Chapter 16
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Muffin Lady 0o. Happy B-day!
Holly and Kay had been looking for Sool for about 10 minutes. Holly was shocked; she thought they would have run into soldiers of some sort by now. After walking for about one more minute they heard a fight going on. Kay was sure it somehow involved Jay and Artemis.
"Artemis and Jay are probably in that fight. Maybe we should go help," Holly told Kay.
"Na, Jay does that for a living he should be fine. Let's keep moving." They kept moving until they came to a hall that just screamed "don't go down." Then they heard some one screaming. A soldier ran out of a room screaming. Holly and Kay didn't get it all but they thought they heard something along the lines of: "HE WON'T SHUT UP! MAKE HIM STOP! AAAHHHHGGG! MAKE IT STOP! HELP!"
"Huh, if I didn't know better I'd say we found Foaly's cell." Which of course, she was right. Foaly had been kept in a room with all the monitors and was having a fun time torturing his guards. From pushing random buttons, to whining about the most stupidest of things, like the air in the room is to stale, he wanted water, what kind of name is Foaly? Why did his parents name him that? Couldn't they have been a bit more creative? It goes with out saying that Foaly was annoying someone, and it wasn't himself.
"Poor guards" Holly sighed. "Never stood a chance," Walking into the room Holly saw the MIB agent and the scrawny pale kid (as Jay would say) on the monitors. They had gone and gotten themselves captured. "Dar'vit" Holly muttered. "Foaly we've got to go Artemis and Jay need our help."
"Hi Foaly. Nice to see you Foaly. Hope you've been okay. Thanks for sounding sssooo concerned."
"Foaly, I'll give you the whole missed you package after we save Artemis." And they were off to save the two who obviously needed some help in the not getting killed area.
When they found the door, Foaly was a little aggravated from being captured and his only form of entertainment gone, decided that instead of opening the door he would knock it down instead. That might have been a bad idea. When Foaly knocked it down, the door kind of landed on Jay, knocking him out.
"Hello Foaly, nice of you to drop by," Artemis said looking down at the knocked out MIB agent. "And you too Holly."
"Um Jay?" Kay questioned poking Jay. (Yeah I know he wouldn't do that) Before Kay could revive his partner, the fighting broke out. Artemis was trying to do the fighting thing, which still looked like he was trying to break dance and failing pathetically. Sool was just kind of laying low. Withahalf and Holly were duking it out. Holly was trying her best but wasn't really wining. Each punch was a narrow dodge.
Kay was now sick of this mission. He was increasingly getting annoyed at this Withahalf person, and he didn't have his favorite gun. Kay raised the weapon he had brought with him, aimed and fired. It was a direct hit to Withahalf. Getting hit, Withahalf exploded into millions of millions of tiny sparkly things. The so called loyal soldiers made a run for it after this.
Sool saw that things were not going as planned. He didn't like it when this happened. Although he saw an opportunity to make a run for it, he didn't take it. He was sick of Artemis Fowl and wanted him gone of the face of this and any other planet. Seeing a gun that one of the soldiers dropped, Sool picked it up a sneaked up behind Artemis. He grabbed Artemis around the neck and held the weapon to the adolescent's head.
"So what's the great Artemis Fowl going to do now? You make have ruined my plan but I still win."
"Artemis! NO!" Holly yelled trying to get to Artemis.
"Checkmate boy." Sool whispered in Artemis's ear starting to put pressure on the trigger. Before he got a chance to, Sool got a little surprise, an intergalactic bullet to the head. Jay had apparently woken up during the fight, and saw the pale boy in trouble. Took aim and fired. Sool exploded into millions of little sparkly red things.
"Charming," muttered Artemis.
After the incident Artemis returned home. With all his memories too. MIB and LEP decided to start an alliance to monitor things and help each other out. Artemis got to keep his memories, only because MIB thought he could help when they needed it, and they thought he might make a good agent when he was older. Artemis doubted it, but it was good to have his memories. All of them too.
Trouble got promoted too commander of LEP. He and Holly started dating. And Foaly, he still as annoying as ever. LEP helped mind wipe Angeline of ever being mesmerized. And pick up his house, by the time Artemis got home, it looked liked the whole trying to kill Artemis thing never happened. When Artemis entered the house he was greeted by Butler, who refused to accept Artemis's pleas that he was ok.
Artemis was now lying in his bed starring at the ceiling. He was now sure that he was done with the stupid shady business. He had his parents and his bodyguard friend. When his parents gave him some surprising news, he was going to have a little sister. Well Holly and Trouble are together. Maybe I might want to maybe start trying to think of things that normal boys my age might be thinking about. Just at a much higher level. There is that dance coming up at school, and that Cathy in advanced calculus is kind of cuteā¦
A/N: Yeay! It's finally done. Sorry if Artemis was a bit oc near the end. I needed some way to end it! Reviews would be awesomest posemest. Hope you liked it as much I liked writing it! Peace out!