
A long time ago, there existed the most beautiful angel imaginable. This angel was loved and admired by all those who had the chance to see her and she was a legend for those unworthy of her presence. Humans on earth had only heard stories of the great ninjas who possessed the power almost equivalent to the supernatural and were be able to withhold her beauty and glory. On a fateful day in the winter time, this angel of beauty and grace fell from heaven for an unworthy soul from the Uchiha clan was able to withhold her impassable beauty and fell in love with her. Through this unworthy meeting, she fell from her place in heaven and became the demon of hate cursing the Uchiha clan to a terrible fate of one day ceasing to exist. But she was not satisfied yet. She declared a war on all humankind. She began to destroy the great nations of the human world and all the powers of the ninjas combined could not stop her. Millions died and the great forests of the world burned with the fires of hell. This time was known as the darkest era for mankind.

After 100 years of chaos and destruction, the great leader of the spirits of nature, the nine-tailed fox spirit, allied himself with the greatest of the Kages from the different countries to have one last stand against the beautiful but terrible angel of death. With their combined powers, the fox spirit was able to lock the demon away for what seemed like an eternity. The world could once again be at peace. The fox spirit was highly feared and respected by all the people in the world. Then there came the time when all the great Kages of that generation died. Slowly, over the period of a thousand years, the people of the world forgot about the fox spirit's sacrifice to lock the demon of beauty away and they began to misuse nature and destroy the great forests and pollute the oceans. The fox spirit became enraged at the humans and vowed to destroy them for their ungratefulness. The spirit was so engulfed in his rage that he became a demon himself. The people of the world were once again in an era of death and darkness. The world was at war again but this time with the fox demon. But then the Fourth Hokage, who used his forbidden technique, sacrificed his life to protect the world and was able to seal the nine-tailed fox demon inside a newborn boy whose mother had died at the birth. This child was deemed to carry the spirit of the demon for the rest of his life.

His name was Naruto. Unknowing that he held the spirit and power of the fox demon inside of him, he grew up in the country of Fire in the hidden village of the Leaf in disgrace and rejection, but he had the will to survive and to become a ninja. As fate had it, he was put in the same school with Sasuke Uchiha, the only survivor of the supposed total annihilation of the clan of tragedy, and a girl by the name of Sora.

Part I: A New Place

So this is the new school, huh? thought Sora as she paused on the marble steps in front of the quaint ninja school of the hidden village of Konoha. A light snow was falling. She shifted her bag on her shoulder. Well, it can't be that bad… She sighed and went up the rest of the steps. She was early as always to school and no students were in sight since they were all probably still asleep in their homes. She went into the building and found the office. "Hello?" she said cautiously as she entered the office.

"Why, hello there! My, you're early!" said a nice looking woman who was sitting at the desk. Indeed it was 6:28. "You must be Sora."

"Yes, ma'am," Sora said with a bow.

"My name is Kikyota. I'm the secretary here and it looks like you've got your things with you."


"Good, then I'll take you to your room since you're staying on campus. Is this your first time here? I don't quite remember if you visited or not."

"Um, yes this is my first time here. I never got a chance to look around so I thought if I came early I could get to know the place a little better."

"Of course, you can!" Kikyota said with a warm smile. "In fact, at around 7 there will be a student here to show you the dorms, school, and grounds. Classes begin at 8."

"Oh, thank you." Sora was already dressed for school. Her outfit consisted of an informal red ninja dress with no sleeves and light but sturdy sandals on her feet. No jacket or cloak was to be seen.

"Are you going to be cold? We have to go outside you know," Kikyota asked seeing what she was wearing.

"Oh, no. I'll be fine. I actually like the cold weather."

"I see…are you sure?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, then, let me go get my cloak and we'll be off."

Sora nodded as Kikyota left. She looked around the office. The walls were made of a strong bamboo and the doors were of the sliding paper kind. All the decorations were simple and symbolic of the great heroes of the Leaf village. Sora brushed some red hair out of her eyes as she inspected some of the artifacts.

"Ok, sorry about the wait," Kikyota said as she finished tying her cloak on. "It's about a 3 minute walk to the dorms."


They left the main school building and crossed the campus. The snow was falling a little harder but since it nearing the end of winter, the brown grass and bare bushes and tree branches could be seen. The small brook that ran through the grounds was not frozen anymore and ran its course making soft, pleasant sounds. After asking a few questions about the school and the village in general, Sora saw the dorm building.

"Here we are!" Kikyota said entering the dorm. "You don't have a room mate so you get your room all to yourself."

Sora smiled. The door was unlocked and inside was a small, quaint room with two rolled up mattresses, a small table, two chairs, and one window looking over to the student garden. A small stone court yard could be seen.

"Behind the dorms there is a student garden where students can go to do their homework, or train themselves," Kikyota said informatively. "There are only about 41 students in your year, 42 including you so you'll have plenty of room for yourself around the village. Most of the kids don't live here."

"Oh, that's nice that the school's small," Sora said.

"It is," Kikyota said. "What country are you from?"

Sora started. "Um…" She wasn't really expecting a question like that. "I came from the Country of Lightening last…"

Kikyota sensed the tension in Sora. "Oh, that's nice. Well, when you're done getting all your stuff out, meet back at the office at 7 so you can have your tour."

"Ok, thank you." Sora became comfortable again.

"Sure." She left the room and closed the door leaving Sora alone.

Sora sighed and started to unpack her belongings which didn't take long since she only had one bag. At 7:00 sharp, she arrived at the office and there was a girl with purplish hair waiting for her.

"Hi," the purple haired girl said with a soft smile.

"Hello," Sora said smiling back.

"You must be Sora. I'm Hyuuga Hinata," she said and extended her hand to shake hers.

"Nice to meet you," Sora returned and shook her hand.

"We're going to go around the school building first if that's ok with you."

"Um, sure. That's fine." They began to walk while Hinata informed Sora on all the quirks and pathways around the school. Soon they were in a friendly chatter, laughing and talking about school gossip, the mean senseis, and other stuff.

It was almost 8 when they finally returned to the school building after going to the student garden. "So where are you from?" Hinata asked.

Pause. "Uh, I came from the Country of Lightening last…"

"Oh, really?" Hinata exclaimed. "I heard that their ninja school has really hard senseis but they come out with really tough students! You must be a high level ninja already!"

"Oh, no," Sora blushed.

"That's really cool!" A bell rang shrilly. "Oh, that's the signal to get to class! We better hurry!"

"Uh, don't we need our books…?"

"Not today," Hinata said grabbing Sora's right hand. "Since it's the first day that we're all officially Genins, we're going to be separated into teams of three and meet our new senseis."

"Oh." Hinata ran down the hall pulling Sora behind.

"Believe it!" Naruto basically screamed at the seemingly deaf Sasuke. Most of the students were in the classroom waiting for their old sensei from the ninja school. Once again, Naruto was making his empty threats of kicking Sasuke's butt in the Genin training course. "I'm gonna be the greatest ninja of all time and then you'll see!"

Sasuke was sitting in his usual seat near the window of the classroom with his elbows on the desk and his hands folded in front of his mouth with his eyes closed. He was not paying any attention to anyone, much less Naruto.

"Did you hear me?" Naruto yelled. The other students had learned to just ignore Naruto so nobody really paid attention to him but the girls definitely paid attention to Sasuke.

Ino, the most popular girl in the class entered the room. Upon seeing Naruto up in Sasuke's face, she ran up to Sasuke pushing Naruto aside. "Sasuke-kun!" she said shrilly.

Sasuke made no reaction to her attention.

She ignored his unresponsive attitude and continued. "Sasuke-kun, do you want to go out with me today after school lets out?"

Sasuke made no reply.

Naruto got up angrier than ever. He didn't like any of the girls in the class but he was always sick of Sasuke getting all the attention.

"No way!" another girl screamed at Ino. She didn't care if Ino was the most popular girl. "You can't have Sasuke-kun, Ino!"

"Yeah!" another girl said. The three glared at each other.

"You don't stand a chance," Ino mocked them. "My beauty far surpasses either of yours and everyone knows that Sasuke-kun and I were made for each other!"

"Whatever!" It seemed like a catfight was going to start.

Sasuke kept his silence in annoyance. Why can't they leave me alone for just one day? He had other things to think about other than girls.

Then all the students heard footsteps in the hall and got to their seats thinking it was the sensei. The door slid open and there stood Hinata and Sora laughing. Sasuke's eyes opened a little bit.

"Hello, everyone!" Hinata greeted the class who was a little shocked at seeing Sora. "This is our new student from the Country of Lightening, Sora!"

Sora turned a little red at the mention of the Lightening country. "Um, hi…" she waved. Some of the girls immediately began to get up and greet Sora while the boys were shocked at Sora…because of her beauty.

She's…so beautiful… Kiba thought along with many of the other guys in the room. He was wearing a coat with his hood up and on his face were two red marks of kabuki paint in the shapes of elongated triangles pointed down, one on each cheek. His dog Akamaru, that he always kept with him could sense his master's emotion and barked happily.

Even Shikamaru, the laziest butt in the world glanced in her direction and immediately sat up straight. Whoa! She's hot! His eyes widened as he scanned her body. All the guys were spell bound.

Lightening, huh…Sasuke thought. He looked Sora over. Hmm… Sora didn't really like the attention from all the guys and was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. Sasuke sensed her uneasiness. I wonder where she's really from.

Naruto was motionless. Wow, she's so…sexy! His eyes were big and for once he wasn't talking.

Maybe this school is a little too friendly, Sora thought to herself as she sweat-dropped.

Hinata was trying to introduce everyone to Sora as she led her into the classroom. "That's Shino, and Chouji, and oh, that's Sasuke!" She brought her voice lower. "He's the most popular guy here and like all the girls have a crush on him!" She giggled.

"Heh, heh," Sora forced. Sasuke, huh? He looks like the strong silent type…I wonder…

"And that's Naruto," Hinata continued. "He's the most annoying little twit ever! But he's cute."

Sora looked at Hinata in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah, he likes to pull pranks and gets on everyone's nerves," Hinata said shyly. "But I know he's just doing it for attention."

"Oh," Sora said thoughtfully. Hm… she thought. I feel something interesting coming from him. "Why?"

"Uh, I'm not quite sure, but he lost his parents when he was born," Hinata said looking down. "I feel sorry for him."

Sora nodded and glanced at Naruto again who was still staring at her.

Finally the sensei stepped in and the students got quiet. "Ok, class, we're…why hello there!" He spotted Sora amongst the other students. "You must be Sora!"

"Yes," Sora said for the umpteenth time that day.

"Well, welcome to the Konoha Ninja School of the Hidden Village of the Leaf. I am Iruka-sensei," he said with a small bow.

"Thank you, Sensei."

