"Um ... Cath? I've been meaning to talk to you..." Gil said slowly and turning around to face Catherine. She tensed up and looked down.
"Me too, Gil. But ... you can go first if you want to, sense you brought it up."
"Alright. Fair enough." He walked closer to Catherine and looked into her eyes. He was going to tell her once and for all. He hoped things wouldn't change between them and he really hoped she would feel the same way.
"Today ... at the lab ... Greg ran a DNA test on Lindsey just for fun ..." Catherine's eyes turned wide and her arms fell to her side.
"The results say I'm her real father." Gil said slowly. Tears ran down her face and Gil stepped him. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth. She rested her head on his shoulder and sobbed.
"How ... did this happen?" Catherine said into his shoulder.
"I guess it was that time we had a little too much to drink. Exactly 11 years ago." Gil said smoothing her hair. She laughed through her tears and shook her head.
"I guess that's why she acts like you more than anything else. That's why whenever I look at her, I see you. I can't believe this." Catherine said breaking away and leaning on the counter again. Lindsey, Diane, and Mariah were all sitting on the floor by now. Lindsey was in Mariah's arms and crying. Diane was looking down at the carpet and playing with it.
"Well ... you don't seem too ... happy about it." Gil slowly. Catherine felt bad and smiled.
"Look at me and tell me I'm not happy, Gil."
"Your ... your happy." Gil said smiling. Catherine started crying again, but this time ... they were happy tears.
"I am happy, Gil. You've always been a father to her and now you CAN be a father to her. You're all she ever talks about to her friends and teachers. She always beggs me to call you and ask you to help cook dinner. Gil ... she loves you more than anything." Catherine said walking back into his embrace.
"I know. I've already told her."
"You did! What did she say ... did she freak out? Did she cry ... I mean ... she's always thought of ..." Catherine was silenced by Gil's kiss. She was a little nervous at first, but then relaxed into it. Lindsey, Diane, and Mariah were all surprised by the sudden silence. They got up from the floor and peeked into the kitchen. Lindsey and Diane smiled while Mariah giggled. Lindsey and Diane gave each other a high five, and Mariah slapped both of them in the head. Their first kiss was soft and sweet. Catherine broke away and looked up in his eyes.
"I love you, Cath." Lindsey felt her whole life change once she heard those words. Catherine smiled as he wipped the tears off of her face.
"I love you too. More than anything." Catherine said softly before going back to kissing him. Diane and Lindsey lost their balance and fell flat on their face infront of Gil and Catherine. Gil and Catherine quickly turned their heads, but stayed in each other arms. Catherine smirked and turned around in his arms to where she was facing Lindsey and Diane who were laying on the floor. Mariah tried to sneak away put Lindsey lifted her leg, and tripped Mariah.
"OW!" Mariah screamed. She fell on the floor and hit her head on the coffee table.
"Hehe. Hi Mom and Dad." Lindsey said smiling and resting her head on her hands. Catherine took a hold of Gil's hands, and walked into her bedroom, leaving all 3 girls on the floor. Speechless.
"Goodnight!" Catherine said giggling and running to her room with Gil right behind her.
"What just happened?" Mariah said putting her hand on her head and closing her eyes.
"I don' know ... but ... it hurt." Diane said sitting up and then falling over again. Lindsey giggled and stood up. She walked into the kitchen and started eating some ice cream that was out earlier.
"Hmm. What kind is that?" Mariah said taking the bowl away from Lindsey and trying some for herself.
"Chocolate Chip Mint. Mom loves it. So do I." Lindsey said taking a big mouth full and shoving it in her mouth.
"Oh. Eat all the ice cream you little demented pig." Diane said hopping up on the counter and taking the spoon away from Lindsey. Lindsey growled and tightened her grasp on the spoon.
"LET ... GO!" Lindsey said as she tried to down her ice cream that was in her mouth.
"Never!" Diane said loudly. Lindsey let go of the spoon and fell to the floor. The spoon flung the ice cream and hit Diane in the face.
"AHH! I'M BLIND!" Diane said jumping off of the counter and landing on top of Lindsey.
"Diane ... I can't ... BREATHE!"
"Well aren't we just a little selfish this evening! I CAN'T SEE!"
"YOU TWO! SHUT UP!" Mariah said laughing and pouring whip cream on both of their heads.
"Mya!" Lindsey wipped the ice cream off of Diane's face and flung it at her. Hitting Mariah on her chest.
"IT'S A MIRACLE! I CAN SEE AGAIN!" Diane said getting up from the floor.
"Lindsey ... you know what I have to do, right?" Mariah said smirking.
