It's done it's done it's done ! Here's the ending right here here it is yes indeedy.

I need to give up cold medicine, don't I.

Chapter 10 The Morning After

Sara stirred as sunlight snuck in around the edges of the blinds in undeniable proof it was morning. Greg mumbled in his sleep and pulled her closer. She smiled and stroked his cheek, his morning beardstubble sandpaper against her hand. They were lovers now, so she supposed he wouldn't mind her touching him when they were awake, but for now she'd enjoy sneaking a little touch.

The night before had been amazing. He had made love to her slowly, tenderly, his gentle touch and loving words setting her ablaze and making her feel utterly cherished. They'd slept, then awakened to love again. She was at peace, unplagued by doubts and insecurities, but they did need to talk about what had happened. To be sure, the shift in their relationship was wonderful, but they still worked together, and both of them had to adjust to a monumental shift in what they were to one another.

His eyes opened, and he immediately ran his hand down her body. "You aren't wearing any clothes," he whispered, then kissed her.

"Neither are you," she answered against his lips.

"No, I'm not. So, are we going to sleep together naked every day now ?"

"I don't see why not - though we probably won't get as much sleep that way."

He chuckled. "We do have some things to figure out."

"We do. Where would you like to start?"

"The basics, I guess. So I'm assuming we're together now?"

His expression was anxious."Yes, Greg, I think that's a pretty safe assumption."

He sighed. "Good. Okay. Living arrangements. Together? Not? My place? Yours? Maybe aim for a place together eventually?"

"What do YOU think?"

"Together. Definitely together, don't care whose place, but I would like us to share a place one day. If you want. Totally just if you want."

She laughed. "My place for now. I'll get you a key."

He beamed. "And I'll get you one. Next question: How about work?"

Sara shrugged. "We aren't breaking any rules. How about let's not volunteer anything, but we'll tell the truth if asked? I'm not ashamed of this, but at the same time it's nobody's business but ours."

"Yeah, but you know they're going to find out eventually."

She nodded. "And that's okay. I'd just like for us to get used to, you know, being a couple before we let ourselves be open to scrutiny like that."

"So you'd rather I didn't suck my initials onto your face just yet."


He sighed. "I'm so happy."

She nestled close. "Me too. We'll have our problems eventually. Everybody does."

"And we'll get past them." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the palm. "This is worth working for. I love you, and I want to make you happy. I plan to do everything possible to accomplish that."

"You already have, Greg. You already have..."