"Since you're here and already a Genin, I'm going to have to test your powers in order to put you on the right team. So we're going to head outside. The rest of you can relax a bit. This will only take a second."

"Hey, can we come too?" Naruto asked.

Some of the girls immediately jumped at him. "Are you crazy, it's freezing outside!" "You can go in the snow if you want…idiot." "I'd rather keep warm."

"Now don't complain about the weather," Iruka said sharply. "A ninja must be able to be in top performance no matter what the weather is. Sora, do you mind if some come and watch?"

Sora looked at the group and thought that not many would want to come so she said, "I don't mind."

A small group of the students trudged out into the cold towards a huge stone courtyard with a sand pit in the middle of it that was covered in snow. The students who came were Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, and many of the other guys, Hinata, Ino and the two other girls Ino was fighting with before, but they only came because amazingly Sasuke came as well. Sora had hoped that not that many people would come out and was especially uneasy with Sasuke and Naruto being there. There's something about them…they feel familiar… They were waiting for the sensei to come out. The four girls were huddling together for warmth. The boys were trying to look tough in front of Sora and stood as if nothing was going on even though it was freezing cold. One of the girls called to Sora. "Hey Sora, aren't you cold?"

"Actually, I'm ok," she said with a smile. "One of my strong points is ice."

"Oh, I see."

"But," Sora walked towards the group of girls. "Here, give me your hand." The girl gave Sora her hand and immediately she felt a surge of warmth from Sora and it spread to the other girls as well.

"Wow! How'd you do that, Sora?" Hinata asked.

"In my old school, my sensei wanted me to not only expand on my strong points but on my weak points as well and so I had to go through much training in warm climates," Sora explained.

"What did he make you do?"

"Well, my Chakra level is drastically decreased in hot or dry environments so my sensei put me in the middle of a desert with no food, water, or weapons to fight his sand creatures for 20 days."

"WHAT?" all three of the girls gasped.

Sora nodded her head with remembrance.

"That's like almost impossible for even someone who isn't weak in that kind of weather!" Hinata said.

"I had to do a lot training of course before I did that," Sora said. "I-"

"Ok, Sora, I want to see where you stand so this test will be of a Genin level," Iruka said finally approaching them.

"Um…" Sora was half expecting something like this.

"Ok, all you have to do is stand in the sand pit and defeat whatever sand creatures I may throw at you. You can't use any weapons but you can use your surroundings to help and one more thing," Iruka reached into his pouch and pulled out a blindfold. "You can't see."

"All right," Sora said a little hesitantly. Sora walked to the sand pit and Iruka put the blindfold on Sora.

"Ok, you're ready," Iruka said.

20 days in the desert for an ice ninja, Sasuke thought. Perhaps a worthy opponent?

The students fell silent. Iruka was waiting for the right moment that would catch Sora off guard. Sora stood perfectly still with her hands in a strange seal. No one knew what it was, not even Iruka. Then all at once 20 sand creatures rose from the sand with lightening speed and they rushed at Sora. Sora's hands moved even faster and just as the sand creatures covered her from sight, they fell revealing Sora in a fighting stance with her right hand open. The sand creatures dissipated back into sand. It was completely silent. Left on top of the sand were 20 small crystal daggers. Sora removed her blindfold. Her eyes could still be seen changing from a silver color back to her usual red color. She brushed some hair out of her eyes.

Naruto was the first to speak. "Hey, I thought Sensei said no weapons."

"Yes, but he did say I could use my surroundings," Sora said picking up one of the daggers.

"Amazing," Iruka said. "What are those things?"

"They're ice shards. I made them by using the frost within the sand pit."

"How'dya make so many and throw so accurately all so fast?" Naruto said coming forward to pick a dagger up.

Sora blushed. "I trained a lot, I guess…I did say my specialty is ice."

"Oh, right," Naruto said with admiration which was not common in him since he usually spat at everyone that got near him.

Holy crap! Kiba thought. Not only is she beautiful but she's strong. What a girl… Everyone started to talk at once.

Sasuke was the only one not talking but his mouth was open in shock. She is not from the Lightening country that's for sure…I must see her full potential someday and maybe… Sasuke shook his head. Hmm…mustn't think too far ahead. He gave a small smirk.

"I am very impressed with your abilities Sora. Your previous sensei has definitely trained you well," Iruka said.

Sora blushed at all the compliments.

Sasuke looked at Sora unaware of how intense he looked. Perfect, he thought.

All the girls noticed Sasuke looking at Sora and they immediately felt jealous. Sora also felt Sasuke's gaze upon her but she refused to acknowledge it.

The guys all began to look at what all the girls were looking at and noticed Sasuke looking at Sora. Damn, the day she comes and now I don't even have a chance if Sasuke's going to… Kiba thought. From the look on Shikamaru's face he was thinking the same.

"All right," Iruka said after writing some things down. "Now everyone go back inside." The students began walking back in. "Sora, come here for a sec," he called. Sora walked back towards him.


"What do you think of Sasuke and Naruto as your teammates? You three would make a good, balanced team."

"Sasuke and Naruto?" she said in surprise. That's strange, the two guys I have a funny feeling about…and now I might be put on their team?

"Sora, you should get to know Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto," Iruka said smiling. "But I have to warn you though," Iruka continued. "They've been rivals since they met."

Sora sweat-dropped. Great, now I might have rivals on my team?

Once back inside, the students who went out started to tell the other students about Sora's amazing test.

Kiba saw his chance to talk to Sora then. "Sora?" he said as he approached her.

"Hello?" She looked at him. Her eyes made him melt.

"Uh, I just wanted to introduce myself," he said nervously and held out his hand.

Sora smiled and took it.

"Kiba's my name, and this is Akamaru," he said pointing to his dog who was on the desk next to them.

"Aww, how cute," Sora said. She started petting him. Akamaru growled happily and licked her hand. Sora laughed.

"He can sense that you're strong," Kiba said. "That's his specialty."

"Really?" Sora said. Come to think of it, with his eyes and teeth, Kiba looks kind of like an animal…hmm… Sora always liked to predict the types of attacks one would use in a battle by his looks. "Do you use animal techniques in battle?"

"Heh, yeah, I do. In fact it's my specialty," Kiba said. "How'd you know?"

Sora smiled as Akamaru jumped into her arms. "I don't know when it started but I've always liked to predict one's attack type by looking at him before I see him in battle. Isn't that weird?" Akamaru yipped.

"No, that's really cool that you can do that," Kiba said.

I like this guy, he seems decent, Sora thought. And his dog's adorable.

Shikamaru walked up to them as well. "Hey," he said.

Sora smiled at him. Hmmm…

"My name's Shikamaru," he said. "I've just got to say that your performance was pretty impressive." He put a hand behind his head.

"Thank you," Sora said. She was having a hard time with this guy. What attacks…by the looks of his expression, he doesn't seem to care too much about anything, but he also looks like a very smart person… "So what's Konoha like?" she asked. Maybe if I can get him to talk more I'll find out.

"Eh, kinda boring," Shikamaru said.

"Well, it is but after becoming Genins, it'll be a lot more interesting," Kiba said. "I mean we'll be able to train and actually learn how to fight with our abilities."

"Hey, Shikamaru, speaking of abilities," Sora said. "Do you use Shadow techniques as your ability?"

"Huh?" Shikamaru was shocked. How can she tell?

"Whoa, Sora, you're right again! How do you do it?" Kiba said it out loud for Shikamaru.

Sora blushed. "I don't know. I just had a feeling."

Then Iruka came back in. "Ok, class I've got the official list for your Genin squads." A hush fell over the class. "Team 1 is Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji."

What? I get stuck with the bossy girl? Shikamaru thought. How troublesome…Chouji and I are going to have sooo much fun…

Ino was completely shocked and disgusted with the fact that she wasn't with her beloved Sasuke. I'll kill the girl who gets on his team, she thought evilly.

"You're gonna meet in room 207 tomorrow. Next, Team 2, is Kiba, Hinata, and Shino, room 311."

Dammit, Kiba thought. Like I said before, I don't have a chance… Akamaru whimpered at his master's expression.

Aww…I wanted to be with Naruto-kun, but at least Ino's with the fat guy, Hinata thought.

Iruka kept going until finally. "Okay, now squad number seven is Naruto, Sora, and Sasuke. I got it confirmed by Hokage-sama himself. You're to meet in room 214 tomorrow."

"All right!" Naruto said. He jumped up and threw a fist in the air. How lucky can I get? I'm gonna be with the most beautiful girl in the world and we're going to be on the same team to train as Genins!

Sasuke scowled. How is it that I always get stuck with Naruto? I wanted Sora for myself.

Sora looked at the two. Naruto was overjoyed but as soon as he looked at Sasuke he gave him the death glare even though Sasuke's eyes were shut. Sasuke just seemed angry. Can I survive this? Sora asked herself sarcastically.

Iruka kept going until all of the students were placed on teams. Once he was finished, he placed his clipboard on the desk. "Now you are all to report to your respective classrooms tomorrow at 7 am sharp, okay?" Iruka said after the kids had calmed down. "Class dismissed."

"Hey, I hope to see you guys around sometime," Sora said to Kiba and Shikamaru. She put Akamaru on the table. He whined. "You too!" she said as she gave him a good scratch behind the ears.

Kiba smiled and said, "Yeah, maybe we could go-oof!" Shikamaru had elbowed him in the stomach before Kiba could finish. He jerked his thumb over to Naruto who was running up to them.

"We'll see you around, Sora," Shikamaru said as he pulled Kiba after him out of the room.

"Hopefully," Sora said. They're nice…

"Sora!" Naruto shouted. "You're on my team!"

Sora smiled hesitantly. "Yeah."

"This is going to be great!" Naruto said as he basically danced out of the room. "See ya tomorrow!"

Sora waved and sweat-dropped. "Is he always like that?"

"More than you know," Sasuke said quietly.

She didn't know she had said that out loud and turned around shocked at his voice. "Uchiha Sasuke?" Sora asked. He nodded and left. Sora felt a strange feeling wash over her as he passed. She twitched a little and shook her head slightly.

"Sora!" Ino said.

"Um, yes?" Sora said smiling. "Ino, right?" She was pretty good with names.

"Don't think that you can just waltz in here and take Sasuke-kun from me!" she said hotly.


"You heard me!" Ino continued. "I saw that look you gave him! Just cuz your on his team doesn't mean he's yours!"

"I never even thought-"

"He's mine, got it? If you so much as TRY anything on him, I swear I'll get you!" she said with a huff and left.

Geez, what an attitude! Sora thought to herself.

"Sora-chan!" Hinata said.

"Hinata-chan," Sora said with a happy sigh. Finally a familiar face!

"I forgot to warn you about Ino," she said. "She's completely obsessed with Sasuke-kun as are most of the girls here anyway."

"Are you?" Sora asked jokingly.

