Hiya peoples. I will get on and do the next chapter of welcome to my life, but I had this idea the other night and just had to write it dwo! Hehe!

So, enjoy this one, and please review! I really wanna update it!

Chapter 1

We speeded down the alley.

Me, Bubbles and Buttercup had the guy cornered.

He held the gun shakily in his hand, aiming it at us with a scared but determined look on his face.

"I, I'm warning you, I'll do it. I'll blow the reds head right off her sh, shoulders!" he stuttered.

I roll my eyes. "Go right ahead."

He grins and shoots. It bounces straight of my head.

I laugh.

"Blossom, you seem to have this one dealt with. We'll meet you back home." Buttercup says.

I nod.

Bubbles and Buttercup fly home and I stand face to face with this blubbering fool.

He held the gun, shooting at me numerous times.

"Die bitch!" he yelled.

I shake my head.

"I'm a powerpuff, idiot!" I cry.

He takes the metal gun and throws it at my head.

The hard metal dazes me as I step backwards. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to keep my balance, at this he lunges at me, attempting to throw me aside.

Its then that I grab him and throw him as hard as I can against the wall.

I hear a sickening crunch sound then a thud as he hits the ground.

Then after that, everything seems to go in fast motion…

I crank an eye open. Hes staring wide eyed at me. his chest isn't moving. It isn't rising and falling.

He isn't breathing!

I kneel down next to him, and carefully move him a 0bit.

Another sharp cracking sound is heard.

I kneel down beside him and try to wake him up. I take his head, and another snapping sound is heard.

I cringe as I slowly back off him.

Blood begins to drip down his chin.

He isn't breathing. He is not breathing.

Is he… is he?

He cant be, surely. I couldn't have…

Before I knew it I was surrounded by crowds of people.

Then the police arrived.

"What happened?" One ask.

"I, I, I…" I stuttered. "Is he, is he…?"

"Yeah, hes dead." They covered him up.

I started to blubber nonsense to myself. What had I done?

"Do you know what happened Blossom?" he asked again.

"I, I killed him…!" I whispered to myself.

There were gasps coming from he herds of people.

"It, it was me. I barely touched him! But it was enough! Enough to, to, to…"

The wide eyed cop sighs and speaks something into his radio.

Another two cars pull up, andthree cops come running out.

I'm just sitting on the floor, shocked and speechless, looking at my own hands in dismay.

I did this. I did that to him. I killed him.

I whisper those words" I killed him…"

"Blossom, this is very hard for me to do, but I'm afraid you're placed under arrest for manslaughter."

"I, I, but, but –" I stammer as I'm pulled up.

"You have the right to remain silent." He says sadly as he cuffs me.

I'm then dragged into a car, which speeds away, and I watch to my horror as they carefully take away the guys mangled body.

We then pull up at Townsville Police station and I break down in tears as I'm put into a cell.

To be continued…

I have many ideas for this story and would love to update, so please please please review, and be nice, no flames!
