca took my advise, and she ended up in a trashcan for like... an hour." Lizzie said. And she explained why she had made the decision to quit in more detail.

"Ok, but I need to get an new edition of the Escene out tomorrow... If you just answer one more letter, than after that , you can hang up your 'pen' for good." He said, reassuring her. Lizzie understood that she had to do one more letter, and gave up her arguement. She said goodbye, and left for home.

Soon after, Gordo joined his best friend in leaving for home. He walked out of the school front doors, and looked up. It was a clear night, and the stars were as bright as they had been in a long while. He started to think about how his feelings towards Lizzie had changed in the last twelve months or so. Ever since the start of their last year in middle school, Gordo had been increasingly nervous around his best friend. He had also resorted to not talking to Lizzie quite as much as he used to, because every time he tried to talk to her, he ended up blurting out total nonsense and embarrassing himself in the process. He didn't blame himself for his feelings though, after all, Lizzie was the most caring and beautiful girl in hillridge.

"I've got to do something. There has to be some cool way of telling Lizzie about my feelings without actually talking to her directly and tottally messing it up." He said to himself. He thought about it all the way home, and as he was reaching his door, he stopped. The idea hit him with power. How could he have overlooked this for several days with Lizzie being the advise columnist? he would write a letter to Lizzie and ask her for advise about telling your best friend that you might feel more for her than just liking her as a friend. It was so devious and shrued, it just might work. He would write it anonymously of course, and title it from his foolproof pen-name, Confusedguy.

The next morning, after a sleepless night hoping for Lizzie to choose his letter for her very last reply, he logged onto his computer to check the Escene email list. Aha, his wish had been granted! there it was, a reply from Lizzie sent to Escene. He opened it, and read the contents.

"Dear Confused. I wish I could help you, but I cant. All I could say to help you is to follow your heart, it'll tell you whats right." He read the reply over and over again. He had made up his mind, he would tell Lizzie his feelings when he next saw her.

Later, at school, he was sat at the computer lab again, uploading Lizzie's last column along with todays Escene edition. He gazed up, and there she was, and his heart jumped a beat. She was so beautiful.

"Hey Gordo." She said, Smiling. His breathing quickened.

"So I see you found it in you to finish your last advise column." He blurted out, thankful he managed to say something.

"Yep. I mean... I couldn't let ConfusedGuy down." She said, motioning to sit down, but deciding against it when she saw what time it was.

"You didn't." He uttered. Oh no, I made that sound too obvious. She's going to work out that i'm Confusedguy, he thought.

She looked at him, looking confused, and he could almost see the little mechinisms turning in her brain, trying to think why something so strange had been said. She looked around, and saw Veruca. Knowing that she owed her after the cafeteria trash incident, Lizzie decided to accompany her friend to class. Gordo knew it was now or never. he quickly rose out of his seat.

"Hey Lizzie. Wait! Theres something I have to tell you!" He said, panicing, he knew this was it. She turned. The past 14 years of their friendship had led up to this moment in Gordo's opinion. At the very point he was about to confess his undying love for her, his mind went blank.

"What?" She answered, wanting to get this over with so she could get to class. An awkward silence ensued, it seemed like the two of them were stood there for years, when in fact it was only a matter of seconds.

"You give great advise." he blurted out. And with that he realised he had missed his chance. His mind froze, and he suddenly lost all confidence. He gave a false smile, and she returned it. He was crushed.

Gordo looked up. He saw the nightsky just as clear as it had been that fateful night. However it was now over a year later, and Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda had finished Junior High. The past months developments in his and Lizzie's relationship had been big steps for him on his goal to confessing his feelings for her. On the last day of school she had kissed him on the cheek. Just a couple of days ago, in Rome, she had kissed him on the lips! it wasn't a deep kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. In his mind, these acts of affection had partly proved that Lizzie could actually maybe return his feelings to him. However, the events leading from the kiss in Rome to now, were not so reassuring. She had not called him, or talked to him since getting off the plane at Hillridge airport.

He sighed, and got up out of of his chair, turning off his instant messaging. He had hoped Lizzie would sign on and he would get the chance to talk to her, but no luck. This only powered his feeling that she had greatly regretted both of the kisses.

He staggered over to his bed, and immediately fell asleep. All of this thinking had made him tired.

A/N: So... what did u think? i know it was a ricky idea to start the story with a flashback. But i think it works. Reviews please! either good or bad it doesn't matter.

I should have another chapter completed by at the latest, the end of the week. This all depending on how many reviews i get. :) Ideas are welcome. Also if u want to give any HUGE ideas, my email is to chat more privately. Im off to go have lunch with my Girlfriend... so happy reading.
