Phoebe couldn't sleep any longer. A bright blue sky greeted her through the slightly open window. The curtains moved slowly in a fresh breeze. Carefully she removed Cole's arm from her waist and sat up, trying to not wake him up.
"Where are you going?" he murmured softly, fumbling for her with his hand. He always woke up when she left his side. And he wouldn't go to sleep when she wasn't in his arms.
"Just looking after Grace. You can sleep on, Cole. I'll get you when breakfast is ready," Phoebe told him and brushed a kiss on his cheek.
She knew Cole wasn't yet convinced that she stayed with him and would not leave him again. Phoebe was aware that she had a lot to make up to him. She had hurt his trust in her feelings for him, and it would need time to heal, but she was prepared to make every effort for him. She wouldn't let her happiness slip through her fingers again.
Phoebe threw a robe over her nightgown and tiptoed to Grace's room. Her little angel slept still. This was a rare occasion. Normally Grace was up not later than 6 a.m. demanding her rights. Phoebe closed the door to the nursery again and went down the staircase.
Still barefoot and her shoulder long brown hair uncombed, she stepped out on the front porch and strolled further through the still wet grass. The sun sent its first warming rays down on her naked legs. Still feeling the chill of the early morning, Phoebe pulled the robe tighter around her body but walked on down to the street. She turned around and looked back up at the two houses. Her birth home, the Halliwell Manor was in peaceful silence on the right, although Piper probably already busied herself with the breakfast inside.
On its left was the new Turner Manor. Not as old but very similarly built. She smiled happily. Cole hadn't been thrilled to give up his apartment at first, and much less to move in right next to Phoebe's sisters. Phoebe had talked with him for some time about it, and had managed to convince him. It was the best way she and Cole could care for their daughter together.
In the end he always gave in to her wishes. Phoebe admired how he put her first, even before his own comfort. Cole had sold his posh apartment and it had brought in enough money to buy out the house. He hadn't accepted any money Piper had offered. The rest Phoebe had given to welfare. It was money owed by the Source after all. She hadn't bothered Cole using it to buy the house, Phoebe thought that the Source owed them big time. But retaining the money that wasn't needed hadn't felt right.
When Cole had moved in with Grace three weeks ago, he had complained that the house was much too big just for him and Grace, since Phoebe refused to move in with him right away. She still lived officially in the Halliwell Manor. But facing the question to go up to her lonely bedroom in the Manor or to sneak over to Cole's house – her bedroom was deserted almost every night. Her sisters already made jokes about it and about her, but Phoebe didn't care. Cole and she would take their time.
Besides, the Turner Manor needed a lot of refurbishment. She was glad Leo had offered his help. Along with being the best white lighter, he was a very skilled craftsman, and he liked renovating old things. And the best thing was, it would give Cole and Leo time to spend together.
If she wanted to integrate Cole in her family, he had to spend time with them. And working together with Leo on the old house was a start. Phoebe smiled again. She had to forbid Cole to use magic to refurbish the house. At least regarding the outside of the house he had obeyed her wishes. It would be too suspicious if the old house turned into a totally renovated one overnight.
Lost in her musing Phoebe didn't notice someone approach her. Only when someone touched her shoulder she started. "Leo! You startled me!"
"Sorry, I thought you saw me coming, you were looking right at me," Leo apologized.
"I was thinking," Phoebe said, "I was about to come in to get ready for the day."
Leo smiled, "Why don't you move in with him? It's out in the open that you love him and your sisters accept it. Furthermore you spend most of your time over there and your sisters won't be hurt. Remember the house was their idea, as they did anticipate something like this."
He laid an arm around her and Phoebe rested her head against his shoulder. Talking with Leo always cleared her mind.
"I don't want to rush it," Phoebe said thoughtfully, "It's all still so new, so unbelievable." She looked with big eyes at Leo, "I don't want to make too many changes too fast. I don't want to spoil it this time. I feel like living my dream and I don't want to wake up ever."
"I understand," Leo said sympathetically as they started moving towards the Halliwell Manor together. "You have been given a very precious gift Phoebe. A real second chance. Not many people can call themselves that lucky."
"I know," Phoebe nodded earnestly, "and I appreciate it. You'll never know how much. That's why I want to be extra careful. It doesn't matter if my sisters tease me about it, or Elise thinks I've gone totally crazy." She giggled a little.
"What has Elise to do with it?" Leo asked, as he opened the front door for Phoebe.
"She thinks I lost it. I told her that I'm about to adopt my ex-husband's daughter," Phoebe answered strolling into the hall.
"You told her that?" Leo was surprised. Cole was handling the court proceeding that would make Grace officially Phoebe's adoptive child.
"Yeah – you know I can't hide the fact that I'm seeing my ex-husband again, especially not when he is working for the court. There have been so many rumours after the auction. I had to straighten it out." Phoebe lazily leaned against the handrail of the stairs.
