Break My Heart

Love Actually

Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron or all related characters, yeah I know it sucks, but that's life. I also do not own the song I Melt With You.

Warning: This story was written when I was in one of those fluffy moods, YOU WILL BE FLUFFED. So if you don't like romance stories, go no further. 

Jimmy's POV

I love my house, I know that's a weird thing to say, but I can look out my window and see the love of my life right across the street. Right now that beautiful girl is walking into her room, with a towel on. Wait a minute, I'm not a pervert, what am I doing, but she looks so beautiful with her hair wet, I.

Ding Dong

Oh, that must be Carl, he's here to help test my latest invention, well…more like have my newest invention tested on him.

"Hi Mrs. Neutron, you look lovely today, is Jimmy here?" Carl asked.

"I'm up here Carl, go down to the lab, I'll be right there." I yelled down the stairs, as I ran to my closet, stepped inside and stared purposefully into small glass window. The scanner analyzed my mind, confirmed that I was indeed Jimmy Neutron, boy genius, I had eventually realized that anyone could just grab my comb and get into the lab. The floor sank, and I landed in the chair in front of the computer console. Remembering Carl, I hit a button and he fell down a tube next to me.

"Hi Jimmy, is this new invention going to hurt like the other one?"

"No Carl, I think I've got this one perfect, it's a shirt and a pair of jeans that turn into any piece of apparel you want." I explained.

"Okay." He said, as he hurried off to change, three minutes later he came back in a llama rancher's outfit.

"Good Carl, it works. Now If you'll excuse me I have some business to take care of." I said, thinking of Cindy.

"Hi, Cindy, whatcha doing?"

"Why do want to know Neutron? Were you…you pervert!" She yelled.

"No, no, Cindy I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Candy Bar with me tonight?" I asked, crossing my fingers, although not knowing what that really did.

"Neutron. You want to go somewhere, with me, well sure I guess." She said, her voice softening a little.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"Um, Jimmy, you're still on the line"

"Oh, sorry." I said, while hanging up. Crap, I forgot I was still on the phone, crap. Oh well.

I hurridly combed my hair again and headed out. Two months ago I never would've been able to do that, but now, I don't know, we stopped fighting really, and we spent more time together. I was hoping tonight would be the night when we finally, y'know kissed. I jumped in the hovercar and headed over to Sheen's house to tell him about it.

"Do you believe it?" I practically yelled a minute later.

"Sure Jimmy, but I gotta go meet my chicky-babe Libby at the park. See ya around Jimmy."

(That night, after Jimmy's date at the candy bar, not a very good date, but hey he doesn't have a lot of money at the moment.)

James Issac Neutron and Cynthia Aurora Vortex were in the park, kissing with a passion. Jimmy felt the best in his life as he embraced the girl who he had loved since fifth grade. They say that thirteen is to early to fall in love, but he knew differently, and he was being proven right every second, as their kiss became more passionate and held her close.