Ok so this is just a side story I will work on while coming up with ideas for Teen Royalty.

I started drawing these pictures of Starfire and thought hey why not write a story on it? It will just be some made up information on Starfire. So here ya go!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not TT and no other TV show… get over it.


Thunder roared and lighting flashed through the sky of Jump City. It had been a dull week and nothing of particular interest had happened that day. The titans had just sat in their tower moping, and waiting for the sun to come up. They had planned on going to the park that day but the rain had forbidden that idea.

Beast boy was sitting on the floor staring at nothing in particular. Cyborg lay on the couch staring up at the ceiling, his left arm dangling. Raven was reading a book and would sigh every so often. Starfire was at the counter stirring some purple goop in a bowl not really paying attention. She was resting her head on her hand. Robin was sitting next to her with silky sleeping on his lap. He either didn't care or didn't notice.

"Wanna hear somethin gay?" Cyborg blurted out randomly not bothering to look away from the ceiling.

"Yeah…" Beast Boy said in a dazed/dreamy tone.

Cyborg snickered. Then Beast Boy. They soon erupted into a fit of laughter. "I asked… gay... you… AHAHAHAHA!" Cyborg choked out. Beast Boy only laughed harder.

Robin chose to ignore it and raven rolled her eyes. "You guys seriously need to get a life." She said.

Beast Boy and Cyborg stopped and went back to their moping. Everything was quiet. Raven enjoyed it. Starfire wished there was a little more noise to block the sound of the thunder. She hated thunder. She knew that it was silly to be afraid of a sound, but it brought back memories of things she didn't want to remember.

"Hey BB?" Cyborg said.


"Why are you green?" Cyborg asked. This caught everyone's attention. Eight eyes were on the shape shifter.

"Well, my parents were biologists and they brought me to Africa one time and I got really sick. It was a disease that only animals could survive. My dad didn't want me to die so he tried to cure me with this machine that was supposed to make a bond with animals or something like that… It was a really dumb idea because it wasn't tested and stuff." Beast Boy's story suddenly started to interest every one. Even Raven. They all listened intently.

"Well when they were done 'curing' me, they found out I was green. They thought it would wear away but unfortunately, it didn't. Then one day we were still in Africa and my mom almost got bitten by a snake. It scared me and I guess I turned into a mongoose or something, and saved her.

"Then… my parents were out on a boat… and there was an accident. I wish I had prevented it. I never saw them again." This part he said glumly. Starfire went over and hugged him. He smiled at her and then continued.

"So you know these friends of my parents took me to America and wanted me to become a thief with them. They got mad at each other and killed each other though so I never had to do anything bad." Every one was surprised that he didn't seem very upset about them dying.

"Then came the doom patrol. They taught me how to use my powers, and then I thought I'd go solo… Only I got my butt kicked a lot. So when I found you guys I decided to stay."

"That is a most unfortunate story Beast Boy" Starfire said.

"Yeah…" Robin said.

"It's ok. It was all in the past… Why are you part robot Cy?"

"I was waiting for that. Well my dad was a scientist. He and his friends always did experiments on me and I hated every bit of it. So soon I began to hang out with this dud named Ron Evens… man was I an idiot. He got me into trouble ALOT! Then my parents wanted me to get better friends so I went to a public school. I made lots of friends and met lots of girls." At this Raven rolled her eyes again.

"So then I joined the football team. I was the best one in the school. I felt like everyone loved me and I for once had a normal life. Of course, nothing for me can be normal.

"Then my parents dragged me to this lab thing where they were experimenting things like how to give soldiers mechanical arms that would move and function perfectly. There was an accident and my mother was killed and I got hurt so my dad turned me into this." He said with a heavy sigh. He lifted up his mechanical arm to demonstrate.

"What about you Raven?" Cyborg said.

"YEAH! Come on Ravy! Pleeease!" Beast Boy pleaded.

"Ok. You all know my story. I was born and the munks said I was going to end the world I came to earth trying to escape it and I met you guys who stopped it and then we all lived happily ever after!" She said annoyed.

"There's one thing I'm confused about… why is Trigon your dad?" Beast Boy said. Cyborg and Robin gave nervous glances.

"You're even more of an idiot than I thought…" Beast Boy looked as clueless as ever.

