Here is it. This is it! Please see notes at the end...

Chapter 27

The following day, Dean was released from the hospital. He was told he needed to be on strict bed rest, so he demanded he be taken for burger and fries at the nearest restaurant immediately. Jana and Johnny were happy to oblige to get out into the world again and start living their new life.

Sam was to stay for another day or so for observation. His health had improved immensely. The doctors were befuddled at how quickly he had come around. The bruises and the scar on his face were making marked improvements. The burn on his chest left only a small scar that the doctors never saw. Missouri kept him company in the room while Dean was away living the good life. She filled Sam in on all the things that she had told Dean in his 'absence,' including housing their father when they were with Jenny and the kids, and feeling Sam's developing powers even then. She swore no more secrets and promised to work with Sam to figure out what was going on in his head. Missouri also confessed she knew everything that happened during the confrontation with the demon and how it scared the hell out of her. She still shook her head at how they came out of it relatively unscathed. The two of them bantered back and forth about the next steps of Sam's development. The main concern was how they would keep Dean sane through the process.

John was around and tried to continue to make amends with the boys. Things were certainly better than they had been as Dean continued his rants on being abandoned. He did sneak in his occasional boasting of the things they had killed and how they did it without his help. Sam reaffirmed why he wanted to better himself and his mind at Stanford. He explained that he was desperate to get away from the 'family business' and was looking for other answers. Sam told his father how he was going to interview for a law school when everything went wrong. John sat and listened to the two of them. They each had their gifts. John learned that his two boys were amazing young men – a warrior and a philosopher.


"I can't believe this is finally over," cried Sam, a free man taking in a deep breath of fresh air. "If I never see another hospital again in my life…" Missouri shot him a look, she was very superstitious. Susan pushed him out the front door in the wheelchair. It was hospital policy. She wanted to make sure that the last Jones brother made it out ok. Dean and Jana followed behind her and Johnny brought up the rear. Sam turned back to her and smiled. "Thanks for all your help Susan. We really appreciate it." She took his hand and shook it.

"I'm really sorry again for everything that happened," she said with her light Southern drawl. "I wish Dr. Stonewell were here to see you go. They never did find her." She pondered the comment, looking for some type of answer.

"I'm sure she knows we're fine," said Sam quickly. "If you do see her, please send our regards." Susan nodded to Sam and waved goodbye to Dean who couldn't help but give her one last up and down. He shook his head.

Missouri took Sam's arm as he got up from the wheelchair. She had insisted that he come spend a few days with her to continue his recuperation. She even said she had an herb mixture that could make his hair grow back faster. That was the selling point for Sam. Dean decided to stay with Jana and Johnny to give Sam, Missouri and hopefully their father some time alone. He knew that Sam had a lot of questions, and as much as Dean would have liked to be there, it was best for them to figure it out without him. It was still a little too creepy for him and if his brother was going to be bending spoons and throwing things across the room, he would rather keep away and wrap his ownhead around it first. Dean used the excuse that he wanted to go back with Jana to make sure the house on Gregory was completely clean. Sam and Missouri knew his reasons and encouraged that line of thinking. He deserved a few days of comfort and happiness. Jana and Dean had also developed a bond over the last few days that Dean wanted to explore it a little further.

"So, you'll come get me in a few then," Sam said calling back to Dean who was a few cars away. "At least you'll be out of my hair. Oh wait, I don't have any hair." Dean had his car keys in hand and pitched them at Sam. His reflexes were quick and he threw a shield up instinctively. The keys dropped to the ground.

"I think I am going to like that a whole lot," Dean said as he trotted over to retrieve the keys from the ground. "Even though you are a freak." He slapped his brother on the arm and turned his back to him. His face dropped with worry.

"Takes one to know one," he retorted as a small child would. Sam perused the parking lot looking for their father. He was still inside the hospital dealing with the bill, they suspected.

Inside John was at the nurse's station. He found a young man who was still obviously wet behind the ears. Perfect. John asked if he could see the records of the Jones brothers. "I'm sorry sir, I can't give you confidential information. You are not family and you are not a doctor."

He flashed some phony ID. John looked to the man and smiled. "Of course you shouldn't give them to me, but what will it hurt to take a look." Before he knew it, the young man had given John the paper records to look at. He glanced through to make sure that everything he needed was in the file. It seemed it was in order. "I would also love to see the computer records," said John as he cocked his head slightly.

The nurse was conflicted. He knew he shouldn't give information out, but he seemed ok. He has ID. John made his way over to the other side of the station and pulled up the records on the boys. John hit print for Dean Jones and then Sam Jones. He checked that there were no additional hidden pages and deleted both files.

"Hey! You can't do that. Those are official records." The young man reached for the phone only to stop midway.

"You don't want to do that," said John soothingly. He looked the man in the eyes and smiled deeply. "These records were never in the computer." The man blinked several times and looked disoriented. In that timeframe, John jumped back to the other side of the desk. "Thanks for all your help, Jason," John said as he squinted at the nametag. "You have a great day." He left the station and headed for the door with records in hand.

In the lot, the boys were saying their final goodbyes when their father finally showed up. John had agreed to go back with Missouri for a few days. She had more room to spare and it would give the three of them time to talk and see where their next mission would be. He said he would follow in his car. Dean agreed to come out in two days so they could hit the road, as a family.

Johnny went to Sam and started to cry. "Sam, I'm sorry about everything." Sam stopped him and knelt down beside him. He gave him a hug and stroked his hair.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Johnny," he pulled him back from his chest. "You and I will see each other again. That I promise." He winked at him and stood back up. Sam went to Jana and gave her a hug. "Thank you for standing by my side and taking care of my brother. We couldn't have done this without you." He kissed her on the cheek and headed to Missouri's car. They waved goodbye and went their separate ways.