"If you must ... you must." All three girls froze and looked at each other. In a split second, they were all in the cabinets and the fridge. Looking for food to throw at each other. Gil and Catherine were in her bedroom. Laying on the bed and cuddled up with each other. Looking out the window.
"Yeah, Cath?"
"You hear that?"
"Um ... yeah. I do. Sounds like ... screaming."
"Come on." Catherine said sighing and removing his arms from around her stomach. They walked into the kitchen and immediatly fell to the floor.
"Lindsey! You're cleaning this up BY YOURSELF!" Catherine said turning over and laying on her back next to Gil. He looked over and laughed. Catherine had whipped cream all over her face and syrup in her hair. Gil had chocolate on his glasses and all over his face. Lindsey had eggs and flour all over her clothes, and chocolate chips from the ice cream in her hair. Diane had had Lindsey's birthday cake all over her clothes and Dr.Pepper in her hair. Mariah had everything on her clothes and in her hair. She was the messiest.
"Oh god. If only I could reach my camera." Lindsey said sighing.
"Wait. I got an idea. Come here. You too, Diane." Mariah said getting up and leaning on her elbows. She slipped and fell back down to the ground. Lindsey and Diane giggled and made their way to Mariah.
"Okay. Where's your camera?" Mariah said looking around.
"It's ... on the counter. Up ... there." Lindsey said raising her hand and pointing to a little green digtial camera that was next to them.
"Okay. I'm going to crawl up to the counter and then ... we reach up and get the camera." Mariah said grabbing both girl's hands. Gil and Catherine had no idea what was going on. They were trying themselves to get off the floor. But decided to stop. All three girls locked arms and made their way to the counter. They stretched up and was able to stand up. They held on to the counter, but Diane slipped and fell again.
"HOLY MOTHER OF RICE! THIS KITCHEN IS POSESSED!" Diane said kicking and screaming like a little kid. Lindsey and Mariah finally reached the camera and smirked. Lindsey turned around and took a picture of Diane laying on the floor like a dead fish. She turned to Catherine and Gil and giggled. Catherine was laying on top of Gil and they were ... what Lindsey and Mariah would say, having fun. She smiled and took the picture. She turned around again and got a picture of Mariah when she wasn't expecting it.
The next day ... Catherine and Gil walked into the lab. Hand in hand. Everyone was in the breakroom. Laughing histarically, except Sara. She wasn't there for some odd reason.
"What's up guys?" Catherine said smiling.
"THIS IS!" Greg said shoving the pictures into her face. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the pictures. Gil walked up behind her and snatched the pictures out of her hand.
"Where did you guys get these!" Gil said looking at them. One by one. Everyone looked at Greg and then looked back at Gil.
"Hey! Lindsey sent them to me! Don't get made! She forced me to print them. She said it was either that or no more Mariah!" Greg said pouting. Catherine rolled her eyes and walked out with the pictures in her hand. Gil followed.
"Hey! Gemme those back you little love bunnies!" Greg said chasing them out of the breakroom.
A year later ... Gil and Catherine were sitting at home with Lindsey. Mariah had bought a house next to Catherine's so she could be with Lindsey and Diane more. Lindsey and Diane were in the computer room. Talking on AIM with their friends. Gil and Catherine were snuggled up on the couch, watching "The Skeleton Key." Catherine would tighten her grip on Gil when a scary part came on. He would smirk and just wrap his arms around her to keep her calm. She held up her hand and looked at her beautiful wedding ring. She was now happily married and they were now a family. Once the movie was over ... Catherine swung her legs around and tried to stand up. Gil's arms were still around her stomach, and he wouldn't move them for anything.
"Um ... Gil? Can I have my stomach back. I'm hungry."
"You COULD get it back ... but you're not." Gil said smirking. Catherine smiled weakly and leaned in. Her lips were parted and just as Gil was going to kiss her, he lifted her arms. She giggled and ran to the kitchen. Gil chased her in and she stopped. She grabbed a handful of food and stared at him.
"Cath ... no. NOT AGAIN!" Gil said loudly. Lindsey and Diane ran into the kitchen and their eyes turned wide. They backed away and ran for Lindsey's room. Catherine giggled and put the food down. He came up behind her and rocked her back and forth.
"WHY have you been eating so much lately?"
"Well ... let's just say Greg get's to run another DNA test in about 9 months." Catherine said smirking. Gil smiled and swung her around. They were now a happy and GROWING family. ;-)
FINISHED! WHOOO! XD lol. It might not be the best story in the world, but I thought it was pretty cute. Anyways ... some of the stuff in the story like the food fights ... it's actually happened to me before. ROFL. The character Diane, that I used, she reminds me of myself. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I'm that slow and retarded. (: How you like my story's ending!