A/N: This chapter switches to Inferno's point of view. I'll probably continue the PoV shifts between chapters to get the whole story out. I hadn't intended to continue this one, but I guess I got convinced otherwise.

Walking. You never think about it. From the time you get placed into a frame, instinct takes over. Processors and relays just snap to attention, everything comes together and you walk. Some species, organics mostly, have trouble walking. But never Cybertronians. We just walk, without any problems.

As I fell to one knee, I tried to remember that.

Problem was, my spark knew my old frame. Every nuance, every little quirk, they became part of me. Now, they were gone. My old frame rested in a scrap yard somewhere, damaged beyond all hope of repair. And now, I stood in this new thing. Boxy. Bulky. Unfamiliar. Ugly.

Primus, I hated it.

I never wanted Redline... no, Red Alert... to see the discomfort I felt when I visited him. I never understood the burden he placed on himself. Did he really think his injury made a difference? The Decepticon attack wasn't a battle, it was a massacre. I got cut down before I even realized what happened. Pyre charged forward, and I never saw him again. The Autobots who found us never found his body. Megatron vaporized it, they said.

Me and Red. The only survivors. Yet I wondered if we really survived. No matter what became of us, Redline and Blaze died at Omicron VII. In their place was a mech that looked nothing like his old self, and a mech that acted nothing like his old self.

I fell again, this time one hand jutting out in time to prevent me from falling flat on my face. Embarrassing.

"Inferno? Are you sure you don't need a hand?"

"I'm fine," I replied, adding as much of an edge to my voice as I could. I didn't need any help, especially not from Ratchet's hand-picked nursemaid. The femme stood a few feet in front of me, arms folded across her chest, optics narrowed.

"You're a lousy liar," Firestar said.

"When I need yer help, I'll ask fer it."

"No you won't," she said, huffing a bit as she took a few steps back. "Ratchet's stuck me with hard cases like you before. I'll bet you even played the tough guy act when they found you."

"Fer yer information," I said, irritation at her condescending tone giving me strength, "I know my limits. And I know that I ain't ever gonna be a help to anyone else if I can't walk more'n a few steps without cryin' out to some naggy femme."

"Your gratitude is overwhelming."

"And yer faith in me is inspirin'," I shot back.

"You know, once you master this new frame, if Prowl can focus that excess anger of yours toward the Decepticons, you might be an asset to this army after all."

"Feh, what would ya know about it?"

Firestar came closer, and patted me on the shoulder. "Let me ask you something, flames. Do you really think I'm here because I like the medical facilities?"

My optics shuttered as I thought about the question. "I figured ya were an assistant to Ratchet."

"Not by choice," she said, her voice lowering slightly.

"Then what do ya--"

She smacked my arm, hard enough to feel it. "You wouldn't care about the concerns of a naggy femme, I'm sure. Maybe if you mind your manners in the future, I'll tell you."


Wheeljack. I sat across the table from Wheeljack.

"This seat taken?" he asked, a larger, red and silver mech trailing behind him, both carrying mugs of high grade energon. I managed to shake my head, somehow, though nothing came out of my vocalizer. He cocked his head to one side as he studied me, then his headfins flashed as he let out an amused chuckle.

"Inferno. You must be Inferno."

"Ya heard of me...?"

He laughed again. "Primus, a day don't go by when Ratchet doesn't hear complaints from that cute little femme he paired ya with."

"Ya mean that annoying one that always--"

"Careful," the other mech said. "Yer not about to say somethin' bad about one of Chromia's best friends, are ya?"

He looked older, and not nearly as tall as me. Still, I got a sense making him angry would be a bad idea.

"No, sir."

"Don't be so formal," he said with a smile. "We're off duty. Name's Ironhide."

"Inferno." I shook his hand.

"And my drinkin' buddy here is Wheeljack... though I imagine he thinks his fame from the old racin' days means everyone should know."

I did, of course, but didn't say a word.

"Yer one of the two that survived Omicron, ain't ya?"

"Yes si... yes. Me and Red Alert."

"Heh, prime example of how war changes people," Wheeljack said. "I actually met that kid once, him and a few of his pals. Wanted to be a racer one day, and slag if that kid didn't have the stuff for it. Now... slag, it's tough to get two words outta the guy if they aren't related to base security."

"He's a good mech," I said, uncomfortable with the conversation.

"No kiddin'!" Wheeljack chuckled. "One week on base, and he's rewired the entire base security system. Kid found holes I never woulda even thought to look for. Plus he's adding all kinds of sensors to his systems. Crazy stuff. But he stays that high strung forever..."

"Aw c'mon, 'Jack, leave the shop talk outta this." Ironhide said as he finished off his mug of high grade. "I'm gonna get another. Whatta ya want, rookie?"

"Um, mid-grade would be fine."

"C'mon, high grade's on me."

"I try not to drink the heavy stuff," I said. I never tried high grade before, and I had no idea how the new body might accept it.

"Can ya get his high grade and give it to me?"

"Nice try, 'Jack."

"Had to give it a shot."


"I'm through racing."

Slag, good thing you had a choice. Wheeljack told the truth. Red had a future in racing. Damn war hadn't gotten involved, he might have been a contender for the Endurance. Me and Pyre could've joined his pit crew. Slag, maybe Pyre could have raced, too. I knew I'd never have a shot, but just the thrill of trying to beat them... that pushed me to levels I never even dreamed of.

This new form would never race. Important jobs lay ahead for it. Search and rescue was my new designation, and once I got the hang of the new body, I would be able to move into training for that. I could save lives. I'd be like the mechs that saved me and Red. A great destiny, heck of a job.

I wished, as I entered recharge for the night, that was enough to quiet the doubts in my mind.