Hinata laughed. "I can't say that he's not cute!" She smiled. "Don't worry, I hope you guys will work well together on your team."

"Thank you. You too!" Sora said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good friends with Kiba and Shino, even though he like never talks, but I'm happy," Hinata said. "I'll walk you back to your dorm, ok?"

"Thanks, that'd be cool," Sora said.

"I have to tell you all about Sasuke and Naruto's rivalry though cuz you might need to prepare yourself," Hinata said with a laugh.

"Yeah," Sora said uncertainly. Great, so their rivalry is infamous...even better…

Once Sora was back in her room alone, she began to think. This is so strange…where is he from? How do I know him? Sora sat down in the middle of her room in a meditative position. How is this possible, I don't even know him but yet I feel a pull of remembrance…painful remembrance…Uchiha…where have I heard of that name before? Come to think of it, Naruto had a strange eminence about him too…I can feel an aurora of something…different… After thinking things over for a while, Sora decided to get to know the village a little better. Without a second thought, she left her room to explore.

She found the village garden area and saw a partially frozen fountain. This is nice, she thought as she sat down to gaze at the frozen structure. Then she felt a presence.


She turned around ready for anything but found it was…Sasuke? "Oh, uh, hello, um was it Sasuke?" Sora bowed politely feeling very uncomfortable.

"Where are you really from, Sora?" Sasuke said quietly but firmly. His dark eyes piercing her crimson ones.

Sora was set back by the question. Who does this guy think he is? "Uh, like I said before, I was-"

"I know you're lying."

Silence. Sasuke stared at Sora without moving. Sora was still shocked and speechless. A chilling wind blew Sora's hair in front of her face. Her expression hardened. "Why do you want to know?"

"Your powers interest me," Sasuke said without showing any emotion. And that's not all that interests me, he smiled inside.

Sora was even more taken aback. She swept some strands of her hair out of her face and backed away. He stepped forward. She wanted to run, she was scared. What is with him? He kept coming forward until he was inches away from her face. She was unable to move.

She is so beautiful…Sasuke thought. His hand subconsciously moved to touch her face. Somehow, I feel that I know her from before…

Sora didn't know what was happening. She felt his hand on her cheek but she didn't slap it away like she wanted to. She shut her eyes. Run away…She couldn't move.

Sasuke was unable to control himself. He slipped his free arm around her back and put the other hand that had been stroking her cheek behind her head. He bent his head down and moved closer to her face. I just met her…but I feel…in love?

A strong gust of icy wind made the birds scattered from the trees and broke the silence with a shriek. Sasuke tensed in surprise and Sora snapped back to reality. She saw her chance to get out. I've got to leave now. She broke free from Sasuke in an instant and disappeared into the newly falling snow.

Sasuke was left standing in the garden thinking over what had just happened. How could I let my guard down? He mentally kicked himself. She had me spellbound…those damn birds! No, it was too early…I've got to… He became mad. Why am I so mad?

Sora ran all the way back to her room and locked the door. What happened? I don't even know him! I've never met him! What a JERK! I can't believe…Her mind went wild with frustration. "Whoa, whoa calm down," she said out loud to herself. She took in a deep breath. "It's okay, I'm not going to see him aga-" she cut herself off. "Dammit! I'm on his Genin team…ugh…that means we're going to be seeing a lot of each other from now on then…" She dropped to her knees. Why can I sense something in him? Something recognizable?

The next day came in an instant so it seemed to Sora. She woke at the first light and went outside after she washed to do a meditative exercise. It was freezing cold but she didn't care even though she was only dressed in her usual ninja dress. She focused her energy and faced the rising sun. Her mind cleared and she drifted into her subconscious thoughts. All of a sudden images as clear as day appeared in her mind. A bright light…then a lake…beautiful in the winter…She felt herself walking alongside it looking into the water. Wait! Who's there? She felt herself turn around. Was it…Sasuke? Flames leaped into her vision. A rage, no a deep hatred ran through her. Blood…FLASH…a blur of lightening...jagged teeth…and then pain. It's too much…gasping for air…Am I dying? Sora fell to her knees and her eyes shot open. She was hugging her self and shaking. Smoke was rising from her body. She was paralyzed with the pain that still remained from her vision. She tried to stand. Pain shot up her body. She gave a cry and fell back to the ground almost unconscious. What…what the heck? Visions of my future? Did I die? A few moments passed and a thin layer of snow covered her. She tried to move again and surprisingly the pain was gone; the smoke was gone; the feeling of dying was gone. What is going on? Then she looked at the sun and saw that it was almost 7:00. Crap I'm going to be late. She ran at full speed to the academy.

When she got to the assigned classroom, only Sasuke was there. His elbows were propped up on the table in front of where he sat and his hands covered his mouth. His eyes were closed. Shoot…Sora thought. Where's Naruto when you need him? She didn't want to make a sound so that Sasuke wouldn't open his eyes but it was already too late. He had sensed her presence.

"You're late," he said without opening his eyes. She froze and didn't respond. "Our sensei is also late." He still had his eyes closed.

He talks like nothing happened yesterday, she thought angrily. He's the one who started it and HE'S the one who doesn't even seem to care! She decided to ignore the event that happened yesterday as well so she sat in the seat farthest away from him. "I'm not late," she said matter-of-factly. She hadn't even looked at the clock to see what time it was. She just wanted to say something back to him.

His eyes opened slightly to glance at the clock. It was 7:02. "Hm."

Sora looked at the clock. Baka! She decided not to say anything. An awkward silence filled the classroom air. Keep calm…Sora breathed deeply. Don't show any emotion…WHERE THE HECK'S NARUTO! She closed her eyes.

Sasuke glanced over at her. Has she forgotten? He sensed her anticipation and discomfort. No, she hasn't. He smiled to himself.

Naruto came bursting in. "AHHH! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I overslept and I was hungry so I had to eat my ramen and then I forgot about the 7 o'clock thing and then-"

"It's okay, you beat the sensei here anyway," Sora said getting up and patting Naruto on the arm. She smiled.

Naruto looked at her and blushed. He smiled back and melted. I think she likes me!

Sasuke stared at the other two angrily. What is she trying to pull? How is it that the one girl I'm interested in goes for the village idiot!

Sora laughed at Naruto's heavy blush. She liked this kid. "Come on Naruto-kun, stand up." She helped him up.

Did she call me KUN? Naruto thought.

Did she call him KUN? Sasuke thought.

Then as if on cue, the sensei arrived. "Good morning students, I'm sorry I'm a little late. I got lost on the way here." He had one eye covered with his forehead protector and his lower face covered in a half mask. His white hair stood to one side and he had a lazy appearance about him. The three students stared at him surprised.

Is he half asleep? Naruto thought.

How could he get lost? Sora thought. I mean, I just got here and this place isn't very big…

Sasuke closed his eyes in a concentrated expression trying to keep himself from tearing Naruto apart.

The sensei looked at the shocked students. And who is this fine young lady here? Sora was it? Hm…"Well, let's start by introducing ourselves." The sensei moved over to sit on the desk.

Sora looked a little confused. "What should we say?"

"Well…things you like…things you don't like…any hobbies you might have…plans for the future…things like that," the sensei said lazily.

All three of the Genins looked a little confused. "Why don't you go first Sensei so that we'll know what you mean," Naruto said a little nervously.

"All right then. My name is Hatake Kakashi-sensei. Things I like…things I don't like…well, I don't feel like telling you guys. I've never really thought about my plans for the future…and as for my hobbies, well, I have lots of hobbies." He folded his arms in conclusion looking very satisfied with himself.

Sora looked confusedly at the sensei. She whispered to Naruto, "All he really told us was his name…"

Naruto also had a confused look on his face but then he snapped out of it. "Fine then, I'll go next. My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I like ramen noodles in general, sampling, tasting, and just eating them. What I don't like is the three minutes that you have to wait after you pour the hot water in the cup and I'm going to become the number one ninja in this village. I'll be the next Hokage and I'll show everyone that I can be respected!"

Sora looked at him. I wonder why people treat him so badly.

Kakashi glanced at Sora. Hmmm… "Why don't you go next?"

"Huh? Me?" Sora said pointing to herself.

Kakashi nodded. "You're new here so I haven't seen you around."

"Well, I, uh," she stammered. Dammit…I didn't want to talk about myself here… She decided if necessary to basically lie about her past. "My name is uh…" Shoot, I don't want to use my last name… "Uh, Kousetsu Sora and…" she said the first thing that came to her mind and that was snow. "…and I like winter!" At least that was true, she thought. "I don't like…" Hmmm, maybe I can get back at Sasuke. She smiled evilly. "I don't like pride and conceitedness in people." She shot a glare at Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes shot open. "Huh?" He glared at Sora.

Sora smiled sweetly back. "And my hobbies are training I guess…um and I think my plans for the future are uncertain right now." She stopped and thought back on what she said.

Hmm…interesting girl, Kakashi thought. "Well, what about you Uchiha?"

Sasuke was still glaring at Sora. What the hell? He tore his gaze away from her and focused his attention on the sensei. "I'm Sasuke, survivor of the Uchiha clan." He stopped.

"Nothing you like?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke stared at Kakashi without moving.

"No hobbies?"

Sasuke continued to stare.

"I'm guessing no plans for the future either, huh?"

The staring continued.

"Well, since we all know a little more about each other…"

Yeah right, Sora thought.

"…we should start with the test."

"Test?" Naruto asked. "What test? I thought we were already Genins!"

"Well, you graduated, that's all. You're still not an official ninja yet," Kakashi said standing up. "Let's meet at the training field at 5 in the morning tomorrow for the test and then we shall see. Oh yes, and don't eat breakfast because you'll probably throw it up."

"Huh?" Naruto and Sora said at the same time. Sasuke was a little shocked as well but didn't show it.

Kakashi smiled. "You're dismissed."

"What? That's it?" Sora asked in surprise.

"For today, yes," Kakashi said. He looked intensely at her with visible eye. She began to feel really uncomfortable.

Sasuke got up. "Then I'm going home." He walked towards the door of the classroom passing Sora stiffly.

Sora stared after Sasuke with contempt. What's wrong with him?

"Hey, Sora-chan!" Naruto interrupted her thoughts.

"Huh?" Sora turned around to face Naruto. Kakashi had disappeared.

"Well, I was thinking since we're going to be on the same team for a long time that we should train together," Naruto said looking down with a blush.

Sora smiled. "Of course. What about Sasuke?"

"Oh, forget about him, he's conceited and thinks that he's better than the rest of us!" Naruto said quickly.

Sora gave a soft laugh. "Yeah, I could see that he's proud."

Naruto smiled with glee. Heh, she's awesome! Finally someone, some girl agrees with me about Sasuke.

