
Kyo: I'm finally back!

Sasuke: Damn! I thought we got rid of you.

Kyo: As you said in vol.1, "All good shinobi can untie a simple knot." grin

Naruto: Lighten up Sasuke; she would have finished this story one way or the other.

Kyo: Thanks to the reviewers! I do not own Naruto or its characters.

Chap.6: Battle Ends

(Last Time: for these two shinobi time has brought nothing but pain. But the funny thing is, life would have hurt more without it.)

Both of them were at their limit. If you used another high powered jutsu they after math could be fatal.

The air around them had taken on a new aura. A darker aura. They both knew this would end soon.

(Naruto's POV)

'It'll all be over soon. But damn, I'm almost out of chakra.'

(Sasuke's POV)

'I can't let him win, even if it means we both die! I can't lose!'

"It's over Dead last! You lose!" said Sasuke in a very serious tone.

"NOT YET TEME!" yelled the stubborn blonde in a confident voice.

Sasuke raced forward toward Naruto.

Naruto raced toward Sasuke ( a repeat of 2 years ago)

But one thing raced in their minds.


They connected….




"hmm, eh?"

Naruto slowly opened his eyes. 'I'm alive.'

The blonde slowly rose, he looked around. His eyes suddenly stopped on a body. '…Sasuke.' He put his thought in words. "Sasuke..."

The other body suddenly moved. It rose.

Sasuke blinked and looked around, his eyes stopping on Naruto.

"You. You saved me…"

Suddenly Naruto felt his eyes swell with tears.

The blonde pounced on the young Uchiha.


"Ouch dope!"

It took a moment for them to register their position, which was Naruto on top of Sasuke.

They blinked once, twice. Slowly they covered the space between them.

Naruto's lips were on Sasuke's, this was the warmest Sasuke has felt since he chose to go to Orochimaru.

Slowly Sasuke put his hands around Naruto's waist; Naruto did the same with Sasuke's neck.

Who knows what will happen in the future. But time has a funny way of getting better over time.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are proof of this; time would have been harder without each other.

The End

A/N: Okay, so this is my first finished story, it could have been longer but it would have drug out with out any meaning. PLEASE REVIEW! And if anyone wants me to do a sequel I'd love to so again please review and I hope this story wasn't that bad, or a waste of time.
