Disclaimer: If there ever is a random hermit who lives in the woods and stumbles onto a random computer plugged into a tree, and decides to log on to and on to this story, I have a message for the hermit: I do not own Harry Potter. If I did, I would probably be writing this story in the seventh book and making some money off of it. 0

Note: I'd like to thank my beta The Procrastinator- starting2moro for obvious reasons. For this story, Voldemort had to attack later then he originally did. You will see why. The disclaimer idea was not completely mine, I got it from one of the stories I read and just changed it a little bit. There will be a second chapter.

A twenty-one year old Lily Potter is busy making dinner in the kitchen of Godrics Hollow. She is almost finished, pouring the last part of watermelon juice -which is bizarrely delicious- until she is interrupted by Sirius who Apparates into the room, ready to eat. He is an extremely lousy cook; luckily Lily feeds him as she is the redheaded mother he never had and the only thing in Sirius' fridge is moldy or alive.

"Oh, hello Sirius. What are you doing here?" Lily asked.

"I'm looking for James, Lily."

"Oh, he's on his nightly ride. I'll serve dinner as soon as he's finished."

Then, appearing through the hallway and emerging into the kitchen, something very strangely beautiful is seen.

First, a stag emerges. Riding the stag is an adorable two-year-old Harry wearing James' shrunken down quidditch robes to fit his small form. The robes have the surname/lastname of 'POTTER' publicized on the back, as if telling the world that the young boy is the great Potter Family descendant. A shout of "Faster, daddy, faster! Faster!" is heard in Harry's adorable voice, though his words are not fully formed and are unrecognizable to a stranger. But James can understand every syllable; it's a father's instinct.

At the sight of this, Lily smiles. Normally she would be having a giggling fit. However, this whole scene had begun to grow on her, which was understandable after witnessing this very sight night after night; her husband and son in such a heart-warming moment.

This time it was Sirius who was having the giggling fit.