The miko looked around for she heard a noise in the bushes, but found that it was only a frog. Ever since the death of Naraku, there was really no point in living, for her beloved Inuyasha was already mated to Kagome. The thought of them together pained her. She was wandering the Earth unknown to what her purpose was now. What was there for her to do now?
Kikyo was resting on the trunk of a tree thinking about her life when a long silver-haired man had spotted her.
Thats Inuyasha's wench... but...for some reason, she doesnt seem to look the same as she used to when she was with Inuyasha. Oh. Yes. I see it now. Since my younger brother is now mated to that girl, Kagome, and Naraku is dead, what is this woman's purpose in life now? What...what is MY purpose now...?
"Sesshomaru-sama?" A little girl had said. He looked down to see Rin pointing to the miko resting upon a tree. "who is that?" she asked him. But he hadnt answered her. Instead he went back to looking at the miko. Since Rin did not get an answer from Sesshomaru, she had run out of the bushes and ran right in front of Kikyo, and Sesshomaru was really irritated.
Kikyo had heard little footsteps and awakened from her daydreaming to see a cute little black haired girl standing right in front of her. "Hello beautiful priestess! My name is Rin-chan! what is yours?" She said. Kikyo gave her a warm smile that made Sesshomaru flinch. "Hello there Rin-chAn. My name is Kikyo." Rin smiled and said, "Your very beautiful!" Kikyo giggled and asked her, "Where are you from? And why are you in such a dangerous place all alone?" She asked.
"Rin-chan isnt alone!" she yelled out happily. Kikyo looked around but saw nobody. "You arent..?" Rin nodded and giggled. "Im here with m'lord Sesshomaru-sama!" Kikyo's eyes widened, in shock. "Sesshomaru?" Rin nodded and pointed to the tree he was leaning against. "C'mere Kikyo! i want you to meet him!" Rin got a hold of Kikyo hand and guided her to the tree where Sesshomaru had stood and listened.
Kikyo stared at the handsome silver long haired youkai for quite some time. "Your...Inuyasha's older brother...are you not?" Sesshomaru snorted. "Dont mention that name to me." He commanded. Kikyo smiled and nodded. She turned away and just stared into space.
So...this is the woman that my younger brother fell stupidly in love with. I dont see anything all that good about her...but if that what i really feel...then...why is this feeling in my heart urging me to touch her, embrace her? I dont see what is happening, but its really annoying.
Rin was just watching the two look away from eachother and noticed a small smile on Sesshomaru's face, which quickly turn to a frown once he saw that Rin was looking. Her eyes widened at a thought. 'Maybe...Sesshomaru-sama likes Kikyo-sama? ' She then smiled and jumped up and down. Sesshomaru and Kikyo watched Rin wondering why she was so happy.
"Rin. Lets go." Sesshomaru stated before he could feel anything else. "But what about Kikyo-sama!" She yelled out. The enthusiasm from Rin was very amusing to Kikyo. "I want her to come with us! wait...Sesshomaru-sama? Now, since the bad guy is gone, what are we doing?" She asked him. Kikyo was thinking the same thing. Sesshomaru looked away.
"Kikyo-sama?" Rin asked. The miko looked down. "Do you want to come with us? We havent anything to do, and im sure that lord sesshomaru wouldnt mind having you with us!" Kikyo looked up at the brother of her old beloved. He just looked at her a starnge way and walked on. "Please come with us Kikyo-sama?" Rin looked as sad as she can be. Kikyo giggled and nodded. "Yes, Rin-chan..."
The three were wandering around for a long time when Rin suddenly stopped and mentioned, "Sesshomaru-sama? Where are we going? I'm tired...can we please rest for a bit?" Sesshomaru looked behind him to see two human females all tired up. He nodded and Rin jumped happily up and down. They started to set up a fire.
It was about midnight and Kikyo couldnt fall asleep. However, the cute little girl was snugged up onto Kikyo. She got up carefully so that she wouldnt wake up the sleeping little girl and looked around. 'Where is Sesshomaru?' She wondered. The miko wandered off a bit and spotted a waterfall not that far away. It looked very beautiful from afar. She decided to go check it out. When she got there she saw Sesshomaru leaning against the tree watching the waterfall.
Kikyo decided to walk over to him. He hadnt noticed she was there until he felt something touch his shoulder. He turned to look and found Kikyo smiling at him. Sesshomaru looked at her wondering what she was doing. "Why are you up?" he said. She just sat down next to him and looked up at the waterfall. Sesshomaru looked over at Kikyo and saw that her beautiful long hair was blowing in the midnight wind. Sesshomaru was amazed at her beauty.
Kikyo then looked over to him and found him watching her. "Anything wrong?" She asked him. He quickly turned the other way and watched the water from the lake glisten in the moonlight. "Why are you not with my brother." Sesshomaru asked her making it sound like a statement. Kikyo looked up at the moon. "Inuyasha...is truly in love with Kagome..I cant force him to love someone he doesnt want to love..." She looked at Sesshomaru with such sad eyes that glistened in the moonlight.
"What about you, Sesshomaru?" She asked him. "Why are you carrying a human girl with you?" He looked away, avoiding her gaze. Kikyo looked away when he didnt respond her. The two just sat there the whole night watching the moonlight and finding little conversations, when they suddenly hear a little girls scream. The two jumped up and ran over to where Rin was, but when they got there, Rin was nowhere to be found...