Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis or any of its characters.

A/N: Since I haven't really come across any more�fics about them :(


Round and pulp.

Red and small.

That dreaded object was calling out to Osakada Tomoka and she didn't care if people starred at her as they walked past the tree. She wanted that cherry, hanging so high and that one only.

Climbing up the cherry tree would be the best way to go, considering how high the object was. Well actually, it wasn't too high…just out of her reach. The young girl tried jumping up and down which resulted in total failure. But giving up was not something Tomoka practiced.

With her hands placed on her hips, the first year Seigaku student looked to her immediate left. If one traveled down the path, they would reach Seigaku in�five minutes flat. So she had time before the warning bell rung, signaling the start of classes.

Tall and forbidding.

Athletic and quiet.

A grin was slowly plastered on to her face as she spotted�Kaidoh Kaoru, a second year student and also an outstanding tennis player. He walked with his head down and bag slung over his shoulder. Most people were afraid of him, including her but she overcame her fears as she frequently attended his tennis matches.

And�at this very moment, he was a solution to her problem.

"Neh! Kaidoh-sempai!"

The boy stopped walking and looked at her. He gave her a weird look but she didn't notice as she bounded up to him. She was a whole lot shorter than him and decided that he was perfect�for�retrieving the cherry for her.

"Could sempai do his junior a favour?" She asked sweetly, rocking back and forth on her heels as she did so.

"…No." Before he could continue to walk on, Tomoka grabbed his sleeve. Giving him a teary eyed look, she asked again with an added 'please.'

Another moment of silent staring went by before he sighed and asked her what it was that she wanted.

"That cherry, please." She didn't take her eyes off of him as she pointed back to the red object.

He looked up at the thing and frowned, "Can't you get it yourself?"


"Why don't you get one the you can get by yourself?"

"Cause I want that one." Again she pointed.

His eyes went his uniform's sleeve. Tomoka's fingers never left the piece of fabric. Another sigh and he pulled it away from her. She grinned and bounced on ahead, expecting the older boy to follow. When looking back, the brunette found that he did and jumped up and down in excitement, waiting for him at the foot of the tree.

When he arrived, Tomoka set him straight to work, not noticing the glare she received from him nor the stares of the other students as they walked by.

"Reach up higher! No! To the left!"

He scowled, "I. Can't. Reach. It."

"Try again!"

"…Did you not understand what I just said?"


Again she placed her hands on her hips and looked around. She managed to find Momoshirou Takeshi and grinned.

"I bet Momo-chan-sempai would help." She cupped her hands around her lips. "NEH! MOMO-"

"I'll do it!"

Tomoka grinned slyly as she looked at him. Kaidoh-sempai could be so predictable. She settled down on the surrounding grass�as she watched his efforts to grab the cherry. An idea came to mind rather suddenly and she sprung up in the air, startling the older boy as she did so.

"I've got an idea! Lift me up!"

"…" He gave her an 'are you an idiot' look, which was usually reserved for Momshiro. Again, she didn't notice as she positioned her arms into the air, just underneath the cherry.

When noticing the scenery didn't change, the girl threw her sempai an annoyed look.

"Are you going to help me at all or just stand there?"

Kaidoh reluctantly walked over to her and looked both ways to see if his�upperclassmen or that�idiot was around (they had rather an annoying habit of showing up when not wanted). Seeing neither, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up, blushing lightly.


Receiving orders from someone younger than him didn't suit Kaidoh very well but he did as she asked.

"To the left! No you went too far! Ok…perfect…"

Tomoka slid down and turned to thank him. She was met with a red face�which reminded her of Sakuno whenever she was around Ryoma-sama.

"What's wrong with you?"



She ignored his silence and�pushed a cherry at him. He blinked as he plucked it out of her smaller hand.

"This is for helping me. And this one is for Ryoma-sama!" She squealed and jumped up and down happily as she recalled her prince of tennis. Some would say that it was a good thing that she didn't see the twitching and annoyed face of Kaidoh Kaoru.

"Bye-bye sempai!" She dashed off, leaving her sempai at the tree. It was unfortunate that she had business to take care of otherwise she would have walked with him to the school.

"Nyah! Fuji, did you see that? He's blushing!"

"Yes, he is, isn't he? More so, did you hear him hiss at all?"

"Hmm…my data shows me that he should have hissed at least�ten times by now."

"Mamushi! Hahaha! Wait til we get to practice!"

"Everyone! We should all leave him alone! Please don't bug him at practice today!"

"…sempai are noisy."