The two left the building together talking about the future. Actually Naruto was talking about the future and Sora was listening and laughing. Kakashi was on the roof of a nearby building looking at the two. Sora…it's strange…I've never heard of anything about her and not even Hokage-sama knows anything about her. He walked away from the edge of the building. Well, I know she was lying about her last name at least. Below him, Sora and Naruto had begun to race towards the training fields near the village wall. Maybe I'll see what she can do. Kakashi followed them easily from above.

"Naruto-kun!" Sora yelled as she saw Naruto go straight into a tree from looking back at Sora after entering the field.

CRASH! "Oww..." Naruto whimpered. BAKA! he thought bitterly.

"Naruto-kun!" Sora said again as she ran to him. She dropped to her knees next to him and touched his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Naruto looked at Sora and blushed heavily. "I'm fine! Absolutely fine!" he lied rubbing his head.

Naruto, Naruto, Kakashi thought as he hid in a tree.

"Let's start training, Sora-chan!" Naruto said jumping to his feet. "You must be a really powerful ninja!"


"Teach me some moves, please?" Naruto said.

He's not ashamed to ask a girl? Sora thought. "Uh, sure!" She was actually happy to be around Naruto. "Where should we start?"

"I think my technique is where I need most work…" Naruto said a little embarrassed.

"Technique?" Sora said. "Well, most of my technique comes from my Chakra…"

"Chocolate? What?" Naruto said confused.

"Chakra, it's the melding of body and spirit energy that allows one to use elemental, ninja, and illusionary techniques in battle," Sora explained.

"Uh…" Naruto said.

Sora could see that if she was to help Naruto at all, she would need to start from the basics of Chakra. "The most important thing in using Chakra is to be relaxed and concentrated." She put her hands in a simple wind seal. Naruto followed her example. Sora closed her eyes. "Now just breathe…" She took in some icy cold air. Naruto shut his eyes and breathed in the air as well but…

"Ack!" he coughed. It was way too cold for him.

Sora kept her eyes closed. "Remain calm and focused. Allow your body to mold the Chakra within you." She blew some air out of her mouth. It turned into a small gust of wind filled with ice crystals. She opened her eyes and by using her controlling technique she steered it towards a rock that was lying in the frosty grass nearby. The wind began to pick up speed as she willed it to and then when it hit the rock, the rock burst into tiny pieces because the wind was carrying the ice crystals at such a rapid pace.

Impressive, Kakashi thought. She didn't even use that much Chakra. How did she learn to use it so well without becoming a Chuunin already?

Sora looked at Naruto. "You don't have to put ice in your wind. Use something that is easy for you…fire maybe?"


"Yeah, fire is one of the easiest elements to mold," Sora said. "Try it."

Naruto nodded. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He put his hands in the jutsu position and inhaled through his mouth. This time he didn't cough. Concentrate…concentrate… He opened his eyes and blew out a small tornado with traces of fire in it. "Hey! I did it!" It was very strong at first but quickly dissipated. "Huh? Where'd it go?"

Sora smiled and laughed a little bit. "You used too much power to release it and lost your focus to maintain it. You are very strong but you can't maintain the strength. You must learn to let out small amounts of your energy and direct it with the rest. Attacks become more effective that way."

Naruto nodded and tried again…and again…and again…

About a half and hour later, Naruto was completely worn out and Sora was trying to keep him awake and standing. She laughed. "Naruto-kun, you like to use your power in great spurts of energy-" but then she was cut off by a rumbling coming from deep with the ground. "Huh?"

What is that? Kakashi said. He had been enjoying just watching Sora attempt to teach Naruto.

Then out of the ground came a gigantic serpent-like creature. "WHAAAA!" Naruto jumped in surprise.

Sora stayed perfectly calm. I can't fight now…not in front of Naruto…I would... she shuddered. Think…run! "Naruto-kun! We have to run!"

By now Naruto had overcome his shock. "NO WAY! THIS IS SOO COOL!" He began to run towards the great serpent. He pulled out his kunai. "I'm going to show you my specialty!"

"No, Naruto!" Sora ran after Naruto. How does he have so much energy now?

"AHHHH-" Naruto was powering up. The snake lunged at Naruto and he just barely dodged it. This boosted his confidence way too high.

Kakashi had decided not to interfere. Let's see Sora's real fighting style.

Naruto jumped and stabbed at the snake but his kunai was deflected.

"Naruto, he has an armored skin!" Sora yelled to him.

"What?" Naruto lost his balance in the air and the snake whipped his body around to capture him in his coils. "AHH!"

"Naruto!" I have no choice now… "Naruto, protect yourself!" Sora formed a small but powerful energy ball of snow and her own spirit Chakra in her hand.

I can see the Chakra, Kakashi thought in amazement. Like my own technique.

Sora threw the ball with lightening speed and it struck the snake in the head. Naruto could feel the shock of the attack. "AHH!" he yelled when the snake squeezed harder. It fell over carrying Naruto underneath it.

"Naruto!" Sora whipped out her kunai daggers. It's too late to stop now. Her eyes turned to a silver color. She ran towards the snake at a full run, daggers out. The snake struck out with its fangs. It struck the ground. The poison from the fangs made the snow melt and the sand turn into quicksand. Sora stabbed the snake in the neck with one kunai and went for the main artery with the other. "TAKE THIS!" she yelled. Her power level was rising. Images flashed in front of her eyes. The sun…hot…her body weakened. Sand replaced the snow around her. It was her and the sand snake again in the desert. Fighting for her life. No... she began to become violent…out of control. She broke through the armor and sliced through the main artery of the snake and began stabbing it over and over again. Her silver eyes burned deeply with hate.

What's this? Kakashi began to be worried.

The snake was dead and its body was disintegrating into sand, but Sora was not done attacking. Her vision blurred. Everything slowed down. Heavy breathing…what was that?

Naruto had come out from under the snake. He was a little dazed. "Ugh…" He saw Sora. Her eyes were focused on him…her silver eyes. "What?"

Enemy…demon! Sora ran at Naruto.

"Sora!" Naruto got out his kunai quickly and by instinct blocked Sora's oncoming attack but got thrown back violently.

Sora was in a craze now. Kakashi saw his chance to move. He flew down and grabbed Sora from behind and squeezed her neck so she would become unconscious and brought her with him towards the village. Naruto also fell unconscious from Sora's attack. Kakashi knew he'd be all right and would probably wake up with no memory of the incident about Sora. Who is this girl?

The lake again. Snow falling gently. A couple flakes got caught in her eye lashes. Walking barefoot…the melting frost under her feet felt cool, refreshing, and peaceful. Winter with hollowed out, leafless trees. The mountains jutted through the clouds in the background. No one can find me here. Brushing a few strands of silver hair out of her eyes, she felt a presence. Human? She turned slowly. He was an unusually handsome young man. She couldn't move for a while, just staring. His eyes were a dark color, almost black. He was spellbound; she was paralyzed. How can he withhold my beauty? Pride, arrogance welled up inside. The young man came forward taking one step at a time. Slowly, slowly…never taking his eyes off of her. She looked at him with an icy but confused stare. The wind blew more strongly than before. Snow was picked up in the air and swirled around the two like a mist. He touched her face…a gentle touch. She closed her eyes. What is this feeling? He leaned close to her wrapping his arm around her back. His black hair mixed with her long silver hair and their lips met. Then…the ice broke in the lake. Dark clouds filled the sky and she threw the man back with a power surge of anger. Her eyes turned blood red. The hollow trees fell at the quake of the ground. She rose in the air, her silver hair blowing in the violent wind. Anger…Rage…Hatred…Sora…

"Ahh…" she cried softly in muted fear.

"Sora," the voice said again.

Her eyes shot open and she jerked herself up. "Don't touch me!" Her vision was blurred. She tried to get up but was held down by the other person. "Let me go!" She struggled to get free but was too weak against his grasp.

"Sora! Calm down," the voice commanded.

Sora looked steadily at the ground and her vision cleared. She saw two gloved hands holding her arms down from behind. She turned around. "Sensei?"

Kakashi's arms were wrapped around her. "Sora." After a moment, he let her go seeing that she was calmed down. "Breathe deeply. What did you see?"


"You were having a dream…or a nightmare. What did you see?"

"Nightmare…" her voice trailed off and her eyes began to glaze over again.

"Sora." He grabbed her wrist to keep her from falling over.

She shook her head. "I…I don't remember anything but…pain."


"It was unbearable," she tried to keep herself from crying and almost succeeded.

Kakashi saw that she was almost in tears and let go of her wrist. The fighting with the snake must have caused some repressed memories to surface. She might've not even known about them beforehand. I wonder… He looked at her steadily with his visible eye. She was breathing heavily trying to control her emotions. She couldn't look at him. "You should get back to your room at the school." Kakashi got up and offered her his hand. She didn't see it and stood up on her own. "Do you want me to take you back?"

Sora looked up with no trace of tears in her eyes. "No, I think I can make it back. Thank you, Sensei-" She tried to take a step but stumbled.

Kakashi caught her and picked her up. "I think I'll have to insist on taking you back." He smiled with his eyes.

Sora could hardly stay awake. Her energy was drained. "Sensei…"

Kakashi carried her all the way to her room and unlocked the door all while holding Sora's delicate body. He put her on her mattress and covered her with a blanket. "Sora, can you hear me?" She stirred on the mattress, her eyes still shut. He sighed and turned to leave. At the door, he glanced back at her. Her face was already beginning to get some color back into it. He left the room and locked the door. A very interesting team indeed. He disappeared.

Sora woke up the next morning at 4 feeling refreshed as if nothing but a friendly training session with Naruto had gone on. But she remembered the black out. Hmm… She quickly washed and changed into her fighting dress. She decided to skip meditating that morning because she was too excited to concentrate. Of course she didn't eat and ran quickly to the spot that Kakashi had said to meet the previous day.

Sasuke woke at 4 as well and calmly walked to the field after washing and dressing. He wasn't worried about the test at all but rather Sora…

Naruto woke up at 5. "WHAT THE HECK?" He jumped out of bed, threw his clothes on, washed, and ran at full speed to the field.

Sora was the first to arrive. Ha! Beat Sasuke. She looked around for any sign of Kakashi then she saw a figure in the distance walking slowly. Huh? Is it Sensei? She squinted her eyes to see more clearly and then, oh, it's Sasuke. I should be nice. I mean, we're going to be on the same team for a really…long…time… She looked down. Act like nothing happened. Yeah, just act normal and besides he's pretty cute. Her head shot up. Did I say that out loud?


Sora looked at him. "Oh, hello Sasuke-kun." She wanted to make sure he knew that she was trying to be respectful and friendly. She smiled.

Kun? Strange… He stared at her.

"Sasuke," she got serious and her eyes dropped. "I…I'm sorry for the way I was acting before and well…I just wanted to start from the beginning and be on friendly terms, you know since we're going to be together a lot for the next year or so…"


She stopped and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry," he said simply. "I was too weak to control myself and that fault is mine."

