Finally… FINALLY! After six to seven years of waiting, almost 600,000 words, many reviews, and a whole lot hits on every chapter, I've reached the end of this story! Man, this took longer then I least expected. Though there were some delays in this story, like for example the schoolwork, vacation trips, and other stories I'm doing. Not to mention this story was removed years ago cause I broke a law I didn't know until I read the terms again. But I had that all fixed up and no one didn't remove my story again. And now after all this work, I've finally reached the end of it. But before I start at the last chapter, let's see what happened in the previous one. Sadly, no one didn't review me as of late, but the hit counter was huge, like 29 hits. So what it that now, 14,659 hits in total. Man, this story has been really popular, right next to my Ben 10 story and Bioshock story. Anyways, let's finish this bad boy! On the last chapter, the Titans finally made it to the past. But they were upset at the fact that Alex had to stay behind and kill himself in order to save the future. Just then, Robin found the guardian's PDA and it had a message. What does it say? Only one way to find out. Read this final chapter!

Chapter Notes

As you might already know, this chapter takes place right before Aftershock Part 2, just like how the first chapter took place in Aftershock Part 1. Just want to give you the heads up incase you missed it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans and Doom.

Chapter Fifty: The End of the Beginning

Jump City, Underground Cavern: August 21, 2004, 5:30 P.M.

Underneath Jump City, the caves were completely quiet and it was very dark. Just then, something glows completely bright and expanded to the size of a round silver sphere like object. In a matter of seconds, five people came out of sphere and tumbled on the dirt ground. At the same time, the sphere compressed on itself and vanished into thin air, followed by a flashing light. With the light gone, the group got up and was a little disoriented, with a few of them up chucking. This team that came out of the sphere was none other then the Teen Titans. Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy, escaped the future and the UAC because Hell was trying to kill them. And by the looks of their outfits, everything was torn, dirty, and covered in blood. After going through all that torment, they managed to reach the Ark and used it to go back to the past. Now that they have made it, they can finally finish their fight with Slade and Terra. But not until they regain their composure. Beast Boy was a little groggy as he started to throw up a little bit. After coughing up, he sighed to himself and couldn't believe what transpired.

Beast Boy: "Ok… Guess Alex was right on one thing. That first trip through the Ark could be really uncomfortable."

Raven agreed as she coughed up some chunks.

Raven: "Tell me about it…"

Once they were finished gagging, they got up and looked around the place. What they notice was that they're in an underground cave that was so dark, it was hard for them to see. So Cyborg activated his shoulder light to illuminate the area. What they saw was completely intriguing. All around them, they saw nothing but dirt and rocks and above their heads were sharp spikes dangling on the ceiling. Looking at this place, they were in awe, but wasn't sure where they were.

Starfire: "What is this place?"

Robin: "Don't know Starfire. Cyborg?"

The hybrid nodded and activated his mini computer on his arm to give them the destination. Once he made a few keystrokes, he got the information he needed.

Cyborg: "Got it. Hmm… That's strange… According to my system, it says we're in Jump City. We must be underneath the city for all I know. As far as the date, it seems accurate. August 21st, 2004 and the time is 5:30 P.M. It would seem that the Ark managed to get us to our place and time."

Everyone listened in and realized that this was it. Even Beast Boy came to a real good conclusion.

Beast Boy: "So that means, we're back home? No more demons? No more zombies? No more Hell? No more UAC?"

Cy looked at the changeling and told him his questions.

Cyborg: "I think so Beast Boy. We're finally home."

Upon hearing that, Beast Boy freaked out in excitement as he flailed his arms around and screamed out happily.

Beast Boy: "Woo hoo! Finally we're back! We're home! No more UAC Hellhole! Just the city we love and criminals we can dish out! Isn't that awesome?"

He looked to the team to see if they were excited. But apparently, they weren't excited. What he saw was sad expressions as tears came down a few eyes. Beast Boy looked at them questionably and wasn't sure why they were crying.

Beast Boy: "Hey! What's with the long faces? I thought we would be happy to be back home after what we've been through."

The team looked at him and knew he forgotten about what happened before they left. It was then that Starfire turned to him and told him about what happened back at the future.

Starfire: "How could we be happy about being back home when we lost someone important to us?"

BB blinked a few times and soon realized what she meant. So he lowered his head and was depressed about it too.

Beast Boy: "Oh yeah… That's right… Alex…"

Before they went to the past, they asked Alexander Kelly, son of Master Sergeant Thomas Kelly and their appointed guardian, to come with them cause he was hurt badly. But he refused to come with them. Instead, he had to stay in the future and stopped the demonic hoard from reaching Earth. The reason why is because he had a remote detonator in his possession that would activate all the detonated charges in the main core of the Union Aerospace Corporation. Once he activates it, which he did the moment they left, the charges will blow up and create a chain reaction that would ultimately destroy the entire facility along with the demons and any evidence of their existence. The team didn't like it and tried to convince him to come with them. But still, Alex refused to go with them as he knows he's the only one of stop that nightmare. And with no other choice, the team let it slide and said their final goodbyes to him. And once they were on the Ark's platform, Alex activated it and the team was sent to the past. Though they have no idea of what happened after they left, they knew Alex did what he did and saved his future for succumbing to the demonic army. A selfish sacrifice for the greater good. The team remained silent and were depressed for their friend. Beast Boy then said to them about his choice.

