Unexpected Consequences
Disclaimer: I don't see the point in saying this in every chapter.
A/N: Well, here it is! Such a great story, neh?
Scroll 10 – Unexpected Consequences Part III Finale
Dear Kakashi:
The time I have spent with y
"No, no…"
I have learnt so much over the years, and that's all thanks to you. But now I think that it's time that I left this place. All that I have caused was pain and I really believe that it would be good for you, Naruto and Sasuke, even myself. There's so many things that I want to see out there, Kakashi
-sensei. I'm leaving tonight and never coming back. You won't be able to reach me. I know that I can't run away from my problems but I really don't care anymore.
"There Sakura, you did it. You wrote yourself a heart drenching letter for your dearest sensei. Now for the hard part…"
Last night; these dramatic few days, made Sakura realize what was placed ahead of her. Should she reach out and grasp it or let the dust settle was something to ponder. And she did, every waking moment of that night, that night…
Sasuke wasn't meant for her, that's for sure. They were too different, like lightness and darkness. The fact was that she didn't open her eyes until it was too late, and now there will forever be a part of her broken and torn. She lost someone too, and now she was going to fade away from it all.
Seems like her life was rapidly falling apart.
No tears were shed, although it was challenging. There was plenty of time to break down after she presented this note to her sensei; the man whom she trusted and loved with all her heart, and the real reason why she was leaving in the first place.
The girl stepped out on to the busy streets of Kohona; determined and dejected. Clenched firmly in her hand a piece of white paper addressed to the famous jounin. Placing it in his mailbox or shoving it under his door would be too easy. Since she was making it out into the real world she needed to start with something… difficult, impossible even. She won't admit it, but seeing him one last time was also something she desired.
It can't be that hard, right?
"Hey, Sakura!"
The girl spun towards the distant chime of her teammate's energetic voice, quickly concealing the letter in her back pocket, a fake smile planted across her face. The blonde boy greeted her with a wave and a sudden hug.
"What are you up to today?" The sweetness in his voice, how bright and cheerful it was, made her heart drop. No matter how much hate she had for that brat, Naruto, she would miss him considerably. Purely for the fact that he was one of the few who liked her for the way she was, and never made fun of that beautiful, big forehead. She still loathed that part of her body.
"Eh, nothing really…" Telling him was not part of the plan.
"Would you like to get some ramen?" It was that time of the day when Naruto could think of nothing but his stomach. Seeing as he does that every second of being conscious, anytime is ramen time.
"Actually, I have this thing that I have to do."
"Oh, that's okay." While scratching his head, he forced a chuckle. "By then!" And he continued on his way to lunch. Sakura continued on her way as well, even if she wasn't exactly sure where she was going. Where would Kakashi be on a day like this? She made a list in her mind. The first stop was the most obvious: the jounin's apartment.
Placed before the wooden door, she lightly ran her fingers over the surface. Is he home? Would he listen? Was he mad? What will he say? A student saying those things to her sensei wasn't the smartest thing to do.
I was crude.
Way too crude.
It was still behind that door, so it was evident that the man wasn't home. If he was he would answer, livid or not. She made her way around town, to different places like the school and a few shops. She casually dropped a few lines to familiar faces as well. The sun was past its peak, and started falling towards the horizon; still no sign of her sensei.
"Well, well, look who it is!" Sakura found herself literally bumping into her childhood friend, Ino, and her companions Shikamaru and Chouji.
"I-Ino!" Sakura again abruptly hid the note in her pocket and greeted her 'friends'. Whether Ino was a mind reader or Sakura's face was masked with dread, she took notice in her pal's discomfort and told her teammates to go on without her.
"Say Ino, have you seen Kakashi-sen--?"
"Now wait just a minute! You tell me what the hell is going on Sakura, and don't even think about lying." The blonde had her hands on her hips, and an expression stating that she was serious and wasn't going to tolerate any bullshit.
"N-Nothing! I'm just tired… you know. I have been looking for Kakashi all day and this heat is starting to get to me…" Apparently this was bullshit and Ino shook her head in reply.
"I saw Sasuke going to your house last night!"
"I don't care about that bastard anymore!" Sakura's sudden outburst was a bit too much, and people stared with interest. Her friend's eyes widened with utter disbelief. "Just please, please tell me if you have seen Kakashi…" Ino took her hand and pulled her out of earshot from snoopy listeners, and looked at the pink haired chuunin with sympathy.
"Wouldn't you rather talk to someone like me than your sensei?"
"I would, Ino, really. But I need to talk to Kakashi for other reasons." Other reasons that don't concern anyone, that includes you. The blonde was definitely curious, and was dying to know what happened that night. She spotted Kakashi carrying Sasuke later that night as well, unbeknownst to Sakura of course. However, the way Sakura wasn't even calling her sensei, well, 'sensei' was very peculiar.
"Alright, Sakura…" She told her the location where she thought Kakashi was which, oddly, was the same place where they trained days ago when it rained heavily. Sakura wanted to run over there as fast as her little legs could carry her, but she paced herself. Thinking about what she should say wasn't on the list in her head, and messing things up isn't an option.
And there he was, leaning up against that same blasted tree where Sasuke pulled a move on the girl; a book in one hand, and a blade of grass in the other. He seemed to be enjoying the cool shade, so Sakura quietly strolled over and sat next to him. The wind picked up for a moment and brilliant green leaves danced all the way to the ground. Pink silk strands of hair blew over Sakura's face and she pulled them back over her ears. She then, clenching the grass below her nervously, cleared her throat.
"Kakashi… I'm not here to be forgiven." Heck with the note, tell him now. Tell him everything. "I've come to say that I'm leaving." She held her breath.
"I know."
She blinked.
"'I'm leaving tonight and never coming back.'"
She fumbled her pockets and found the note gone. So, glancing over her shoulder, she noticed that the silver haired jounin had it open and was reading it.
"You won't be able to reach me." For some reason, those words sound ridiculous hearing them from him. "I know that I can't run away from my problems but I really don't care anymore."
The wind picked up once again, and the note blew away in it.
And he just sat there.
Ever so silent.
"I wanted to tell you--"
"It would have been better if you didn't tell me. Then I would have still had the hope of finding you…" His voice was so soft, so… sad. Just the sound of it made tears form. No, I told myself no crying. Don't cry, don't cry. She griped the grass tighter as she fought back her sudden sobs. Life alone. Life without him. How could you call that life?
"It was my fault, wasn't it. I was being selfish, I didn't care what would happen to our lives, to yours. I should be the one leaving, not you." His voice was growing with irritation, regret, sorrow.
"No!" A sob escaped resulting in warm tears flowing down the girl's cheeks. "It wasn't you, Kakashi. It was never you!"
"I started it all…"
"Then end it!" She moved so that she was kneeling before him, shaking with every sob. "End it right now!" Jade eyes met crimson; sorrow both drowning them. Neither have felt so drenched in despair, in the thought of being alone forever. In one final cry, Sakura threw her arms around the man, tears soaking his shirt. He gently wrapped his own around her shaking body, holding her as tight as humanly possible.
"Just say goodbye and I will walk away…"
"You know I cannot do that." She looked up at him as he brushed her hair behind her ear. Then, pulling down that mask, their lips touched...
And now, they ended up exactly where they started.
"Don't go."
"That's it?"
"Yupp, that's it."
Yes, that IS how I wanted to end it. Just so that I can start off right here.
That's a maybe, people, a maybe.
Anywhoz, sank chu all for reading my perrty fanfic and hopefully I'll write some more KakaSaku goodiness!
I love you all!
Wait... what ever happened to Sasuke? O.o