Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my character Serenity.


"Hey Roy, you going home?" Hughes asked as Roy walked by his office door. The exhausted Roy turned to him and said in reply, "Yeah, I don't think I'll survive another minute here. Anyway it is 11:30 at night." Maes jumped when he heard the time and yelled out, "What! Man, I've gotta get home!" He raced out the door and went down the stairs in a flash. Roy chuckled a little as he followed.

Roy was outside on the front steps in front of the building as he said to himself, "Wow, Maes must've been in a hurry to get home." He stared at the ground where bricks were flung everywhere and holes from the bricks were all over the ground. Roy walked down the sidewalk and passed a phone booth. Then he heard a faint sound and stopped. He could make out the words and it was a little girl saying, "Help me, somebody..." Roy turned around, but no one was there. Then the bushes rustled a little and he looked behind the phone booth.

Laying on the ground was a little girl covered in blood. There were blood stains on the ground as well. Roy quickly picked her up and ran back to the Command Center.

Once he got there, he layed the liitle girl down on the floor and grabbed the closest phone. He sat down and called the first person he thought of.

"Hello?", a tired maes said into the phone. Roy told him, "Maes, I need you back over here. I found a little girl who has been injured."

Hughes quickly got back to headquarters and ran inside. "How is sh--?" Before he got to finish, he noticed the little girl was sitting up and staring at him. Maes stiffened as she stood up. He looked at the expression on her face and it looked like she was terrified. She walked up to him and put her arms around him. She said with a terrified voice, "I-I'm scared..." Maes couldn't help, but pat her back. Then he noticed something that Roy apparently didn't. Her ears weren't human ears. They were completely different, like a robot's ears.


Or you know, they are actually like the ears that persocoms have.


Maes looked at her and asked her, "What's your name?" The little girl looked up at him and said, "My name? I have no name." Hughes told her, "If you don't have a name...how about I give you one?" The little girl smiled and nodded. Maes continued, "Okay, how about...Serenity."

All of a sudden Roy came back into the office and he saw Serenity standing up. He jumped and said, "When did she stand up? When I left, she couldn't even move!" Hughes turned to him and whispered, "Roy, I don't think she's even human. And, her name is Serenity." Roy looked at her and Serenity just hid behind Hughes. Hughes just made a loving face and hugged her saying, "Oh, she's just like my darling Elicia! She's so adorable!"

-------------------------At Hughes' House-------------------------------------------------

" 'Gracia, I was wondering'--no! no! How about, 'I found her on the street and she needs a home!' No! NO! AAGH!" Hughes was getting frustrated at the thought if Gracia didn't want to keep Serenity. Serenity just sat on the chair and watched him as he ran around, practically pulling his hair out. Then there was a noise from upstairs and Hughes stopped and turned toward the stairs. Gracia was coming down. Maes started panicking and running around the room. He ended up shoving Serenity into the closet -- a very small closet. So he had to sit there and hold the door shut.

Gracia looked at him tiredly and asked, "What are you still doing up? It's 4:30 in the morning." He looked around the room and said nervously, "Well I was...I was...I...was...just hanging up the coats!" Maes smiled nervously and pointed to the closet he guarded. Gracia looked at him funny, "You hung up coats for 4 hours?" He was still smiling as he said, "Yeah! Everything needs to be perfect for my two favorite girls!"

"Okay. Then let me see how perfect the closet is." She pushed him out of the way and opened the door. All of the coats were hanging just like he had been working on them for 4 hours and Serenity wasn't in there. Gracia closed the door back and smiled, "So, I guess you were telling the truth. You are a perfectionist, you know that?" She gave him a kiss and went back upstairs.

Maes sighed, but then he remembered that Serenity wasn't in the closet. He opened the door and saw the coats were all crappy again and Serenity was sitting on the floor underneath them. She looked at him and asked, "Is she gone?" He smiled and replied, "Yeah, she's gone. But you were gone a minute ago. Where were you?" Serenity was a little confused. "But, I've been sitting here the whole time."

"How did the coats get all perfect and then crappy looking again?" Then Serenity knew what Hughes saw and she giggled a little, "I put up an illusion wall to show her I wasn't here and that the coats were perfect." Hughes then asked her, "Why'd you do that?" She looked up at him and said, "Because I wanted to keep you from getting in trouble. You saved me, so I saved you."


So did ya like it? Send me some reviews or I won't put the next chapter up.