Well, so he can be a gentleman! "Oh, no that's ok," uh, no it wasn't, "We've really got to-"

"SORA-CHAN!" Naruto ran up to the other two. Sasuke grunted in disgust and estimated that it was around 5:10. "Sorry I'm late again but I…"

Sora laughed and stopped him. "It's okay! Now all we have to do is wait for Sensei." The three waited patiently. An hour passed. Naruto was falling asleep and Sora was sitting in the grass. Sasuke kept standing but was very annoyed. A few more hours passed.

"Dammit!" Naruto whined. "Why isn't he here yet?"

"I don't know," Sora said quietly. What kind of guy would be late to something so important? She was annoyed as well.

Sasuke kept standing. Is he really a Jounin? he thought angrily.

Then Kakashi appeared. "Good morning," he said with energy. "It is now time for that test you've all been waiting for."

Sora got up. "It's been hours!" she said exasperated. "You told us to come at five!"

"Oh?" Kakashi said and glanced at the sky. "I'm sorry. I got lost on the path known as life…"

"Eh?" Naruto and Sora said. But then Naruto was energized at once. "What is this test?" I'm not going to lose to Sasuke…

"It's very simple." He took out two silver bells. "All you three have to do is take the bells from me and then you'll pass."

Sora looked at him confused. "Wait, there're only two bells."

"Yes," he said lazily while tying them onto his belt.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi. What is he trying to pull?

That means only two of us can pass! Naruto thought. I've got to get one and Sora too!

There has to be a catch somewhere…why were we put on a team of three if only two of us can pass? Sora thought.

Kakashi pulled out an alarm clock and set it for noon. "You have until noon to get the bells and if you don't then you can't eat lunch!" he explained happily.

"WHAT?" Sora and Naruto said together.

"So that's why you didn't want us to eat breakfast so that we would be even hungrier by lunch!" Sora said. Kakashi looked at her with a hidden smirk. "That's kinda mean," she added quietly.

"All right! Piece of cake!" Naruto said with confidence. He whipped out a kunai and charged at full speed at Kakashi and then, "AHHH!" Kakashi had a hold of Naruto's wrist and was facing the kunai towards his head.

"I didn't say start yet," Kakashi said, his voice becoming dark.

"Ow," Naruto whimpered as Kakashi let him go.

"Now, ready?" The three tightened up. "Set?" They got ready to jump. "GO!" The three jumped. Sora and Sasuke hid and Naruto…well…

Kakashi looked around to see where they had gone. "Well, at least you know how to hide. That's a crucial part of being a nin-"


Kakashi looked up.

"RIGHT HERE! JUST YOU AND ME!" Naruto was standing on top of the hill in plain sight with his arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

Kakashi sweat-dropped. This is going to be a long day.

Naruto charged at Kakashi with both kunai daggers out. "AHHHH!" Kakashi easily dodged him and disappeared. "Huh?" Naruto began looking around for Kakashi.

"Never let your enemy get behind you, Naruto."

"WHA?" he could feel the sensei behind him. He was about to turn around but,

"Naruto! He's using the tiger seal!" Sora's voice came from somewhere.

"Uh…" Naruto began to shake.

So that's where she's hiding, Kakashi thought.

By trying to warn Naruto, Sora had given away her hiding place. Shoot. She got up to run to another hiding spot. I must not be seen.

Kakashi turned his attention back to Naruto. "The way of the ninja is to take his enemy by surprise." He made his attack a very weak one so that it only had enough power to fling him into the icy cold water. Kakashi ran off to find Sora. Hmm…maybe she's getting the idea.

Sora ran through the trees and bushes as quietly and quickly as she could. Shoot. There's no snow on the ground today. She found a tree that looked suitable for hiding and quickly jumped up to a branch. Now, where is Naruto? She began to try and sense him but by doing that she let her guard down.


"HUH?" she turned around and lo and behold Kakashi was squatting on the branch next to her smiling. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Never let your guard down! Not even for a teammate…

Kakashi shot a fire jutsu attack at Sora. She nimbly dodged it and landed on the ground. Kakashi was after her in an instant. "Running is useless," he warned. "Fight me."

Sora ignored him and ran into the open field. Just get him in the right position and-she turned around in a flash and blew an ice spear at…nothing? The spear struck a tree. Sora stopped. Where'd he go?

Sasuke had been watching, waiting for a chance to attack. He saw Naruto getting flung into the water; he saw Sora running from an image of Kakashi. Is she that dumb to fall for that? Something must be distracting her. He stayed hidden and ever watchful.

Sora disappeared in an instant and was once again hidden. Never let your guard down, baka!

The real Kakashi had been watching for Naruto. At this rate, they'll never pass, Kakashi sighed.

Then Naruto appeared as if out of nowhere in front of Kakashi. "SENSEI! YOU WON'T GET THE BEST OF ME THIS TIME!" He charged at Kakashi again.

Will he never learn? Kakashi stood in a stance ready to ward him off but then...

"Kage Buushin No Jutsu!" Naruto yelled.

"Huh?" 10, no 20 Narutos appeared before him all rushing at him. Impressive, but dumb, Kakashi thought. Then he felt something around him. "What?" It was a wet Naruto that had crawled out from the river.

"HAH! You said yourself, sensei, don't let your enemies get behind you," Naruto said.

"Now, we're going to get one of those bells right now!" yelled another Naruto. One of the Narutos clenched his fist and powered up. "AHH!" POW!

"OWWWWWWWWWW!" a Naruto shouted. He was being held by the other Naruto that came from the river.



"You! You must be Kakashi-sensei disguised as me!"

"What? No, YOU are!"

"What the hell?" The Narutos began fighting amongst themselves.

He must've used the replacement technique, Sasuke thought as he disdainfully eyed the mass of fighting Narutos.

Naruto finally became one again. He was bruised and beat up as one can imagine. "Ow…" Naruto groaned but then, "hey, look a bell! Hah, my attack must've gotten to him!" Sure enough there was a bell lying on the ground. "Hehehe!" Naruto said as he ran to it then-"WHAT THE HECK?" His leg was caught in a rope. "A trap!"

Sora watched from her hiding spot. Should I go and help him? But I might make a stupid mistake again. How could I be so stupid? But I should help. But…

Kakashi appeared and picked up the bell. "Naruto, always be ready for everything," he tied it back to his belt again, "and never go for obvious bait."

"I GET IT! Why you blah, blah, blah…" He began insulting everything he could while hanging upside down from the tree.

"I'm saying it because you don't get it," Kakashi said getting a little annoyed at Naruto. "You've been too full of yourself with all of your pranks you pull around the village and…"

Now's my chance! Sasuke thought as he got his shuriken knives ready then-Yes! A perfect hit!

Kakashi was struck to the side.

"WHAT?" Naruto yelled. "That's too far Sasuke!"

Sora was in a shock. How could he take such an attack? She was too shocked to move, too scared to fight because of her previous mistake.

Sasuke jumped from his hiding place to the ground. But then POOF! Kakashi turned into a tree stump. The replacement technique! Sasuke thought. Now he knows where I am! He began running as fast as he could to get away.

"You didn't think I would let my guard down," a voice said.

Sasuke stopped abruptly and turned to see Kakashi standing with his hands in his pocket staring evilly at him. I've got to get that bell! He rushed at the sensei with his fists ready to attack. He jumped and delivered a powerful kick to his face. Kakashi blocked it with ease but then Sasuke retaliated quickly with a punch. Kakashi used his other hand to block that as well. Sasuke then tried a kick with his other leg.

Who is this kid? Kakashi thought as he blocked the last kick but just barely. Then…ding…ding… Huh? The bell! Sasuke had touched the bell! Kakashi quickly pushed Sasuke away and jumped back. This Uchiha kid…

Damn it! Sasuke thought as he landed.

"Don't underestimate your opponent, Sasuke," Kakashi warned as he stood up.

Sasuke didn't respond. He was frustrated. I must be stronger… "FIRE BALL JUTSU!" He put his hand to his mouth and delivered a powerful blast of fire at Kakashi. It seemed to hit him directly but when the smoke cleared-where…where did he go? Is he behind me? He whirled around in a frenzy. He looked up and to the sides with his eyes. Where?

"I'm where you least expect me."

"Huh?" A hand shot up from the ground and grabbed his leg. "AH!" Before he knew it, Sasuke was buried in the ground up to his head. He couldn't move much less bring his hands together to form seals.

"Over-confidence," Kakashi said without looking down at Sasuke. "Don't rely so much on your own powers." With that, he disappeared.

He…how…? Sasuke struggled to get out. Damn him.

Sora was watching from her hiding spot the entire time. He really is a Jounin. She sensed that Kakashi was further away. Probably looking for Naruto. She had also seen while the other two were fighting Naruto had cut himself free and had gone to a courtyard nearby. I wonder where he is.

She jumped down from her tree and cautiously walked into the open. She came up to Sasuke from behind. Hmmm… She put her hands on his neck.

"Wha?" He tensed.

Sora laughed. "Sorry, Sasuke," she walked around him so that he could see her. "Earth Element!" She put her hands on the ground in front of Sasuke. The earth began to move and soon lifted Sasuke up so that he was standing on the ground in front of her.

He glared at her. "Don't ever sneak up on me again."

Sora stifled a giggle and got up. "I'm sorry," she said trying her best not to laugh. "You're Taijutsu skills are impressive," she added trying to show that she was going to be nice now.

"Not good enough." He looked away.


Sasuke paused a bit. "I'm an Avenger. I need to be stronger than my prey. I must become more powerful."

Sora looked at him. Avenger? The sun shone brightly on the two. "It's almost noon," she said changing the subject. "We won't be able to get the bells in time."

He turned to her. "I touched one."

He touched one? Sora thought. He must be more powerful than I thought he was...

Meanwhile Naruto had spotted the lunches in the courtyard and had gone to them. I'm soooo hungry! He ignored the warning in the back of his mind and opened one. "Mmmmm!" He almost put some in his mouth but-

"Naruto," someone said behind him.

"WHA?" he whipped around and saw Kakashi squatting on top of the stone he was leaning against.

"You broke the rule." He grabbed Naruto and tied him to one of the wooden pillars. "As punishment, you won't be able to have lunch." The bell rang on the alarm clock he had brought that signified noon.

Sora and Sasuke heard the bell. They both knew what was coming and went towards the courtyard.

Kakashi saw them approaching and smiled. "Well, you guys failed."

"WHAT?" Naruto yelled struggling against the ropes.

Sora looked down. Sasuke's expression told that he was trying very hard to keep himself from striking.

"I'm sorry but I think that you guys should be banned from becoming Genins from now on," Kakashi said matter-of-factly.

Now all three of them looked up in surprise and anger. "You can't do that!" Naruto yelled. "You can only send us back to the academy! It's not fair!"

