Getting drunk can bring so much more

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T own Inuyasha!



Bring Inuyasha to life

Sango, Miroku and Kagome were flying over the western lands on Kiara, looking for Sesshomaru.

It had been 4 hours since they had last seen Inuyasha, cold and lifeless.

Kiara started to slow down and pant. Sango stroked her and instructed her to land in the clearing up ahead. Where they all proceeded to take a rest.

After a good 20 minutes or so Sesshomaru walked into the clearing that they were resting in. They all turned to look at him as he glared at them.

"What are you humans doing on my land?" he asked in his usual emotionless voice sending chills up there spines.

The first to rise was kagome, she slowly walked towards him and bowed. "Lord Sesshomaru, we request you're help."

"You humans want this Sesshomaru's help? Never. Now get off my lands or I will be forced to kill you." He said with a firm tone in his voice and hel the hilt of his sword.

Kagome slowly arose from her bow."Your brother is dead." She murmered, trying hard to keep her voice strong, she gained a tiny flicker of emotion from Sesshomaru's eyes as she said it.

"Dead? Well its about time that worthless hanyou died. Why exactly would I care?" He asked, releasing the hilt of his sword to clutch his tail instead.

"He's still your brother for Kami sake!" She yelled at him as tears began to gather in her eyes.

"Half brother, and it is truly unfortunate that we share the same father. This Sesshomaru does not want to be in anyway associated with that hanyou." He corrected with his deep un-wavering voice and turned to walk away.

"Well I thought it was you who wanted to kill him."

When he made no move to keep walking she carried on.

"He was killed by a human, and you've tried countless times to kill him, and only succeeded in piercing a hole in his stomach, which has healed completely, but he managed to take your arm."

Sesshomaru once again glared at her and began to walk away.

"WAIT! What if word got out that a mere human succeeded in killing Inuyasha when a full blooded youkai lord couldn't!" She shouted causing him to stop dead in his tracks.

After a minute or two Sesshomaru spoke, "I see. You seem to have a good point. Who killed Inuyasha?"

Kagome shivered at the coldness in his voice. "Kikyo"

"Kikyo? Ah that miko wench that he fell in love with, typical."

Sesshomaru began to walk back towards them. "Love. Such a pitiful emotion." He murmured gaining a frown from Kagome as she watched him.

"Fine this Sesshomaru shall resurrect your lowly hanyou, wench. But only because, this Sesshomaru will be the only one to send him to hell and claim the tetsuiga." He strolled past them all and in the direction they just came from.

Sango blinked. 'Well that was easy, I thought we would have needed to fight at least a little, or maybe more yelling. I guess he doesn't hate his brother as much as everyone thought.' With that she once again mounted the transformed kiara.

Miroku stood there, too stunned to move. "Wow. I never thought he would agree just like that! What's wrong with him?" He turned to Sango to see her already mounted on Kiara. "Well lets go save Inuyasha then." He too mounted kiara followed by asmiling Kagome.

'he doesn't hate his brother as much as he makes out. He's just like Inuyasha use to be. I just hope that little girl can help him, I see she's already starting to melt that ice heart of his.' Kagome thought as the three of them once again took to the air and followed Sesshomaru back to the hut.

Sesshomaru moved too fast for the rest of them to follow so they arrived at the hut to see a still emotionless Sesshomaru waiting outside the village for them.

"Humans are so slow. Hurry up. The faster this Sesshomaru saves your pitiful hanyou, the faster I can kill him." With that said Sesshomaru briskly walked into the village and straight to the hut in which he smelt his deceased brother and tears.

He ignored all the whispers and foolish humans running into there huts for weapons. 'Pitiful humans, like you could take this Sesshomaru on.'

He walked into the hut to notice an old human staring at him, he just ignored her and knelt down next to where his pale brother was lying. He shoved the growling/crying Shippo away gaing an 'oof' and sniffle from him.

