A/N: I will keep this short, you will hate me soon, but at the end you will choose if you hate me or not. Either way what is done is done and can not be undone now.

Chapter Fifteen: Lord Wolf

Harry knew what was coming as he had already heard the story of the silver wolf, but he figured he would let her go on and see if it might be something different.

"Do you know anything about silver wolves" Hermione asked as she looked in the book she held.

"Only a legend that a friend told me about a king of all wolves being a silver saber wolf."

"Good then I don't need to get into that then" Hermione said as she flipped the pages of the book "have you heard of Lord Wolf?"

"Is he the same as the king of all wolves?"

"Sort of but there is more to it than that" Hermione said as she looked over the page she stopped on "are you sure you didn't know anything about this when you picked the name?"

"I told you Hermione why I chose the name and there was no other reason, hell do you think I did it to get more fame cause if so then you don't know me at all" Harry said heatedly.

"Not at all" Hermione said "I know you don't like fame, but I just wondered that's all."

The sound of a door exploding outside in the hallway told the friends that story time was over for now. "Looks like they made it down already" Harry said as he stared at the door.

"Then let's take them out" Tonks said firmly.

Hermione took defensive positions behind her desk, so they were shielded some, but could still fight as well. Tonks stood on the left side of the door by a bookshelf, while Harry stood on the right side by another bookshelf.

The office door exploded open and pieces flew inward smashing into the front of Hermione's desk. "I thought you said the mudblood worked here" one Death Eater said to the other.

"She does Miles" the second Death Eater said "I guess she must have today off."

"I thought our informer said she didn't take days off Wilkes" Miles said as he looked at what appeared to be an empty office.

Harry stood in his spot and grew angry with how the two Death Eaters were talking about his friend. He wanted nothing more than to fire off a pain cure and make them suffer, but he didn't want to do it in front of his friends and Tonks.

"Don't worry we will find her and all of them then we will get the one we are after" Miles said as he turned to leave.

"I will have fun with them when we find them and if that git doesn't show up then what happens to them is his own fault" Wilkes said as he looked at Miles.

Harry heard enough, he wasn't going to allow these two prats to hurt anyone he knew and when he found out who their informant was he would make that person suffer as well. Harry shifted into his Silver Wolf persona and then yelled "Reducto!" the curse flew from his wand and hit Miles in the knee shattering his knee cap and part of his leg.

Miles fell to the floor unable to support himself on one leg as blood poured out of his nub where his leg and knee once were. He was screaming as Wilkes looked at Silver Wolf "you" he bellowed "you're just the one I was looking for!"

"You and your girlfriend found me, but it doesn't look like he is in any shape to help you catch me!"

"I don't need his help" Wilkes said as he sent stunners at Silver Wolf.

Wolf put up shields to block the stunners easily and wondered at first why a Death Eater would be using a stunner instead of trying to kill him. Then he remembered that he was to be taken to Voldemort alive, which meant that they didn't dare use the killing curse on him.

"Hold still you brat" Wilkes said as Wolf dodged another of his stunners.

"Where would the fun be in that" Wolf mockingly asked as he again dodged out of the way and laughed "you couldn't hit me if I did stand still."

"Stand still and I will hit you" Wilkes said full of hate "Crucio!"

Silver Wolf dodged the pain curse and his expression changed "you want to play rough, CRUCIO!"

The curse left Wolf's wand before he even thought about what he was doing and he held the screaming Death Eater under the spell until he heard Hermione's shocked cry to stop. He left up the curse but the damage was already done as Wilkes felt the most painful Cruciatus Curse he had ever felt, and he had received many over the years of being a Death Eater.

"Harry please" Hermione said as she looked at the man called Silver Wolf and knew it was her best friend Harry. Though this man before her was unlike Harry in every way and she wasn't sure she knew him at all.

Harry felt bad that he had scared Hermione, but he just couldn't allow anyone else to suffer in his place. When he was in his wolf persona it was like he was a different person, it was like he had two lives to live at once. He didn't think he could handle doing it any longer as he needed to end things and get on track where he should be. "Its Silver Wolf" Harry said to Hermione in a tone unlike his, he needed to focus on his own problems and then he would deal with his friend. However as he turned to focus on the Death Eater he saw him change into a weasel and scamper off out of the office. "Oh no you don't" Wolf said with a growl as he shifted into his silver saber wolf form.

Harry thought he heard a shocked gasp as he took off after the Death Eater, but he didn't stop to see who did it or why. His focus was on getting and killing the Death Eater that knew who he really was before he could run back and spill it t his dark tosser of a boss.

"Harry no" Hermione said as she went to go after him, but was stopped by Tonks.