"You three…" Kakashi said turning his voice becoming suddenly angrier. "Why do you think that they put you on teams of three?" Nobody responded. "Naruto, you spent all of your time fighting me head on with no strategy at all. That is not the way of a ninja. You shame yourself." He looked at Sora. "You make one little mistake and it keeps you from helping Naruto and fighting me because you're afraid of making another. Mistakes happen. It's your job to fix them not run from them. And you, Uchiha…" Sasuke hardened his expression. "You fought me thinking you were so clever and high leveled. Arrogance…that is not the way of the ninja." Sasuke's countenance broke. He rushed at the sensei with the intent to kill him but ended up on the ground with Kakashi sitting on him holding down his head. "Even now," Kakashi said. "Where is your teamwork? Each of you by yourselves cannot defeat me but maybe if you attacked all together you could have taken the bells from me. The main part of being a ninja is teamwork. Without it, all missions would fail as did all of you."

Sora looked away. Naruto struggled fiercely. "That's totally unfair! Blah, blah…"

"Sora," Kakashi whipped out a kunai. "Decisions must be made. Hesitation could lead to death." He put the dagger to Sasuke's throat. "Kill Naruto now or else Sasuke will die."

Sora stared at Kakashi without moving. He's not serious is he? She started shaking.

Naruto looked at Sora, his eyes were enormous. "Sora?"

"Sora?" Kakashi said.

This is…she shut her eyes…too much!

Kakashi put the blade away. "These are decisions that must be made on missions. Are you strong enough to make one and not run away?" Sora opened her eyes. Kakashi got off of Sasuke. "Now eat."

"Huh?" Naruto said.

"Eat. I'm going to give you one more chance," Kakashi said. "Eat to get your strength back. But if anyone feeds Naruto, you will all fail immediately."

"What?" Naruto yelled.

"That's what you get for breaking the rules." Kakashi walked away.

The three were alone now. Sasuke and Sora opened their lunches but neither of them ate. Naruto looked at them. "Aren't you going to eat?"

Sasuke didn't look at Naruto. Sora turned to him. "Naruto, eat some of mine."

Sasuke and Naruto both looked at her like she was crazy. "WHAT? NO WAY!" both of them said.

"Didn't you guys hear Sensei?" Sora said. "We're a team. If Naruto doesn't eat he'll weaken the team."

Naruto immediately changed his mind. "Well, you're going to have to feed me then cuz I can't move my hands."

Sora looked at him incredulously. She sighed. "Fine."

Sasuke didn't say anything. I hope she's right then…

She scooped some rice with her chopsticks and fed it to Naruto. But then-

It grew dark and lightening filled the sky. Kakashi appeared in front of them from a cloud of smoke. His eye was filled with rage. "You disobeyed my orders?" His voice filled the air with fury. Naruto's eyes popped out with fear as he shook in his bonds. "Now you'll all…" Sora shut her eyes tight waiting for the worst. Sasuke glared at Kakashi with restrained rage ready to defend Sora if need be. "…pass." Kakashi smiled.

"HUH?" Naruto said. The sky grew light again and Kakashi was standing there happily with his hand in his pocket.

"How is that?" Sora asked opening her eyes.

"Well, you did disobey my orders and fed Naruto but you did it out of teamwork. You're the first team to ever pass my test. You boys better thank Sora for her understanding but I guess you guys should be commended as well for going along with her even if it meant that you'd never become ninjas," Kakashi explained.

Naruto turned to Sora with tears in his eyes. "Sora! You're the best teammate I could ever have!" Sora blushed and patted Naruto with a smile. Sasuke looked at Naruto with disgust.

They are such an interesting trio, Kakashi thought as he took in their actions. I wonder what will happen in the end. "Well, you'd all better head home because tomorrow we go on our first mission as a team."

Sora nodded and Sasuke got up. Then the three of them started to walk towards the village.

"HEY WAIT A MINUTE! YOU FORGOT ME!" Naruto yelled after them as they walked into the afternoon sky.

Sora woke up early as usual the next day with a feeling of refreshment. After washing and eating a light breakfast, she decided that there was time to do some morning meditation and exercises. She went outside to the student garden. The air was crisp and pure. She inhaled and exhaled with a puff of smoke. The ground was covered in a thin layer of frost. Such beautiful weather, she thought as she walked along the path in the garden. She found some winter flowers that stood against winter's harsh treatment. Bending down, she touched their delicate petals and felt their strong resistance to the cold. Then she felt a presence.


She looked up and saw a cloaked man. His eyes were a strange red. He had dark grey hair that was pulled back in a pony tail but his long bangs hung around his face. He couldn't have been more than 25. She started. He looked like Sasuke but... "Sasuke?"

Sasuke? the man thought. So, she knows Sasuke. He narrowed his eyes darkly and approached her.

She backed away. This man gave her an uneasy feeling.

The man stopped after a few steps when he saw her suspicion. She's the one. He made central eye contact with Sora and began to take over her mind.

All of a sudden he felt familiar to Sora; she felt that she could trust him. Is this a dream? Sora didn't know what happened next. She felt her body walk to him. She felt her hand touch his face. He is handsome… She could not control her mind.

He never took his eyes off of her, never breaking the connection. He drew her closer then placed his hand on the back of her head and lowered his head.

Sora couldn't stop. She couldn't say anything or do anything. She closed her eyes and felt his lips brush lightly against her own. She felt his warm body against hers. He withdrew slightly then came back with a deeper kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck. It felt right to do so…

The transition was complete and the man had control over her mind but he lost control over himself. He pushed forward more and more. He backed her into a tree and held her there with his kiss. She is mine, he thought as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. Mine.

Sora felt another presence in the garden. Sasuke? Sora began to gain back her consciousness. She broke the kiss and turned her head breathing hard. The man kissed her cheek and made his way down to her neck. "Wait," she stammered.

The man stopped to look into her eyes. He was encased in them. He couldn't think right and didn't notice the other presence. She's so beautiful. "Don't talk," he commanded roughly. "You belong with me." He moved in for another kiss.

Belong? Sora's heart began to race. Then her conscious mind kicked in. Whoa, I don't even know him and now I belong to him? She suddenly pushed him away.

The man let her push him and he smiled evilly. She broke the connection? "What's wrong, my love?"

Love? "What? I don't know you! You can't just…just come here and…well…you… you…" She turned to get away but he grabbed her arm. "Let me go!"

"I've searched for too long. You're mine!" he snarled viciously. He began to gather his Chakra to cast a paralysis spell on her.

She sensed his power. He's too powerful! She struggled. But I've got to fight! She tried striking him with her free hand. He dodged it easily but let her go. She jumped back now fully awake. She conjured up her Chakra with lightening speed and released a bolt of energy. The man didn't run. He didn't make a move to dodge it. He stood still and smiled wickedly. Huh? If he doesn't move he's going to take a direct hit! Sora thought.

But the man caught the energy with his bare hands. He was shoved back a few feet and his feet dug into the ground leaving marks. He winced slightly in pain. She's much stronger than I thought, he thought as he dissolved the Chakra. Maybe this isn't the time… He advanced making his own attack as he walked.

Sora was shocked. How could he just catch my attack? She began to feel fear. No! I must be strong. She focused her Chakra at the frost on the ground. She made it form into hundreds of needles of ice. Her eyes glowed silver as she released them at the same time at the man. But he used his own Chakra he had been building up to disappear for an instant.

Where'd he go? Sora felt her confidence decline significantly. She formed an ice chain with a blade at the end of it from the frost on the bushes and trees. Where? She focused her senses and then- "There!" she shouted as he reappeared a few feet away. She ran at him and attacked by throwing the blade at the man while still holding on to the end of the chain. The man whipped out a sword and blocked the attack. Sora retaliated and pulled the blade back quickly but in the blink of an eye she attacked again. The man saw his chance and dodged it but purposefully caught his sword in the chain. Shoot! Sora didn't pull back this time but formed a blade on the end of the chain that she was holding and threw that at the man as well. The man used a fire jutsu to melt the entire weapon of ice. WHAT? How did he do that? My ice can't be melted in just any fire. What kind of power does he have? The man advanced on her quickly and struck with his sword. Sora got out her kunai and they clashed together in a powerful physical attack. They struck again and again. She knew that he was just toying with her not showing his true power. She couldn't win without using all of her power. My promise…Father… She needed to run away. Sensei! I need to find Kakashi-sensei! She dodged the next attack and started to run away but the ground broke in front of her and deadly steam shot out. She was trapped.

"Do you think that after looking for you for all these years I'm just going to let you go?" the man said walking towards her. "You've tortured me night after night in my dreams, ever since I was young. My purpose in life…" He conjured up more Chakra for the paralysis attack. "Was to find you!" He grabbed her wrist releasing his attack into her body.

Sora let out a muffled scream as she felt her body go numb.

Then two shuriken knives came flying out of nowhere. The man had just enough time to swipe them away with his sword releasing Sora in the process. But then star knives came flying from all directions and it was impossible to dodge without disappearing.

I let my guard down! The man disappeared and reappeared further away from Sora. The star knives collided with each other and fell to the ground. What is this presence? He thought as he got his Chakra ready. He was about to attack when- Sasuke? What a nuisance. I must leave now but... He glanced at Sora. I'll be back..

Sora dropped to her knees. Until next time, said the voice of the man in her head. She felt his presence leave.

Sasuke dropped from the tree he was hiding in. He hadn't seen the face of the man, all he saw was someone attacking his red-haired teammate. "Sora!" He ran to her and caught her before she completely collapsed. "Sora? Come on stay awake!" He felt her body go cold for a second but then she grasped his arm.

"Sa…Sasuke?" she stammered and looked into his eyes.

"Sora." He breathed a sigh of relief. He dispelled the rest of the man's Chakra from her body then helped her to her feet. "Who was that man?"

"He-" She cut her self off. "I don't know." she said with difficulty.

"If there's a man after your life, I-we should not let you be alone," he said quickly not noticing her hesitation. He blushed a bit and looked away.

Does he really care? Sora asked herself in surprise. She sighed. "No, I'm fine, I…" She thought it through. "Please don't tell anyone, Sasuke!" She grabbed his arm. "Please?"

Sasuke looked at her. "Sora-"

"Sasuke, please!" Sora asked with a pleading voice. "Please?"

Sasuke couldn't control his reasonable mind. He sighed. How does she do that? "Sora, I won't tell anyone if you promise me that you'll tell me the truth about yourself."

"Truth?" Sasuke, you idiot… Sora hadn't been expecting something like that from him. "I guess I don't have a choice then." But then she looked at the sky. "If we don't get going soon then we're going to be late for our mission."

"Tell me."

"Sasuke, I promise to tell you later but right now we need to go."