Jana and Dean enjoyed each other's company without the pretense of evil around every corner. Johnny seemed to be settling back into normal life living away from his home. It was unclear what they would do with the Davis home, but it was certain that Johnny would live with Jana. Two days flew by and it was soon time for Dean to leave. They stood outside the impala.

"Jana, you are an incredible woman," he began.

"Don't Dean. I know." She held his hand in hers and kissed him.

He felt safe with her. She knew the secret and accepted it. Why didn't I see it earlier? There was no deception in their understanding of one another. It was unlike anything that Dean had known. "I want to stay and get to know you better." He slid his hand down her arm. "And I'd certainly like to see you try and bench press me, but I can't. Not with everything that has happened."

A tear fell down her cheek as she let out a chuckle. She looked at him. "Believe me I know. I am part of the reason all of this went down. It could have been so different, so tragic," he pressed his finger to her mouth.

"None of this is your fault. It was how it was meant to be." He leaned back into the impala. "Sam and I, we have a long road ahead of us. Everything is going to change with his new gifts and our dad. I don't know how I'm going to handle it, but he's my brother and I have to protect him. I don't know what is going to happen," he stroked her hair, "and it's not fair for me to ask you to wait."

She nodded. "Just know that when you are around, you always are welcome here." She inclined towards him for one last kiss. Johnny came flying out the door towards them.

"Dean! You can't leave without saying goodbye." He ran into Dean's arms, gently, and gave him a hug.

"I wouldn't dream of it," he said with a wink to Johnny and he burst out laughing at the joke. He rustled his hair and made his way into the driver's seat. He started his baby and let her purr. Dean craned his neck out the window. "See you around."

Jana waved and Johnny jumped up and down. The impala hit the road and he watched them in the rearview mirror. He turned toward the highway and left the city limits of Peculiar with AC/DC blaring in the background.

An hour later, Dean arrived in Lawrence to find Sam and Missouri standing in the front yard. He knew something was wrong. Missouri held their father's journal in her hands. He put the car in park and got of out the car with his still limited mobility. "What is it?" Dean walked to Sam. He couldn't read his facial expression. Sam handed Dean a letter.

Dean and Sam

Don't be angry, and don't be surprised. In your heart of hearts, you knew I wouldn't stay. I can't. It's not my destiny, it's yours. Although I want to believe this is over, there is a part of me that knows it's not. I need to make sure. I promise I won't be completely out of touch, but I will not be in contact unless I need to be.

I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I have learned more about you in the last several days than all the time I spent with you growing up. I am so proud of both of you.

To my warrior: Do not doubt your strengths and embrace your weaknesses. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine.

To my philosopher: Continue your journey of the mind beyond this life. It will all come together at a crossroads.

To my children: I love you more than you can imagine. I wish you health and happiness on the path to your destiny.


"You are fucking kidding me, right? He just upped and left again," screamed Dean. Anger brewed in his gut. Not again! He threw the letter to the ground and started walking down the street.

"Dean," called Sam after him. He glanced back at Missouri who nudged him to go after him. "Dean." He caught up to him and stopped him, already out of breath. "You honestly thought he was going to stay?"

Dean had a look of betrayal on his face. He was breathing heavily as well, not sure which emotion to latch on to at the moment. "I didn't get to say goodbye. He left again," he said, choosing anger. "You spent the last two days with him and I got nothing – again." He looked at the sky trying to grasp what just happened, how it happened when he was right there.

"Dean. He never came back here," Sam said grabbing his shoulders. He could feel his brother's pain oozing from his pours. "He slipped the note under the door the day we came back from the hospital. I never saw him either. It's just been Missouri and me."

Dean tightened his jaw and dug his gaze into Sam. "You serious?" Sam nodded his head and turned to walk back toward Missouri. Dean followed. "Why didn't you call me to tell me," he questioned. "I would have come back earlier."

"And done what? Started the trail?" Sam looked to Dean with a comprehension he didn't have before. "This is what he wants for himself and this is what he wants for us. What we choose to do from here is up to us." He paused and smiled at his brother. "Besides, you needed to make up your own mind with Jana. I didn't want to put a cramp in your style," he said hitting him on the arm. Dean pushed him away in a playful manner.

They started to walk back down the street. Dean looked at his brother and put his arm around his shoulder. How the hell am I going to deal with these abilities? He smiled and pulled him in closer. "I made my choice, what about you?"

Sam smiled in reply. It was going to be an interesting ride over the next few weeks. He decided it was best not to get into what he could do with Dean because it would scare the hell out of him. Sam went with the light route. "Can we update your tape collection with something from say, the 80's?"

"No way in hell!"

"Then I'm out," said Sam with a grin.

Dean grabbed his brother and gave him a noogie. "Oh, I guess this doesn't really work for you does it," he said releasing his brother's head. "You have to actually have hair." Sam mocked punched Dean in the gut. They stopped and looked at each other. "Partners?"


Suddenly Dean's phone rang.

There you have it! What did you think? I would love to hear from those of you that have just been reading. I know you're out there... :D I really appreciate all the kind words and support over the last few weeks. You guys rock.

So, did the Jana/Dean thing work or were you mad? I tried to make it light, and not overwhelming. I wanted a reverse flirtation with an oblivious Dean. What about Sam? Too much? There wasn't really a doubt in my mind that dad would leave again, but I wanted to give Dean his due for all the crap he has put up with. And what about dad having powers... I'm anxious to hear what your thoughts are. PLEASE let me know. I"m debating about another (short) fic (really, I swear!) that takes place after Bloody Mary. It won't be for a bit yet because now I'm swamped.

Thanks again for everything! You make this fun! Keep writing yourselves! I'm enjoying your stuff too!

