Summary: Joey Wheeler gets into a fight, a dog fight… Luckily someone comes to his rescue just in the nick of time… but it's someone that he would NEVER expect! Little bit o' JoeyKaiba, JoeyTristan, YugiTea. All FRIENDSHIPPYNESS! R&R!
DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own nothing…. The closest thing I own to it is a defaced dollar bill with Yami's (the Pharaoh's) hair drawn on George Washington! Don't Ask!
A/N: Hey there everyone! This is a Yu-Gi-Oh fic that I wrote! And it was a while ago, so nothing is really up-to-date with the show, actually it doesn't apply with the show at all! But it does have Yugi calling the Pharaoh- YAMI! So if it's confuzzling to anyone who Yami is…'s not anymore!
2444 words
WARNINGS: Blood, some cursing, not too bad in general--- Rated PG because of a little bit of gore, but not too bad… but there are mentions of blood, but nothing suicidal.…. No spoilers! TristanJoey friendshippy, SetoJoey friendshippy. TeaYugi friendshippy. YugiJoey frindshippy. TeaTristan friendshippy… there can be more if you use your imaginations, but just Friendship is meant to be…. Unless you like more…XD
Thank you everyone! Now on with the story!…
Screamin In The Rain
By: intense innocence
Chapter 1: Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog
The rain fell heavily from the sky. Lightning lit up the darkened streets. Rumbling thunder shook in the distance. Feet pounded quickly on the ground, sloshing through puddles and skidding on slick streets.
The runner glanced down at his wrist, catching a glimpse of his silvery wrist watch. The teen closed his eyes tightly as rain dripped into them from his golden bangs that hung limply over his face. He pulled his blue jean jacket tighter around himself and quickened his pace.
At Yugi's Gameshop
A spiky-haired teen looked out his game-shop window watching as the storm grew fiercer. His light violet eyes sparkled in concern as he watched the empty streets outside. He let out an impatient sigh. "Where is he already?" He asked out loud, and a ghostly figure appeared by his side.
The taller transparency looked down at his shorter partner with crimson purple eyes. "I'm sure he'll be here soon." The tall one's voice rang out reassuringly.
"Yugi!" The young boy turned at the sound of his name, as a bouncy brunette strolled into the room holding a video case in hand.
Yugi grinned at her, "Hey Tea, did you pick a show to watch?" He asked, a curious look overpowered the concern in his wondering eyes.
Tea nodded happily, and then looked out the window. "Is Joey here yet?"
Yugi sighed and shook his head. "Not yet..." He answered.
Tea sighed along with Yugi, "That boy's always late." She complained, rolling her azureeyes.
Yugi nodded glumly, he hated to agree with such a downing statement, but he knew Tea was right. School, Duels, even parties… he didn't have the best timing.
"Well, I'm gonna go help Tristan with the popcorn, okay?... Come on in when he gets here!" Tea called as she skipped back to the other room.
Yugi turned his attention back to the rainy and empty streets outside. "Yami, where do you think he is?" Yugi asked the transparent pharaoh at his side.
Yami stayed silent, and draped his arm around Yugi's shoulders. "I'm sure he's on his way." He finally replied, and followed his young partner's gaze beyond the rain stricken glass.
In the streets of Downtown Domino
"Shoot I am so late… Hope those guys don't start the movie without me!" He said aloud, and rounded a corner sharply, taking every side-street and shortcut that he knew to reach the awaiting game-shop.
"I knew I shoulda' left earlier--" A black blur suddenly shot out in front of him. Making the boy stop in his tracks. The teen's honey-brown eyes narrowed as he caught another pair of eyes glistening back at him. Except these eyes were more mysterious and seemed not human-like at all…
The blonde felt a lump grow in his throat as he witnessed the creature's mouth open and sharp fangs were visible beneath the illuminating light of a street lamp.
Slowly he took a step back, his feet almost moving automatically, but he didn't get too far as he felt a pair of jagged teeth sink deeply into the back of his calf. A yelp of pain escaped his chapped lips, and he forcefully kicked away from the rabid beast, spinning around quickly to meet his opponent before it had another chance to strike.
