An Apology

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I've kept you guys hanging for almost three years…but shortly after updating that last chapter and revising the rest of what I had for it, my laptop crashed and took the original document with it. I've spent these past two almost three years in a hiatus that wasn't completely planned as I tried to think of where to take the story since I didn't have my original ideas with me…or liked anything that I was coming up with.

I've spent all this time analyzing the whole story and as much as I'd like to give all of you closure as to the story and how it ends. I just can't bring myself at this time to finish it. I've got no inspiration for it and haven't gotten much motivation to keep it going.

I've not only been contemplating on this story…but I was also thinking about myself and my college studies…realizing that I was starting to delve into the wrong field and I've spent these past two years making sure I graduate soon in the major I'm really happy with…American Literature.

It's been really complicated and life is still complicated for me now…granted, not all of it is excusable but all I'm trying to say is that I'm really sorry for not being able to finish this for you guys…yet. I'm going to start over fresh with a new story and a couple of new characters...hope you guys give it a chance like you've given this.

Thank you for taking your time for reading this and I hope you'll understand.