I'm My Own Grandpa
By Marmalade Fever
Disclaimer: I neither own nor claim Harry Potter or any related insignia, which is the creation and property of J.K. Rowling.
Draco found himself staring at the picture again. People had always commented that he looked exactly like his grandfather, Draco Malfoy I. Exactly seemed an understatement. He looked absolutely, positively identical to the man. They had the same nose, eyes, eyebrows… scars. They were one another's spitting image. In recent years, however, Draco's attention had been drawn to the woman on his grandfather's arm, his grandmother. There was very little known about Jane Malfoy. Some even said that Jane was her middle name. His own father didn't know her first name for certain. All Draco really knew about her was her appearance at the age of nineteen, as seen in this photo, and that she was a pureblood. Lucius was orphaned not long after his birth and raised by a friend of the family. What struck Draco, though… was her appearance. It was one thing for his grandfather to look exactly like himself, but quite another for his grandmother to look exactly like Hermione Granger.
He hadn't noticed the similarities until his fifth year, when he happened to glance across the classroom at her and found her in more or less the same pose as his grandmother, smiling and chatting amiably. That was when he noticed her teeth. Her teeth, which had, not too long before, been long, were then short, straight… so like his grandmother's that it caused his heart to skip a palpitation.
Now that Draco himself was nineteen, a refugee of the dark side, he found himself staring again and again at that picture. Could he possibly find a relative in the mudblood?
It was late at night and the moon was full. Draco had been sleeping on his cot, shivering against the cold under the tiny blanket. He heard two loud pops and was awake instantly, staring around the small room. None of his bunkmates seemed to have heard a thing, sleeping on like the logs they were. A second light, besides that of the moon, illuminated the room and he saw two dark figures. One was a woman, the other a man, both elderly. Although he couldn't see their faces, he felt immediately drawn to them and unafraid. The woman held her hand out to him and Draco took it. It was warm and familiar.
They were in a bedroom somewhere. It was dark here and the elderly man's wand cast a larger pool of light across the floor. There were bookcases… five of them, all heavily laden. Against the wall was a twin sized bed, a large violet comforter draped across a solitary figure.
"Hermione," the man said, this time offering his hand to the girl, whom had also been awakened by the pops. She looked around curiously, as if in a dream, and took the man's hand.
They were in a large old house overlooking the sea. It was early morning here. The woman had brought them each a cup of tea and placed a plate of biscuits before them. They ate in silence. The clock struck five and the elderly couple exchanged a look.
"Do you have the photo, Draco?" the woman asked, holding out her hand.
"Yes." He gave it to her and she smiled down at him.
"Do you know who I am?" she asked.
Draco nodded. "You're my grandmother."
She smiled. "And who am I to you, Hermione?" she asked.
The girl paused. "You're me."
"You're both correct," the elderly man said, drawing a chain from around his neck and setting it before them. "We are you."
Draco nodded. "I thought so. But you're also my grandparents."
The couple exchanged a smile and nodded. "True."
The girl looked questioningly at the chain on the table. "A time turner," she said.
The couple smiled. "And it is time for you to go and start your life together," the man said.
"One thousand turns, no more, no less," the woman said. She grasped both their hands in her own.
"We're in the past, fifty years before," she said, looking at him.
"I know." Draco withdrew the photo from where he had replaced it in his pocket. "Granger… I'm my own grandpa."
A.N.: Crazy idea I had to get down. Like it? Hate it? Think I'm whacko?