Smashed Prolouge

These are not my characters! Do you think I am nearly talented wnough to make these characters?! Or the Slayers! Lol, besides, you can't sue a poor person!

By: Ai-Chan (

Lina danced until her feet hurt. She sang until she had no more but a whisper of a voice. And it was all for the party. It was absolutly great! I mean, finally, Zel and Amelia were getting married!It was the engagement party. She had hinted many times in the past months for the Princess, and she guessed he finally understood. Not that that mattered at the moment...

"She's really smashed, isn't she Mr.Gourry?" Asked Amelia, placing a hand worriedly upon the side of her face.

"Oi.. Lina.. Maybe you should slow it down.." Gourry said, quite embarressted.

"Your jest no funn ist all.." Lina said, very drunkly. She then leaned/fell upon his shoulder. After all, he was sitting down. "Have a sip.. ist gooooooddd... *hiccup*"

"Umm.. Lina.." Gourry began again, worry raising with every word. Thats when he found the intoxicating liquid being poured down his throat..

"Ist good.. isnttt..isn't it?" She asked, getting worse and worse by the minute. The poor little sorceress apparently didn't hold her alchol very well... Excpecially for the amount... An uncountable number.

Several drinks later, Gourry seemed pretty much as out of it as Lina. They danced and sang and made a fools of themselves. It really didn't matter though, seeing that drunk people noramlly could care less..

Amelia and Zelgadiss seemed to ignore the two that night. Who wouldn't? And for some odd reason, Lina and Gourry had found themselves later that evening on the trails again... Thanks to the new Prince os Sariunne, Zelgadiss.

Okay, so the two had left. Not that they noticed at all.. Lina giggled like everything was funny, while Gourry had an extremely serious face. Not looking quite as drunk as his friend...

It was becoming late out, and even the two drunks knew when it was time for a nap. They got themselves an inn, thanks to Gourry. Although, since they were out of their minds at the moment...

The next morning came rather quickly. Lina opened her eyes, finding the light much brighter then she ever remebered it being.. And a headache that felt like it would make her head explode.. Yes, Lina Inverse, sorcery genius was experiencing a hangover.

Gourry turned over, rubbing his forehead lightly. "My head is killing me.." He complained, he too slowly opening his eyes.

Thats when she turned her head, and opened her eyes. The looks on their faces of pure shock.. What had-

Gourry lifted the sheets for an inspection, when Lina quickly tugged them away, pulling away his own covers to cover her tiny body. Indeed she was nude. Although.. Gourry looked a lot nuder at that moment..

Gourry's hands flew down to cover his parts. He blushed, knowing his reaction must not have been quick enough.. "Oi, Lina,... are you okay..?"

"Okay.. stay calm.." Lina said, barely able to stick to her own words. "Do you remeber.. anything, do you think we.."

The blonde coughed nervously. It was true, he wasn't the smartest of the group. But this time, he knew what the little red-head was implying. "I.." He scratched his head, at a loss for words. Then he remembered what that hand was covering and quickly grabed a pillow to cover instead. His hands barely did the job anyways.

Lina couldn't hold her anger any longer. "GIVE BACK MY INNOCENCE!!" She screamed, launging at him, making them both fall to the other side of the bed. Both in their very own birthday suit.

Gourry fell hard on his back. "Your innocence?!" He said, still just as clueless.

"AHHH!!" Lina screamed, not knowing what to do. Then she found herself on top of him, and he saw the same. Opps.

Despite Gourrys insides screaming no, he knew in his heart he just couldn't. Slowly he took the sorceress off his stomach, and wrapped her in the stray sheet. He covered himself just as quickly, and took himself from the ground, sitting on the bed, which now looked as though a tornado hit it. "Lina.." Gourry said a bit calmer. "Do you feel.. funny?"

"Define funny.." Lina said, now in a shaking voice. She hadn't even had her first kiss yet! To think that she-

"Umm.. like.. sore.." He said, beganing to blush.

She shook her head meekly. How would she know what to feel? Her stomach knoted.

Gourry gave a somewhat relived smile. "I doubt anthing happened then." He then replyed, giving a sigh. "Go on, get dressed, your going to catch cold." He turned away to allow her the privicy.

Lina's face flushed. Quickly, with the blanket still drapped around her shivering body, she retrived her clothes. As quick as her shaking hands would allow, she was dressed. Then, without a word she flew out the door.

Gourry heard the door shut, and knew it was time for him to get dressed also. After all, they did have to get ready for the most impotant meal of the day, right?

To be contiued.. Unless I get lazy ^^