"So I take it she tricked you into this too."
Kyo looked up at Seto, who sat across the table from him. Kyo nodded.
"Mischevious little..." Kyo muttered
They were in the park, sitting at a picnic table. Mei was playing with some young children, all who seemed fascinated by her long hair, and Mei, seemed fasinated by their shiny jewlry.
"I'm sorry about... that thing..." Kaiba mumbled
"What thing?" Kyo asked, sarcastically "Oh... you mean tonguing my girlfriend!"
"Yeah... that would be it and for the record there were no tongues..."
Kyo sighed.
"Why'd she do this for?" He muttered
Kaiba shrugged.
"Who knows?" He asked
"Seto?" Kyo asked "Do you love her?"
"Mei." He replied "Do you love her?"
"I mean... are you in love with her?" He asked
Seto grew silent for a moment.
"Yes." He answered softly.
"You can't have her."
"I wasn't aware that she was property."
"You know what I mean... Mei is mine and you can't have her..."
"I know that. Right now, you two are so much in love that it would be pointless to try and come between you. But know this Kyo Sohma... if you ever hurt her... know that I'll be there to pick up the pieces." And with that, he stood and walked away.
A moment later, Mei walked over.
"Did Seto leave?"
"Yes." He said
"Oh... that sucks... I really wanted to talk with him some more... oh well... at least you two got to talk right?"
He nodded.
"That's good." She said "Kyo?"
"Let's go home."
(I'm just going to end it here because to be perfectly honest... I don't feel like continuing it any further. This particular story has gone on long enough and needs to end. But I bet I'll get bored sometime with in the next few days and think up some new story to go along with this and before I know it I'll have another fifteen story series... but oh well... this is a pretty prosaic ending... but sufficient enough...)