Disclaimer: I don't own the Justice League, yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah. You know the drill.

This story starts in Gotham, and moves to Justice League later. Set kinda after Destroyer maybe, but not in a particular spot. Pardon any errors, I have no beta at this point in time. Should anyone wish to be, contact me. And bear with the parts setting up setting, characters, plot, and all that jazz. I'll try to remain in character as much as I humanly can.

A/N: I have come back and edited the chapters a bit, tweaking a bit here and there, mostly for spacing, but I did note a few errors/inconsistencies/places where I forgot minor details cause I know it already. :P Anyways, it's not necessary for anyone who has already read it to re-read, just a minor note tho.

Chapter 1: A Bit Of Trouble

She stood deep in the shadows of the alley, waiting. There were actually two reasons that she was here, one was to try and get a hold of a certain vigilante, and the other was to get a gift for her little brother. His birthday was in two days, and what she wanted to get him she wouldn't trust to be shipped by anyone. It was as important to her as she hoped it would be to him.

The stars were out and shone as beautiful as ever in the clear night sky. Well, as clear as a night sky in a big city could get. It was about then that she saw something she knew. Being who she was, she was always on the lookout for hunters. Usually they went only after solo women, but here they weren't averse to going after groups of two or three. She had found that out earlier. Tough scrape that one, but she had managed to get out of it.

Being a solo hero was hard, especially when you had no powers to speak of, not counting skanky clothes and seduction a power. Watching carefully, she waited until the opportune moment, watching the man and the women. By now they knew they were being followed and had a pretty idea by what sort they were being followed. As they passed by her alley, she moved out of the shadows enough so that her figure was evident to the follower. Sure enough, like typical thugs, he snuck a look into the alley as he passed, and saw her. With his eyes on a new and potentially easier prize, he entered the alley.

Although it seemed strange, luring them into the trap was worth it for more than one reason. One, she got to take them off the streets and potentially save women from a terrible fate. Two, the looks on their faces when they realized that they'd just walked into a trap was priceless. That was why she never let her face into the light. If they saw the mask, they would either attack and have the advantage, or run away.

As he approached, she drew back into the darkness and let him come, a decidedly feral smile on her face. Now she was the hunter and he was the prey. Once he was out of the light and far enough into the alley to see her properly, his eyes widened and mouth dropped open. Before he could even react, she hit him with a spin kick to the side of the head. He went down like a sack of potatoes, out cold. Motorcycle boots had their definite advantages, and here it was seen. Tying him up, as usual, with several strands of beads she straightened up.

Unfortunately she wasn't prepared for what happened next. Several thugs came around the corner, sizing her up quickly and sneering at what they saw. Only being 5' 2" had major disadvantages when it came to intimidation. That and wearing what she was, no thug took her for more than a prostitute. She had to admit though, it was quite skanky, being only a little more than a leather, short halter top, with strands of beads covering it, and short leather skirt with a bead belt and pouch, it didn't hide much. For some reason the long silver gloves she wore with it enforced that image more. The mask simply covered her face, outlined in beads, and hid who she really was. She had long ago cut her blonde hair to just above her shoulders and had it styled to make her look older than she was. Now the thugs approached threateningly. This was going to be more difficult since she had never faced a group really before.

Just to take the advantage she charged, landing a flying kick in the chest of the lead thug, knocking him back, but her 93 pounds weren't nearly enough to take him out. Striking quickly she caught his chin with a front snap kick, and her steel toed boots did the duty of taking him out. That then presented the problem of the other two thugs. Before she could even formulate an attack plan, the thug on the right pulled a gun, and the one on the right pulled a knife. She froze, knowing she couldn't disarm both of them, and not having faced multiple foes with weapons, she had no plan or experience in the matter. Using her whip, she could potentially disarm one, but the other would have time to get to her.

"You've been a naughty girl." The one with the gun sneered, taking a step towards her. She could see his finger tightening on the trigger, and she drew in a slow breath, figuring that this was probably the end unless He showed up.

So, yea...please review so I remember to write...