Hi ya. It's me again. This isn't really angst, because it ends up happy-ish. Yup. Enjoy. Oh yeah, and this is Remus writing a letter to dead Sirius and James...

WARNING: OotP spoilers.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

NOTICE: I'm dedicating this to Sirius, who, sadly passed away in book 5. We will miss you forever, and will forever be in misery in the muggle world.


To my dear friends, Padfoot and Prongs,

This letter is probably way over your heads. You're probably either hurting each other or breaking something right now. That's what you were always doing. Disorder followed you like a shadow. And that's how we all liked it. After all, it's not much fun following the rules is it?

Padfoot, do you remember your fan club at Hogwarts? I bet you do. That was your argument for everything. "Does anybody ELSE have a fan club? I didn't think so." You'd say. Do you remember the time we crashed one of their meetings? Dressed like girls, of course. And do you recall the fact that we were made vice presidents? That was a fun day. We were very good girls, don't you agree?

Hey Prongs, do you remember your first date with 'Lily'? Of course you do, you didn't speak to me and Sirius for a month after that. That was hilarious, it was. We thought she was going to blow you off, so Sirius took Polyjuice potion that I had for him to look like Lily. The look on your face was priceless when 'Lily' asked if you wanted to see her room. What was even more priceless was the look on your face when the REAL Lily walked in the door, apologizing for being late.

You two were so much fun. You were my friends. It's hard to believe that you're both gone. You were such great people, it's impossible that you were both taken away. I never had friends until I met you. And let me tell you, I scored by getting you. You trusted me and accepted me in a way that no one else ever could have. You included me, which was something I constantly longed for.

Then, I thought I'd lost you when you all found out about my 'furry little problem.' But you didn't leave me. You stayed by my side. It was wonderful. Full moons, which were once so agonizing, were excitable and fun. Even after Hogwarts, whenever the full moon came, you guys came as well.

But you're both gone now. No more midnight adventures. Yet somehow, I don't feel sad. Of course I miss you, but a strange thing happens once a month. Every full moon, I'm flooded with memories of you guys. I feel like we're 17 again, exploring the grounds. I have found that I now long for full moons, although they were once dreaded. Because, when there's a full moon, I feel like you guys are with me. You said you'd never leave me when I needed you, and you never did.

Every other day of the month I feel like dying. Curling up in a little ball, and not facing the world. A world without my two best friends. A world of evil, with nobody to lighten things up a little. But on the full moon, I feel like I can live. So, thank you for never leaving me. I never doubted you for a second.

Until the full moon,



Yup, a bunch of mushy gushy crap. I really hated this one-shot, as a matter of fact... I think I'm losing my touch! NOOO! R&R, and remember, flames are for arsonists!