Leo nodded appreciatory. Phoebe was facing the tough side of her decision and not running away anymore. He was proud of how much she had grown over the years. That meant now was as good a moment as ever. He had wanted to see her about something specifically.
"I wanted to talk to you about the white lighter for your daughter," he started.
"Really?" Phoebe asked pleasently surprised, "I thought they had forgotten about it."
With all the things going on between her and Cole and her and her sisters she hadn't thought about this for a while. She sat herself on one of the lower stairs and patted the place next to her. Leo followed the invitation and sat down.
"No not at all," Leo grimaced, "but nobody wanted to have the job. Watching over Belthazor's child is not regarded one of the top jobs up there. Besides, the Charmed Ones themselves have a bad reputation as being problematic charges."
Phoebe squinted her eyes. "Does this mean Grace doesn't get one? That's fine by me," she said angrily, "I think her father and I will be able to protect her anyway." She was offended that the elders didn't grant her daughter a white lighter. But she remembered that with Wyatt and Chris there had been similar problems.
"Can't you be the white lighter of Grace too?" she asked Leo hopefully.
"Of course I could," Leo said, "But it becomes dangerous for all of us. One white lighter in charge for 6 witches is too much. I don't want to be placed in a situation like when Prue died. The more witches I have to guard, all the more likely I can't be there for every one of them."
"I understand that," Phoebe acknowledged, "thanks for being so open about it." She started to get up. But Leo grabbed her on the arm and pulled her down next to him again.
"Wait, that is not all. I personally found one person who is willing to accept the calling."
"Why didn't you say so before?" Phoebe relaxed and moved closer to him, "who is it?"
"Prue," Leo said, watching Phoebe closely.
"Prue?" Phoebe whispered, "You mean she is allowed back down here?"
Phoebe was glad she was sitting down, because her surroundings started to spin. Prue back in the family? It was like a dream come true.
"Only as a white lighter, she won't be part of the Power of Three again. No witch powers. The Elders say it's mainly her doing that your daughter is here so she has to assume responsibility for it," Leo explained carefully.
"I think that's great," Phoebe blurted out, but saw Leo's doubtful face, "or is it not? What's the problem Leo?"
Leo sighed heavily. "You know Prue can be very demanding and dominant. I don't know if you 4 sisters can handle being together. You struggled for some time to find your places when Paige arrived. I won't endanger the Power of Three. And do you think Cole agrees to Prue being his little girls' white lighter?"
"I understand your concerns, but I think it could work. We are sisters. We love each other. Of course it will be difficult in the beginning. Paige is not seeing eye-to-eye with Prue. Nor is Cole." Phoebe stopped talking as she saw Leo looking even darker than before.
"Prue would have to live in Cole's house when she is down here," Leo said carefully. He knew this could be the deal breaker.
"What!" Phoebe shrieked, "Why? I don't think that's a …good idea." She shook her head vehemently.
"Well, for one thing she will be Grace's white lighter, she has to be around her. Not only to protect her but also to guide her. The Elders are very concerned about a witch of your line having Cole's genes and all. They think Grace will need strong guidance from the good side. A guidance that can withstand a demon's temperament."
"But she has no demonic powers anymore, Leo," Phoebe interjected.
"That's true, but if she comes after Cole regarding his recklessness, adventuresomeness and energy – you will have your hands full. Furthermore we have to explain Prue's appearance here to the public. Prue will need to glamour herself, so nobody besides us recognizes her and then pose as Cole's sister. We need a believable story why she lives with you," Leo said apologetically.
"Prue being Cole's sister?" Phoebe asked bewildered, "the first fight they will have will be about who is the older sibling."
Phoebe was troubled. Having Prue back was great – of course she wanted to have her sister back again. But Prue and Cole in the same house, pretending to be family and arguing about raising Grace. It was a suicide mission. "I'm not sure if I myself can handle that Leo, let alone handle Cole or Prue. He will freak out when I tell him."
"I know it's hard Phoebe, and therefore it is your decision. Prue will understand it, if you can't agree to these terms." He squeezed Phoebe's hand reassuringly and then left her with her thoughts.
Phoebe slowly ascended the stairs to her room, thinking about what to do. It just wasn't fair. She had just arranged for some tense understanding between Leo and Cole. She and Cole were working on their couple issues with the whole Source possession and its aftermath. She herself was working on becoming a mum and keeping her job. Paige was struggling with accepting Cole back in the family. Leo and Piper were nurturing their own relationship. And at this moment the Elders threw Prue back into the mix.
Prue was an ingredient that was likely to blow the hard won peace into their faces. But she loved Prue. She loved Grace. She loved Cole. Phoebe sighed heavily.
She decided to tell Paige and Piper right away and Cole too of course. They were a family after all. They had to decide it together. This was going to be a very interesting family breakfast.
Really - THE END
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