The others quickly ran into the hut to see Sesshomaru reaching for the tensuiga which seemed to be pulsing.

'I see, it seems that even you, tensuiga want me to save his life, why?' Sesshomaru wondered as he drew the pulsing sword and hovered it over Inuyasha's body, he concentrated on seeing the hell demons that were about to take him and he slashed across them, gaining several gasps from the room.

The demons disintegrated, but only Sesshomaru saw. Once he heard the steady beating of Inuyasha's heart he stood up and was gone from the hut.

Kagome murmured a thank you that she was sure he heard andlooked over to Inuyasha who suddenly took an intake of breath and shot up, Kagome quickly rushed over to him and gently pushed him back down.

"Ah, what the hell?" Inuyasha moaned.

Everyone squealed, well apart from Miroku who just grinned.

The gang rushedforward and hugged Inuyasha. Kagome hugged him around the neck, burrowing her face in the crook of it.

Shippo jumped on his chest andclung tothe other side of his neck.

Sango petted his ears, and Miroku came up to him and just jumped on him. Causing a dog pile.

"Ah, what are you all doing? Get off me!" He mumbled from the bottom of the dog pile. Or in this case Inuyasha pile, which i suppose is still a dog pile...

But no one listened they all just hugged him tighter.

"Ah... cant. breath.. get off!" He squeaked,

Everyone jumped off him as fast as light and then checked over him to make sure he was alright. Kagome looked into his eyes as the other's searched for any injuries.

"How are you?" Kagome whispered leaning closer to him.

"Um. fine. Why?"

"You mean you don't remember?"

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her. "Remember what? I remember getting shot by Kikyo's arrow, then everything after that is just a blur. Why? What happened?"

"You died." Shippo piped in as he scurried up his chest to look him in the face.

"I died?" Inuyasha mumbled as he tried to remember anything. 'Wow, I never thought Kikyo would actually shoot to kill me. Guess she really doesn't love me.' he looked to kagome to see her smiling at him. 'Kikyo doesn't but kagome does, and that's all that matters.' he smiled back at her.

"Yes, but me Sango and Miroku found Sesshomaru and persuaded him to use the tensuiga to bring you back to life." Kagome explained as she began to stroke his cheek.

"Sesshomaru? No way! Really?" Inuyasha shot up in bed, causing Shippo to go tumbling from his chest, and kagome to move her head out of the way to avoid being head butted.

"Um, yes. So Sesshomaru revived you, were all so grateful, I really thought you were gone for a minute there." She murmured and crawled into his lap where she hugged him around the waist, resting her cheek against his chest. "Please don't leave me again Inuyasha."

"Don't leave us again you big jerk! You had me really worried!" Shippo yelled as tears poured from hiseye's, he leaped at the hanyou's neck and hugged him.

Inuyasha eye's widened at this, but a slight smile tugged at his lips. "Sorry guys."

Everyone's mouths dropped.

After a minute or two and the apology sunk in, smiles were all around. Kaede grinned at him as she stood in the corner watching the rather heart warming scene. 'Its about time he had some proper frineds, friends that worry and cry over him. You deserve it Inuyasha.'

Sango stepped forward and hugged him from the left. Miroku ran forward and hugged him from the left. Kiara came scurrying in and jumped on his head as she began to nuzzle his ears.

Inuyasha sighed. "What are you guys doing, I didn't think you'd miss me this much."

"Well we do, and were giving you a group hug, now shush and enjoy the love." Kagome giggled and squeezed him around the waist.

"Fine, but can I have some ramen after this?" He asked with a grin, showing one of his fangs.

The gang just laughed at him, causing a pout to form.

"HEY!" he yelped as everyone hugged him tighter.

"We missed you!" They chorused.

he he I'm getting good at this updating.

its because of all those lovely reviews!

Thanks you guys for reviewing! Carry it on, if you don't review I don't know that you're reading! XD


SallyWally xxx