Sasuke hated being late and he also looked at the sky. It was almost 7 o'clock. He sighed again. "I'll hold you to that."

"Thank you."

"Hm." Sasuke grabbed her hand and jumped out of the garden dragging Sora with him.

The missions for that day came and went and the three Genins all agreed that it wasn't as exciting as they thought it would be. The Third Hokage explained the different levels of missions and as Genins, they would only be able to D ranked missions. These missions seemed more like running errands for people. They pulled weeds, picked up trash in a river, and other small things that didn't seem to do anything for their supposed experience gaining. Sora had patiently waited for the end of the day to talk to Kakashi and hopefully get away from Sasuke and Naruto. They had been fighting with each other all day and Sora just wanted to get done with them. She had had a hard time keeping her patience with the two.

Finally it was their last mission for the day. They were to find a lost cat and Kakashi decided to split the group up. "Naruto, Sasuke," he said addressing them with a sigh. "You two need to learn the value of teamwork but since you guys can't seem to get the idea through your heads, I'm going to split you all up this time." Both Naruto and Sasuke hoped that the splitting up meant being paired with Sora and Kakashi knew what they were thinking. "I want you two to do this last mission. Sora and I will stay behind."

"What?" Naruto said completely taken aback.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes but restrained himself from saying anything.

Sora looked at Kakashi a little hesitantly. Does he know what I'm thinking?

Kakashi turned from the boys and started walking away. He motioned Sora after him. "Now you boys go find Mrs. Anagawa's cat and work together without us, ok?"

Sora glanced at the boys who were glaring at each other. She sighed. "Just work together for once, please?" She had tried to be the peacemaker within the group for the whole day and it wasn't really working since she was the main reason why they hated each other. Every time she tried to talk to Naruto, Sasuke would get this sort of look on his face of contained anger and every time she talked to Sasuke, Naruto would butt in and try to show off to Sora and get himself into trouble. Sora walked after Kakashi leaving the boys to find the lost pet.

When she fell into step a few paces behind Kakashi, she started think of how she would ease into the issue she had wanted to discuss with him.

"Sora, you've wanted to talk to me in private all day haven't you?" Kakashi said without turning around.

Sora looked up in surprise. Well, that saves me the trouble of trying to start the conversation. How does he know? "Um, yeah…" She looked down and stopped walking.

Kakashi stopped and turned around looking straight at her with his visible eye. She shows her emotion to openly, he noted as he lifted her chin. Now he could see into her eyes. Her captivating eyes.

"Sensei," Sora said shakily, "there was a man today in the student garden this morning and he…uh…knew my name." She left out the kissing and fighting. She didn't want to alarm Kakashi but she wanted to feel a little safer.

"Hmmm," Kakashi said as he withdrew his hand to place it under his own chin. He looked towards the sky. "Sora, I know that you're worried and you want my help but I need to know more about you."

Sora frowned. Why does everyone want to know? she thought exasperated.

Kakashi saw her frustration and smiled. "I know you feel uncomfortable about your past but tell me. I need to know."

Sora looked to the side and shifted her feet. Many other people had probed around in her life trying to find her past but she had never let any of them pass. Kakashi…maybe he was different. "Sensei, I've never told anyone this…" She paused.

Kakashi said nothing but looked intensely at Sora while crossing his arms.

"I guess I should start at my earliest memory. I never knew any parents. I guess my memories only take me back to when I was found asleep by some villagers of a hidden village. I don't even remember the name of it. I grew up as the adopted daughter of the leader of that village because he had no children. I don't know how long I was there or how old I was, but he trained me every day in the way of the ninja. He taught me jutsu and how to use my Chakra. He was the only one I ever knew as family. As I got older and more powerful, he sent me away to different countries to gain experience as a ninja. Of course I would always come back to see him and tell him of my progress. After coming back from the country of Water, I found that my village was destroyed. Everyone was dead. I just…I couldn't believe it." She shuddered at the thought. "My father was a very powerful ninja and whoever had destroyed the village had to have killed him to do it. I looked for survivors and found one barely alive. He was an old friend of mine and he told me with his last breath that only one man destroyed the village and he was looking for me. He died in my arms." She paused to get control over her emotions and fought furiously to hold back tears. Then she continued. "I went insane I guess and ran away from…everything. I almost killed myself. It was my fault somehow. That man…he killed the entire village looking for me. I don't know what happened next, but I began to train harder than before. I taught myself the meaning of suffering and pain and I improved my technique for the ice element. I continued to go to the different countries for experience…I don't know why." She stopped again to hold back the threatening tears. She didn't let them fall. "I'm afraid that the man I met today was the man who was looking for me before."

No past…no future... Kakashi thought. Someone so powerful after her life and she's still so young yet has the potential power and experience of a powerful ninja. Her memory only started when she was awaken… He closed his eyes. Awaken?

He hasn't said anything, Sora thought. She felt embarrassed and ashamed of her past. What if he's not different?

Kakashi suddenly opened his eyes and locked his gaze into Sora's eyes. I must… "Sora, I need you to trust me now," he said as he reached for his forehead protector that covered his eye. "I need to know more." He placed a hand on Sora's cheek with his other hand and forced her to look straight at him. He lifted the forehead protector revealing the eye that had been hidden.

Sora started slightly. He had a scar across that eye and it was red. Sharingan? She began to tremble. Is he going to possess my mind?

"Don't be afraid." He focused his gaze intently on Sora's eyes.

She didn't blink, she couldn't. Her consciousness began to fade.

Kakashi looked through his Sharingan into Sora's mind.

Darkness and swirling mists of…ice? The lake appeared. A presence…and then- Kakashi snapped out of his concentration. Sora came back to reality and she closed her eyes. She felt weakened. Kakashi stood up straight. Is it true? He began to feel a little worried. If it is true…if she is…I have to…NO! I must not jump to conclusions. He regained his composure as Sora opened her eyes once again captivating his gaze. What is she doing to me?

"Sensei?" She didn't see anything that Kakashi had seen in her mind. She wasn't aware of the forgotten memories that Kakashi had uncovered.

"Let's head back to the village and meet with the other two," he said completely changing his tone of voice while covering his left eye again.

Sora blinked. What? "Sensei, are you-"

"Don't worry Sora," he smiled reassuringly. "If you're worried, I will protect you."

Sora blinked again. What did he see?

Kakashi saw the confusion in her eyes. He felt the sudden urge to hold her close and make sure she felt all right. He wanted to stay with her until she was safe even if it took all night. Wait a minute, she's 7 years younger than I am. You pervert, he said to himself. He turned from her to avoid her gaze. Why am I feeling this way? He could not deny that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and that she had captivated him. He felt that he wanted to be with her especially after having the connection with her in her head. He felt closer to her than a teacher and student. He would not let anything happen to her, he decided then began to walk.

Sora was worried that Kakashi was uncomfortable about something. She walked after him and touched his arm lightly. "Sensei? Are you…"

Kakashi almost lost control of himself when he felt her hand on his arm and stopped abruptly closing his eyes. Calm yourself…calm…

Sora paused and withdrew her hand. What is his deal? she thought.

"I have to look into some things before I can be sure of what to think," he said carefully after he regained control of himself. "If you'd feel safer, I will guard your room tonight." What am I getting myself into? It wasn't uncommon for a sensei to stay with a student for a night even if they were of opposite genders. Am I just tempting myself? he thought. Too late now.

"No, it's okay," Sora said with effort. She wanted him to stay because she felt safer around him but she wanted to be polite too. Kakashi sighed with relief but also a hint of disappointment. "I mean, if it's not too much trouble…" She looked down. What am I saying?

"If you feel uncomfortable with me around, I understand. I just want make sure this man doesn't come back," Kakashi said quickly.

Sora was definitely afraid and wanted to stay with Kakashi for safety. When did I become such a coward? "No, I don't feel uncomfortable, I just don't want to inconvenience you..."

Kakashi laughed a little. She's cute when she's uneasy. "I'll protect you with my life, Sora." With that he turned towards the village and walked to meet the two boys who could be seen on the bridge.

Sora watched him go. Am I becoming paranoid?

"HEY, SORA!" She looked up at the boys on the bridge. It was Naruto. He was happy to see Sora and wanted to tell her about how he totally put Sasuke to shame during the mission and that he saved the day.

Sora smiled and laughed a little as she walked towards them. Then she saw Sasuke. He gazed at her intently and Sora immediately saw a resemblance. That man…he looks almost exactly like Sasuke just…older? She stopped and stared at Sasuke with wide eyes.

What is she doing? Sasuke thought as he broke the gaze.

Naruto hadn't noticed that Sasuke was looking at Sora. He ran over to her and began talking. Sora was actually kind of happy to have Naruto add some humor into her day. Ah, Naruto, she thought and smiled.

Sora wanted to get home as quickly as she possibly could and forgot her promise to Sasuke. Kakashi was going back with her to watch over her. She was silent with thought. I'm such a coward. Father would not want to see me so weak, but that man…even with my real power I don't know if I could have defeated him. Sora had remembered her adopted father's words wherever she went.

"Don't show anyone your real power, Sora. It's far too great for anyone to know about until you get older. You cannot become a ninja by staying here so I'm going to send you to all the great countries of this world and there you will gain your experience. Build up your power to its limit but only show the minimum amount. Otherwise…" He was silent with thought. A younger Sora was looking at him intently. He smiled and patted her head. "Just keep it a secret until you've become a full ninja in the Country of Fire."

"Why the Fire Country, Father?" she had asked.

"The Fire Country is where the most powerful ninjas come from. Their Hokages have been exalted throughout history and they have the best training masters as well."

"Then I should go to the Fire Country right now, Father! I have the ability to pass any test!" Sora had said eagerly.

"No." His look turned serious. "I want you to gain as much knowledge of the world as you possibly can before you go to Konoha."

Sora was shocked at her father's sudden turn around of emotion. "I…I'm sorry…"

He knelt down so that his face was level with hers. "You do have the power and skill to be one of the greatest ninjas of our time right now. But I'm afraid for your growth as a child…as a human being and not as a ninja. That is why you must have patience. Wait, and never show your real power."

Sora was still confused on why he wanted her to hide her real power. She didn't even know what her real power was.

Sora's adopted father got up and stared at the clouds in the sky. No one should know Sora's real power yet. It is too dangerous for them and for herself, he thought. Until she is ready, it must be kept secret.