"Let him go, he must do what he has to" Tonks said to her friend.

"You don't understand he is in danger" Hermione said franticly.

"Hermione I know you're worried about him but he can handle this" Tonks said fully assured that Harry was trained enough to handle a lone Death Eater.

"I know he is capable of handling a Death Eater, but you aren't seeing the whole problem. There was more to what I needed to tell you all, but then we were interrupted."

"If it is about the legend of the silver sable wolf then we already heard it" Tonks said trying to comfort her friend "we know the last one died like a thousand years ago."

"Died? He didn't die, according to the book I read he disappeared a thousand years ago, but his body was never found."

"What does that have to do with anything" Tonks asked confused as to how it mattered since either way the saber wolf was gone.

"The book I read tells the tale of a man named Lord Wolf, and it is said to have been written by him."

"I still don't see what this has to do with Harry."

"The tale says…"

Tale of Lord Wolf (Told by Hermione)

It is said that the man known as Silver Wolf, or Lord Wolf as he later would be known took control of all the wolf packs in England and brought calm to the land. It is said that he was part man and part beast and believed to be a god because of his almighty power.

He appeared under the darkness of night and at first stood alone on a quest to return to a home that he dared not mention. Some believe him to be from a heavenly place full of gods and goddesses and that is why he could not speak of his home to mere mortals.

Over the years he was there he trained hard and became even more skilled and powerful for what he called the rapture of time. None knew then or now what he meant by that statement, but it was clear he believed whatever he thought it meant.

Then on August 21 the man known as Lord Wolf was seen for the last time. His parting phrase would be what set the whole tale into motion.

"On this day I leave you, but rest assured one day I shall return to claim my throne. One day I will return to kill the snake that plagues the land, the shark that fouls the water, and if need be the phoenix that protects the skies, for I Lord Wolf have been chosen for this task. If by chance on this day in some time a group of three female animals sit and worry about their trust friend, they shall know now that he is gone. The imposter will try to prove to those around that he is me, but when you live two lives some times one must die for the other to survive."

That statement sparked many tales of Lord Wolf and those that await his return to the world, so that they may follow him into battle as loyal subjects. Though he doesn't say it, it does sound like his return will come in a hail of fire and when it is all said and done only one shall survive and he believes it to be him.


"There is a lot more to the tale, but the fact is I believe today is the day that this lord wolf will return" Hermione said in a scared tone "if he does then Harry might get killed for posing as him."

Ginny and Tonks were both silent as neither knew what to think, surely the story wasn't real. Surely this Lord Wolf would not come back from where ever he went just to kill Harry, though a spike of fear hit them because if it was true then their friend was in a lot more danger than they believed.

"Hermione how did you come by this tale" Tonks asked hoping she was wrong about what she thought.

"It was on my desk earlier today before Ginny asked for my help" Hermione said as she thought about it "before that I never saw it before."

"What ya thinking Tonks" Ginny asked with concern in her voice.

"I think we better hurry to find Harry because if this book appeared out of no where today then it could be that the real Lord Wolf appeared as well."

Hallway Ministry of Magic

Harry chased the weasel down the hallway until he came to a large section where different halls veered off. That was when the weasel became a Death Eater once more and stood in the center of the room.

"He's here I got him" Wilkes said with a laugh as he watched the saber wolf that was chasing him skid to a halt.

"Good" hissed a snake like man who stepped out into view.

"Its Potter master" Wilkes said quickly "he is the wolf."

"What" Voldemort hissed angry "that's impossible."

"You're right" came another voice from behind the Death Eaters that were surrounding Harry. "It is impossible for him to be Silver Wolf when I am" the voice said from his position.

Voldemort turned to look at the man with long silver hair and glowing silver eyes "you're Silver Wolf?"

"That's right" the man calling himself Silver Wolf said as he looked at Voldemort.

"Then who is that" Voldemort asked as he pointed at Harry whom had taken the chance to change from a wolf into Silver Wolf form.

"That" the man snarled "is the imposter that keeps posing as me. I am tired of dealing with you, you poser, Viciseo!"

a sickly green light flew from the man's wand before anyone could even react and it hit Harry square in the chest. Harry didn't have a chance to react as the curse hit him and it engulfed him everyone wanted as the boy who lived vanished and only a pile of dust remained on the floor in his place.

"Now you were saying" Silver Wolf said with no remorse for what he had just done…

The End

A/N: That's right this is the last chapter of this story because it is done right here. Now I know a lot of you will be screaming about the ending being a bad place, but that's too bad. This may be the end of this story, but don't worry there will be a sequel that will continue the tale.