Paralyzing fear clouded caramel eyes, as he took in the sight before him. Five large dogs stood in a line, barred fangs and menacing eyes, each one locked on the same target. Long, mechanical sounding roars, rising from fur coated throats. Deep black claws poked out between burly paws, and lean legs balanced the Dobermans' muscular bodies, making each dog's appearance more menacing than was intended.
The beasts' low growls were almost deafening to the blond as the sound penetrated his ears. He rapidly twisted back around, prepared to run for his life, but stopped abruptly with wide eyes as the other dog, the sixth dog, was still in front of him, blocking any chance he had for escape. Joey was trapped. Surrounded by ferocious mutts, with no where to run…
Joey closed his eyes needing time to think, but time was obviously not on his side…
"BARK!" Joey heard the cry and stepped swiftly to the side dodging the pouncing dog's attack, just as it soared past his head; drops of drool hung in the air, previously where the boy's throat was just moments before.
Panic rose in the blonde boy, and he had no idea what he would do. Even if he could get away, those stray dogs would be right on his heels-- and as it was, his leg was already in throbbing pain from taking on the attacking dog before.
Joey gulped as undoubted terror shown in his shaded brown eyes, and began backing up slowly. His foot knocked lightly against a bump on the ground. Curiously, honey-colored eyes peered down and saw a broken tree branch lying behind him.
'That could help…' Joey thought, as some of the fear suddenly dissipated from his features. He slowly bent down, the black Doberman in front of him carefully watching his every move. Shakily Joey's tense finger's curled around one end of the stick and he sluggishly began to raise it into the air; merely as a line of defense. Joey held the wooden staff in front of him, letting it act as a shield, and preparing himself for any danger that would come.
The stick was held firmly in Joey's death-grip like grasp, and not a moment too soon, for without a moment's hesitation the leader dog soared toward its defending prey. Joey's eyes widened and he swung the stick in front of him, clipping the dog's side with a forceful blow. Joey winced as he hit his target, and watched as the strong animal fell to the street below with a small whimpering yelp.
The other members of the pack looked on in confusion as they saw they're 'fearless leader' crash to the ground defenseless. They backed up from the human slowly, unsure of what to do. Joey's eyes flickered in amusement as he caught sight of the other dogs backing away slightly. Joey smirked and put on his tough guy face, as he began waving the wooden branch around in front of him, trying to scare the dogs further, and feeling quite proud of himself for having defeated the stray ally dogs.
"'Dat's right you mongrels-- back off… and that'll teach ya' to mess with the one an' only Joey Wheelerrrrr… oww…" Joey started, but cut his victory speech rather short, as an unbearable pain shot up his arm.
Joey immediately cried out in pain and instinctively dropped his weapon. He looked at his arm and saw none other but the leader; the same dog, who he had just batted to the ground, and from the way his teeth were mashing into Joey's arm, it undoubtedly seeked revenge.
At that moment, Joey regretted ever having trespassed on their territory, as the other five dogs drew dreadfully closer…
Joey tried prying his aching arm out of the dog's chomper, but to no avail. Red streams of liquid began pouring down the dog's jaw--and Joey guessed that the blood that was staining the tan fur, didn't belong to the four legged beast that was currently gripping him. His sleeve was also soaked in the offending red color.
Joey gulped and clenched his eyes shut, his stomach felt considerably nauseous; growls from his left and snarls from his right sent Joey unconsciously moving backwards. A chill went up his spine as he knocked against a brick wall behind him. A lump formed in his throat, and his eyes stung with petrified tears.
"…Please. Let go…" Joey pleaded helplessly. This only made the Doberman pinch down harder. Joey opened his mouth to cry out for help, but nothing came out except a pained squeak. Joey cracked an eye open and shrunk back as much as he could from the advancing canines. Then gasped, paralyzed in dreaded fear as the mutts leaped simultaneously; lunging at the helpless boy… ready to strike.