He pictured a time during their training very early on when Sora was to fight a beast from the wilderness that had been terrifying the villagers. He had thought that Sora was ready to take on such a beast but when she did, she did not check her powers and used her Chakra uncontrollably. The beast was completely dissembled with in a matter of seconds in the most violent way imaginable. Sora's eyes had turned a cold silver color. When the dust and particles from the beast had settled from the air, he could see Sora looking down at her hands in terror. Her eyes still that terrible silver. He approached her. She quickly looked up and began to attack. He hadn't expected this and was completely shocked. She created a million ice daggers and had aimed them all at him. He used his Chakra to shield himself but it still pushed him down into the earth. Such force, he had thought. Sora got completely out of control then. It was almost as if she was a demon… Sora's adopted father shouted to Sora and pleaded with her to stop. His voice had somehow subsided her anger and her eyes turned back to normal. Sora fell to the ground in an unconscious state. Is she the legend? he had thought with fear. He walked up to her body and watched as her hands turned from claws to her regular hands. Her clothes were shredded showing her back to have a split in the middle but it healed up quickly. He was almost sure of it now. She must never find out…

I have kept my powers under control, Sora thought. She had no memory of the incident with the beast and was still confused at why her father wanted her powers to remain a secret but she followed her father's orders anyway. I need to be strong! Stronger than that man. I cannot afford to be afraid. She looked up at Kakashi. "Sensei," she said cautiously.

"Yes, Sora?"

"Um, I think I'll be all right tonight, um, you don't have to stay with me."

Kakashi looked at Sora strangely. "Are you sure?"

"Uh, yes, I'm all right. I just need some time to myself that's all." She looked away.

"Hmm…" Kakashi understood that Sora was trying to hide something from him but also that she needed this time for herself. He decided to let her go by herself but he would watch from a distance. Just in case. "All right then. You'd better keep your guard up and be careful."

"I will!" Sora said a little too quickly. "I mean, I'll be careful. Thank you," she ended with embarrassment.

Kakashi made sure that Sora got into the building and then leaped to the top of the building next to hers to keep watch over Sora. Something's up with her, he thought as he stood against the moonlight.

To Sora's relief, nothing happened during the night. She woke with the sun, washed, and ate a light breakfast. I've been remiss in my meditations lately, she thought as she went outside, but not to the student garden. Instead she went into the forest and found a spot near the lake. It was beautiful with the morning mist covering the glassy stillness of the water. The sun made bright reflections of color on the surface. All was still. Sora breathed in the cold air. Perfect. She closed her eyes and began to meditate.

Her adopted father appeared. This was the first time he had ever entered her meditations. Father?

Sora, your growth as a child…as a human being…that is what I'm worried about, the image said to her.

As a human being…but Father, I've missed you.

Don't dwell on the past. Look towards your future.

I can't forget. I can never forget.

Be strong but cautious. Never show your full power until you are a real shinobi.

But there is a man after me-

Never show your full power..


Her eyes shot open. She whirled around with her kunai blades out ready for an attack. If it's that man, I'll kill him! She narrowed her eyes and tried to locate the one who spoke.

"Sora?" It was Sasuke.

Sora quickly noted the normal eyes and black hair. It's Sasuke. She relaxed a bit but did not put her daggers away. "Um, sorry about that, Sasuke." Sasuke felt a chill go up his back at the mention of his name from her lips. "How did you find me here?"

He quickly got control of himself. "I followed you," he said simply.

You followed me...Sora repeated him in her mind. Are you trying to freak me out? "Oh, uh," She couldn't think of anything to say.

"You promised me the truth. Now I'm here to get it," Sasuke said coming closer.

Crap. I forgot about that. Sora put her daggers away and turned to face the lake again.

Sasuke felt a little annoyed. Why does she have to be difficult all the time? He grabbed her shoulder and made her face him. "Tell-me-the-truth," he said slowly forcing her to look into his eyes.

Sora didn't feel angry or afraid. "Sasuke," she said softly. "If I told you the truth, would you promise me to never tell anyone else?"

Sasuke was taken aback. "Of course," he responded immediately without thinking. Sora searched his eyes. Sasuke was hypnotized. He felt the urge to kiss her, to be with her for eternity. Her eyes…

"Sasuke, there's something wrong with my existence," Sora said. She had felt this all along but never told anyone. "I've always been treated differently by my village than any other child. There was always something they weren't telling me. I could feel it." Why am I saying this to him?

Sasuke didn't say anything. He couldn't.

"The truth is that I need to find the truth about myself first," she whispered and looked down.

Sasuke followed her gaze then he felt Sora's body go cold. What? By instinct, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. It felt good to be near her. "Sora," he whispered in her ear.

Sora didn't know what had happened. She felt herself slipping out of consciousness and then she felt the warmth of Sasuke's body against her own cold body. She closed her eyes.

"I need to get you back to the village and get you something warm," Sasuke said lifting her light body bridal style. He took off quickly towards her building not knowing that he was being watched.

So he has deep feelings for her as well, Kakashi thought as he watched the two Genins. He felt a wave of jealousy rise up inside of him. He shook his head. They are both my students. I cannot let my emotions get in the way. He stood up and leaped to the ground after Sasuke was a good distance away. There's something in Sora…something so captivating that it seems as if every man who meets her falls for her at first sight. He took off towards the village in a different direction than the other two. This is going to be a challenge for me.

Sasuke brought Sora to her room in the academy. He laid Sora gently on the bed and brought hot water. He soaked a towel in the water and put the cloth on Sora's head. Sora… He stroked her cheek. How is it that you can walk into my life and make me fall in love with you at first sight? He remembered one of the rules from his learning. Ninjas are not supposed to feel emotion…does this make me weak? He stood up and picked up the bowl of water. But I am so in love with you.

Sora felt a hand on her cheek. She couldn't open her eyes. Not yet. Then she couldn't feel the hand anymore and felt a presence leave. Sasuke? she thought. She tried to open her eyes but failed again. Her body felt warm but her mind felt cold. She mustered all of her strength and managed to open her eyes on the third try. She saw that she was in her own room and tried to prop herself up. She ended up having to use a bit of her Chakra to help her sit up.

Sasuke came back in and saw that she was awake. "Sora."

She jumped a bit. "Oh, Sasuke."

He walked towards her. "How are you feeling?" He instinctively grabbed her hand to feel for warmth.

"Uh…" She didn't expect that he would grab her hand. "I'm fine. Thank you, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke's heart jumped at the mention of kun. "You're welcome," he said calmly still holding her hand. Sora didn't know what to do. "Sora," Sasuke said after a while. He couldn't look at her. "I want you to know that…" He trailed off. What am I saying?


"I want to always be there to protect you…protect you even till death," he finished.

Sora's eyes widened. What is he saying?

"I sense there's something inside of you, something that you fight constantly every day," Sasuke continued gripping her hand even more. "I see your pain and I can't stand it." He pulled her to his chest and embraced her. "I love you."

Sora didn't hear the last part of Sasuke's speech. He senses something inside of me? How? How does he know? No one else has ever… She began to feel anger. No, they just never told me. They kept my past from me. They kept myself from me! Only now did she feel Sasuke's warm body pressed up against hers. Sasuke?

"I love you," he repeated and pushed her down so that he was on top of her on the bed. He began to kiss her neck.

Love? Sora closed her eyes. Feelings swam inside her mind. What am I feeling? Do I love him back? She couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck.

Can you love him back? another voice said in her head.


Are you capable of love? The voice had a strange vibe to it.

Love is part of being human…of course I can!

Are you sure?

She couldn't answer. Then she felt her lips get caught in a gentle kiss.

Sasuke pushed forward to deepen the kiss. His tongue intertwined with hers. She is mine. He wanted them to stay like this forever.

Sora turned her head and broke the kiss. She brought her hands down from his neck and placed them on his shoulders. Sasuke opened his eyes to look into hers. "Wait," she gasped.

"Sora…" He kissed her cheek and started down her jawline.

"No, I can't. I'm sorry…" She looked away.

Sasuke wanted to ignore Sora's words and kiss her forever. No, you fool, he thought to himself. If you truly love her, don't force your love. Let her go for now. He slowly got up and off the bed. "I…I'm sorry, Sora." He quickly walked towards the door.

"Wait, Sasuke."

He couldn't turn around. He opened the door and quickly closed it behind him. If I look back now, I won't be able to stop. He ran out of the building.

"Sasuke…" Sora was left sitting on her bed. He kissed me so passionately… She put her hand to her lips and closed her eyes.

He loves you, the voice said again.

Yes, she responded automatically.

And do you love him?

Sora couldn't answer. I can't lie. I don't know if I do or not.

Kakashi loves you as well. Did you know that

What? Kakashi-sensei?

Yes. The voice sounded darker than before.

No…no, he's my sensei.

Oh, but he does love you, and Naruto, too. Do you love any of them?

Sora began to panic. Naruto? Kakashi-sensei? Sasuke? Stop…

You are irresistible.

No! Stop talking to me!

You cannot help your beauty. Can you? An evil laughter filled Sora's mind.

Finally a question struck Sora. Who are you? The voice laughed again. Chills ran down Sora's spine. Who are you? she screamed mentally.

Me? the voice said evilly. Well, wouldn't you like to know.

Sora began to feel the presence in her head leave. What? Wait! You- It was gone. "Wait!" she said out loud. She scared herself and looked around again. It was still her room. She let out a huge sigh of frustration and fell back on the bed. "Urgh!" Ever since I came here, everything's so strange now. I don't even know myself anymore, do I?

A new day came. Sora was feeling a little uneasy about meeting with the other three in her squad. She remembered what that voice said in her head. What will Sasuke do? She pictured them standing next to each other in an awkward silence and shuddered. Does he think I hate him? She recalled the words she heard yesterday.

Kakashi loves you as well…and Naruto, too…

She shook her head. What does this person know anyway? She tried to smile and laugh it off. "Hmm…" She looked in the mirror. Beautiful red hair and sparkling reddish eyes. Perfect complexion and a perfect body to go along with it. She was indeed beautiful. "Just act normal," she said to herself. "Nothing happened yesterday." She smiled to herself and started towards their usual meeting place on the bridge. Maybe Kakashi-sensei won't be late today.

Naruto and Sasuke were both already there when she got there. Whoa, Naruto's early? No way! She smiled again and forced herself to forget what the voice said to her the day before.

Naruto spotted Sora and waved, glad to avoid Sasuke. "Hey, Sora!"

"Naruto-kun!" Sora smiled and waved back. I feel so fake… She reached them and looked at Sasuke. He looked away. "Good morning, Sasuke-kun," she said politely.

Sasuke started a little at Sora's voice. "Morning," he said quickly. He didn't look at her.

Naruto looked from one person to the other. Did something happen that I'm not aware of yesterday?

"Hello, Genins!" Kakashi said as he appeared.

"Wow! You're not late!" both Sora and Naruto said at the same time. Sora stifled a giggled. Well, at least Naruto's normal.

"A-hem…I'm never late," he said.

"Yeah, right," Naruto said under his breath. Sora couldn't hold in this one and giggled. Sasuke remained silent and still.

Kakashi looked at him and sighed. "Well, since you guys seem so chipper today, we'll start right away on the missions."

Great… all three Genins thought at the same time.