Beast Boy: "I can't believe he decided to be left behind just to save his future. What was he thinking? We should've let him come here so we can save him. Instead he stayed and commits suicide to stop the demons. Why he did that?"

Everyone remained quiet and wasn't sure how to respond to it. That's when Raven came in and answered the changeling.

Raven: "Isn't it obvious…"

BB turned to her and listened for her answer.

Raven: "The UAC was his home, his life. His father took him there when he was very young. He lost his only friend in an accident there. It was where he was appointed as a guardian for us there. His entire lively hood was in that place. He couldn't leave even if the place was attack by demons from Hell. And even though he was betrayed, shocked, or found out about the truth of that place, he had nothing else to loose. That's why he stayed behind. It was his home, from beginning to end."

Cyborg: "Still… He should've at least thought about it before pushing the remote detonator's button. Maybe from there he would know that was suicide."

Robin: "Well maybe he did thought of it and didn't like it. But he still did it just to save the lives of billions of people on Earth. And that's what we heroes do; sacrifice to save others, even if it mean they have to risk their own lives. And we will remember his sacrifice, no matter how bad it is."

He placed his hands on his hips and lowered his head in despair. Just as he did that, he felt something strange in one of his compartments of his utility belt. Curious, he placed his hand into his compartment and checked to see what it was. The team looked at him and was unsure what he was doing. So Starfire came in and asked him personally.

Starfire: "Robin? To what are you doing?"

Robin: "There's something in my utility belt. Don't know what it is…"

He pushed and pulled to get whatever it is out of his belt. After a few attempts, he managed to get it out and looked at it to see what it is. What he saw was a damaged and dirty PDA from the UAC. But it wasn't no ordinary PDA. After looking at it closely, Robin found out who it belonged to.

Robin: "Hey, this is Alex's PDA."

Everyone perked up and approached the Titan leader, surprised at what he found.

The Teen Titans: "What?"

The Titan leader looked up at them and told them what he found.

Robin: "I said Alex's PDA is in my utility belt."

Beast Boy: "Dude, why was it in your belt."

Robin: "I don't know. Maybe… Maybe Alex put it there on purpose. Remember when he hugged me? I think he slipped it in during the hug."

Raven: "But why did he leave his PDA to you?"

Robin: "No clue… But there's only one way to find out."

Pushing the button, the PDA was activated and the screen was turned on. With the screen on, he noticed that the battery on the device was low and was on the verge on an emergency shutdown. With very little time, Robin looked through the profile to see anything important. That's when he noticed an audio log that was added a few hours ago. The audio log said, 'Final Entry' and it was flashing like it was new. Robin looked at the message and was curious about it.

Robin: "Hmm… Wonder what's important about message?"

Curious, he took out the touch pen from the bottom and begins clicking on the 'Play' icon. As it started to play, he and the other heard Alex's voice on the PDA.

Alex: "This is the audio log of Alexander Kelly dated November 16th 2145. This is going to be my last log. I would want to talk about the surprises, betrayals, and the near life and death experiences I've encountered on the way to Gamma Labs. But instead, let me just get right to the point. Gamma Labs is completely overwhelmed with demons and zombies and in order to reach the Ark, we have no other choice then to use everything necessary to destroy-"

The team listened in and couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Beast Boy: "Dude, that's Alex's voice. What is he doing?"

Cyborg: "Sounds like he was making his final recording before his demise. Guess he wanted to make it memorable."

Starfire: "But why did he give the PDA to you?"

Robin: "No clue… But maybe this audio log has something to say.

So the team listened in as the log kept on playing.

Alex: "With all other options off the table, there is only one thing left to do. I may not like it, but it's the only way in preventing the inevitable. There is something else I have to get off my chest before this battle begins and it's this."

There was a bit of silence when the team heard their former guardian sighing on the speaker. That's when the team heard something they would remember.

Alex: "To the Teen Titans. To Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy. My teammates, my allies, my friends… If you are listening to this message, then you already know that I'm dead. Now I know you didn't like my decision on staying behind to blow up the entire facility, but I had a reason why I want to do it. The UAC is my home and I live there for most of my life. And having to blow it up to kill every monster in the place is a better option then letting the hoard escape and head to Earth. Now this was a stupid thing I did and no one would know of my sacrifice to save the future, but at least I know I've manage to accomplish this task and prevented an Armageddon of epic proportions. But for you guys, I was able to get you to the past without getting killed in the future. And since my task is done, it's time to finish what you started. Now I know that Terra was once your friend, but after what she did to you was unforgiving. You guys can't hesitate on her one second. The friend you once knew is forever gone. In her place is a monster that has no remorse, just like the ones we've encountered. In order for her to beat her and Slade, you need to be like her. You mustn't show any weakness to her, nor give her any chances or trust. You must show her no mercy and defeat her, no matter what it takes. Remember, even though I died for the greater good, I will always be here for you, no matter what. Farewell my friends. Maybe one day, I will see you again on the other side. This is Alexander Kelly… End of log…"

The moment the log was finished, the screen went completely static as the battery in the PDA ran out of juice. With the screen going out in darkness, the team stood there and remained silent. Upon hearing him talk to them for the last time, the team slowly soon realized that he was right. Terra was no longer a friend, but a monster and they need to stop her at once. And no matter what would happen to them, their friend will always be with him through the good times and bad times. They let it all sink in as the last words of Alex Kelly haunt them.

