Yes! I have finally arrived with the after...story of Never Forget! Never fear though, while this may be the end of this particular story, I shall be starting a whole bunch of stories as the Never Forget series...aka, what happened since Sesshomaru took Rin until this chapter of their lives. And maybe if you're lucky I'll write a story of Paradise!
Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha...please don't sue. I really need the money.
The End...?
And so the years passed. Rin died again, and I waited patiently for her to come back and find me again. My search was not futile to my relief. She lived again and once again I took her in, each time, my heart growing to bring her in and I fancy that a million times this heart of mine grew and a million times also, this Sesshomaru's heart froze as well.
This ruthless cycle continued, and each time I loved her just as much as I had when she was with me at the beginning. My love never waned for her, but grew every time I saw her. She was like sand, the way she continued to fall through my fingers. Many times I had loved her and many times I lost her.
We had witnessed the birth of the sun many mornings, and the way it died at night. We had seen wars begin and rage and we had experienced the peace that reigned once it ended. We saw the birth of children and I alone saw their deaths. We saw hatred, we saw peace, we saw jealousy, we experienced sorrow, and together we underwent the journey of time and escaped the clutches of separation. But nothing could ever save her from the grasps of old age and this Sesshomaru always grieved for her.
And through the ages, I grow tired. I simply cannot go through this again, have my Rin returned to me, only to lose her again. This time has been the fiftieth time I have found her, the fiftieth time she left me. This time was different and I believe that we both knew that this cycle was beginning to tear away at the both of us. We could not go through this again, no other had ever suffered as much as we had, it was time to finish. I would not die weakened by grief and frustration, no; it was better for me to disappear as the legend that transcended time.
So this Sesshomaru will disappear forever this time, and this time, end the line of Inuyoukai forever, and perhaps even the Youkai. It is not so shameful as this Sesshomaru may have once thought it to be. If I can be reunited with she for whom I have lived, it is enough. The age of demons and their 'interference' as well as guidance in this world is over. The age of man has reigned for many a year now, and now it is their ultimate test.
And so it came to be that the great Lord Sesshomaru, once the most merciless of demons turned both lenient and powerful disappeared from the world of the living. And as his consciousness and soul disappeared from the earth and was judged, all that remained of him was turned into a statue made of the purest marble.
Sesshomaru passed swiftly, his body hardening into the marble. A moment of pure, unadulterated pain which he bore with a clenched jaw…and then cool bliss. Everything was dark around him and he looked around warily, his eyes narrow. He had passed judgment just a short while earlier and had been deemed worthy to finally be united forever with his Rin.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" He turned swiftly towards the sound of two voices and hid the small smile that graced his face. There before him stood Rin and Jaken, both waiting for him, for once. Rin ran towards him, somehow both a child, and yet woman at once. She opened her closed hands and smiled up at him, that beaming smile. "Is it not beautiful Lord Sesshomaru?" She asked.
Sesshomaru looked, and did not bother to hide his smile now. The beautiful flower in her hand was that from Paradise and he saw the curtains, separating those from purgatory and the heavens waver, gesturing him in.
Easily taking his role once more, Sesshomaru only vaguely realized that both he and Rin were in the garb of the Feudal Era once more. "Come Rin." He said smoothly and began to walk. When he saw Rin stumble, he did naught more than scoop her into his arms and continued towards the veil.
"Ai! Sesshomaru-sama! Wait for me!" Came the phrase from Jaken. Laughing softly, the three passed into the gates, before the light surrounded all of them…and then…That journey was over and a new one began, one where there would be no more need for loss, for pain, and separation.
Ha! Finally together, aren't you peoples happy?