"SHE WAS RAPED YOU IDIOT!" She screamed. Beast Boy was embarrassed and ashamed at the same time. He didn't want Raven to have to talk about such a touchy subject. He was trying to get Raven to like him. Not make her hate him more.

"Sorry…" Beast Boy said.

"It's… fine…" And she gave him a small grin. He smiled back.

"Please what is the meaning of ra-" Starfire's sentence was cut off by Raven wanting to change the subject.

"So Robin… Why are you a super hero?" She asked smirking.

"Yeah! Why do you look like a traffic light?" Cyborg asked.

"I'd rather not…" Robin said.

"Please Robin? I am eager to hear your past experiences!" Starfire said looking at him with big innocent eyes.

"… Ok…" He said. Who could resist those big adorable eyes?

"When I was little… I worked with my parents… in… well… the circus…" He said. Beast Boy and Cyborg couldn't contain their laughter.

"That explains the spandex. What exactly did you do?" Raven said.

"We were the Flying Grayson's…" He said, color appearing in his cheeks.

"Oh my god! I saw you guys once! Man, your mom could move!" Cyborg said.

Robin gave Cyborg a "wft?" look and continued.

"Well… one day… I think I was seven… well a villain called Joker cut the wire my parents were walking on. They fell. I saw them fall." Robin said. He hated talking about this… but these were his friends. They had every right to know. He continued.

"Bruce Wayne adopted me. I didn't like him at first. Then one day I saw a bat in this old grandfather clock. I went to go let it out and the clock moved and opened a passage way. I never would have suspected it. Bruce Wayne, was batman. He had said he was at a meeting, but I saw him standing in his bat suit without a mask. He was mad. He told me to never tell anyone what I saw.

"Over time I began to admire him. I wanted to be just like him. I wanted to help him fight crime and I wanted to be his side-kick. He said no, that I was too young. I didn't care. I trained in the gym all day and night. Finally he let me go with him one day. We kicked that robbers butt.

"He said that that was the only time I could ever go with him, but he started asking me to go with him more and more, until he wasn't known as Batman, we were known as Batman and Robin.

"Then one day we argued. I was tired of living in his shadow. I wanted to leave. So I did. I came here because of the high crime rate. That's when I met you Star…" He finished his story.

Starfire gave him a sympathetic smile. She felt bad about his past.

"Duuuuude…" Beast Boy said.

"Yeah man. Never knew how hard it was for you…" Cyborg said.

Raven only nodded. Robin smiled at his friends and turned to Starfire.

"So, what's your story?" He asked.

Starfire's eyes widened and she looked down. "Star?" Robin asked.

She looked up. "Friends… my past is most unpleasant..." She said.

"We'd like to hear it…" Raven said.

"If it's okay with you" Robin said. He didn't want Starfire to think they were pressuring her.

"Yeah… just start as the beginning…" Beast Boy said. He had a reassuring boyish smile on his face.

"Very well…" She closed her eyes and began to tell her tale.

On Tameran 17 years ago:

Luand'r happily held her new born daughter in her arms. Her charming face was flushed from just delivering a child. She thanked X'hal for giving her a beautiful daughter. She also thanked her for giving her a daughter with a Tamerainian appearance.

She loved her eldest daughter Komand'r but having two deformed children in a royal – actually any family would be even more of a disgrace. People often had rude comments on her three year old daughter. She did not appreciate it.

Her knew born daughter opened her eyes. Luand'r sighed a sigh of relief. The child's eyes were a pure green. They sparkled. Luand'r gently tickled the baby's tummy. The infant giggled. Luand'r smiled at the small girl. She was adorable.

Suddenly some one burst though the doors. Luand'r looked up too see her husband coming toward her. He had been informed that his wife's delivery had been successful and their child was healthy. He went over and took the child gently from his wife. He held her in his large arms.

"What shall we call her husband?" Luand'r said thoughtfully.

"Her hair is red as flames and her eyes are as bright as the stars…" Said Myand'r

"Perhaps Koriand'r?" Luand'r suggested. Myand'r nodded. Koriand'r. It meant fire of the star.

Myand'r held his daughter protectively and said "Welcome, Koriand'r."


Ok so what do you think? Please oh please review! I really want some!

In the next chapter we will start to get more into Starfire's past. REVIEW!