In A Fancy Limo
A black car rode silently down the rain soaked streets. A soft tapping rang out through the interior of the polished limousine, and skillful fingers slid over a laptop's flat keyboard, typing with a smooth, rhythmic pattern… Slowly the keyboard clicking died down and silence reigned once more.
A steely-eyed brunette rolled down a dimmed window halfway; letting the rain come inside, sprinkling lightly upon his tender cheek, and enjoying the view. He mused at how simple and beautiful the rain made the outside world. The dropping rain water calmed the stressed CEO and helped him focus.
Sluggishly, the car drove past the darkened buildings of Downtown Domino. The empty streets and sidewalks, due to the bad weather gave off an eerie feeling. Kaiba watched out the window, almost mesmerized as they passed alley-way after alley-way.
The brunette's head suddenly shot up as a swift movement caught his eye, from one of the shadowy alleys. A strange feeling in the pit of his stomach told him to stop, and take a better look. Kaiba sighed mentally, willing the feeling to go away. However, it only grew stronger. Sighing, Kaiba rolled the window up tightly and ordered the driver to stop.
The driver obeyed orders and pulled the car over to the side of the road, causing a puddle to splash up over the sidewalk from the gutter, which would have soaked anyone from head to toe, of anyone would have been standing there; of course no one was. Kaiba exited the parked vehicle, entering out into the heavy downpour, and walked the short distance toward the dimmed alley-way.
Hard sapphire eyes peered into the small side-street, widening at what they saw. Four out of six, tough looking street dogs were flying towards the side of a brick building, and a boy seemed to be right in the middle of it.
The sound of a pained scream muffled in Kaiba's ears, and ripping cloth could be heard as one of the dog's sharp teeth ripped part of the boy's shirt, and another bit fiercely into his open flesh. A scared look passed through Kaiba's eyes and he knew he had to help this unfortunate stranger; no matter what.
Kaiba looked around for any sort of weapon that would help him stop the mad mutts. To his left he spotted a trash can, and empty soda containers next to it, he quickly grabbed one of the empty bottles and held it firmly in his hand.
Alley of Downtown Domino
Joey whimpered as the dog's teeth sunk deeper into his already pained arm, and he felt blood running down the side of his face, where one of the beasts had clipped his head. He didn't know what else he could do, he was out of options, even calling for help would do no good now… no one was around, and it might succeed in making the dogs even angrier.
'How could I have gotten into -- this big'a mess?' Joey asked himself mentally. "At least things… can't get any worse." He said again, this time out-loud, but wished that he hadn't when he realized that things could get much worse, and it started when the leader of the pack stood directly in front of him, only a few feet away, staring at him with glowing eyes. Its fangs bared menacingly, and a low growl protruding from its throat, making every hair on the dog bristle from head to tail.
Joey stared back for a split second and gulped, the image in front of him reminded him of something he'd seen in a horror film; one of those with werewolves and vampires under the full moon. It almost made him want to crawl under the blankets and hide from the scary, haunting images on the TV screen… but this wasn't TV… and the werewolf in front of him was real, well maybe not a werewolf or even a wolf--but a very mean, and very nasty, and very real beast.
Joey didn't mind dogs much, they weren't his favorite animals in the world, mainly, because he was sick of everyone calling him one, and using dog jokes against him. It was irritating, but he didn't hate the creatures… At least not till now! A new fear and disliking rose in him and he wanted to just get away from these monsters… and fast!
Without warning the leader drew back a little, hunching on its hind feet, preparing to strike. 'I didn't even know dogs could pounce…' Joey thought to himself as he noticed the dog's 'cat-like' stature. Apparently he was wrong as the dog suddenly lunged forward, barreling at him as if it were shot out of a cannon.
Joey saw pointed fangs heading strait for his throat, he clenched his eyes shut tight as petrified tears invaded his vision and he waited, for the dog to strike, and the end to come…
N/A: End of Chapter one! Okay guys time to review… tell me what you thought! If I should changed anything or not, criticize me! Any advice would help! And this story is NOT over… more to come… I'm starting to type the next chapter already, and it should be up VERY soon! Thank you all!
I'd Appreciate it! You guys are soooo great!
Luv ya all! Intense Innocence