For ten minutes, the team decided to set up a memorial in honor of their lost friend. Cyborg managed to find a large slab of rock that would resemble a tombstone and moved it to the back end of the wall. Once he put it in place, Starfire had her finger glowing green and used it to etch out letters into a name and memoriam. After she was done, the team removes their weapons Alex gave them and placed them around the Tombstone. When they are in place, Robin decided to put two things at the base of rock. One was Alex's trusty double barrel shotgun A.K.A. Matilda he used throughout the entire time. The second thing is the now dead PDA, which he let it slanted up at the middle of the shotgun. With everything in place, the group huddled together and looked down at the memorial they placed together. The base had all the weapons they used in the final onslaught against the hoard and a shotgun resting with the PDA in the middle. On the tombstone slab is an engraving that says…

In Memory of
Alexander Kelly
A Guardian
A Friend
A Teen Titan

Though they don't know Alex's age, they know he lived a short experienced life. They all remained silent as they expressed a depressed expression. It was then that Robin started saying something.

Robin: "His name is Alexander Kelly. He was a boy who had a dark past and lived with it. But no matter what happened to him, he remained strong both physically and mentally. He soon became a guardian to the Teen Titans and protected them from all known dangers. He fought, he prevailed, he risked everything to get us back home. And he did so, up until the point where he sacrificed himself to save his future from impending doom. His heroic sacrifice will be remembered."

The group looked down at the tombstone and had a silent prayer for their friend. It was then that Starfire looked at the tombstone and said her more depressing words yet.

Starfire: "Farewell friend Alex. You will never be forgotten."

Raven looked at her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Raven: "Don't worry Starfire. We'll see him again someday."

The group remained silent until Robin turned to the team and went back to business.

Robin: "We might have lost Alex, but we are not going to loose our city. Titans, we've made it back to the past, now we have to finish what we started. Terra and Slade have taken over the city and we need to get it back. They think we are dead, so this will give us the element of surprise. If we see Terra, remember what Alex told us."

The group nodded and knew what he meant.

Cyborg: "Of course we remember. No more chances."

Starfire: "No more trust."

Raven: "And no more mercy."

They all then looked at Beast Boy and wondered what he's going to say. Surely he knows Terra more then anyone, but after what she done to them, to him, he wasn't sure what to do. Looking at his friends, he looked down to the floor and sighed to himself, thinking there was no other choice.

Beast Boy: "She's just another criminal."

Robin looked at each of his teammates and nodded, finishing what he was saying.

Robin: "And we're going to stop her. No matter what it takes. We're wasting time right now. Let's find a way up and reach the city before the army and the Justice League comes. Titans, move out!"

Soon enough, the team left the grave they made and was reaching the exit to the city with their leader following behind. He was about to leave but before he did that, he turned around and looked back at the tombstone in memory of their friend. Starring down at it, he sighed to himself and said his final goodbyes as well.

Robin: "Goodbye Alex. And thank you for everything you did for us."

As he was saying his goodbyes, he heard Cy telling him and hurry up.

Cyborg: "Yo Robin! Hurry up! We're wasting daylight!"

Robin looked back at the team leaving him and had to catch up to them.

Robin: "I'm coming!"

He turned back around and ran to his teammates just to finish their battle with Slade and Terra. With everyone gone the cave was vacant and quiet with the memorial left alone. What the team didn't know was that Alex's PDA began to spark and short-circuited. In a matter of seconds, the screen went back on and was in complete static. The moment it got turned on, there was a familiar voice echoing in the cave.

Dr. Betruger: "So the guardian sacrificed himself to save his future. How pathetic… This was all according to plan. All we have to do is wait until the time comes."

The static on the screen went from white to red as the mysterious voice continued talking.

Dr. Betruger: "Teen Titans, you think this nightmare is over? Well you are wrong. For you see, this is just the beginning."

The moment the voice said that, the screen flashed again, this time showing a red upside down pentagram with blood dripping on the background. At the same time, a maniacal laughter echoed throughout the place as the screen got brighter and brighter. Then suddenly, in a matter of seconds, the screen went blank and the place got quiet.


And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The end of this epic story that took me years to do. Got to admit, this turned out to be all right. Now that this story is over with, I need to know what you guys think. Tell me what your favorite part of the story is via reviews. As for the sequel to this story, don't know… It's in the works I think. But I got a lot of other stories I have to get to. And believe me, it's a long list of stuff I have to take care of. But in the mean time, I hope enjoyed this story as much as I love writing it. Thank you everyone! Please Review!